These are the 3 great enemies to culture and civilization. How can humanity rid itself of them?

These are the 3 great enemies to culture and civilization. How can humanity rid itself of them?

step one: get rid of pic related


Kill Jews.

slimes and nogs can be grouped into one category senpai

Ummm where is the jew???

replace nigger with jew, nigger is some problem but not major enemy

>How can humanity rid itself of them?

one at a time!

>the greatest enemy to civilization

>not jews

hi juden

4 years of Trump
8 Years of Trey Gowdy

not even kidding its all the jews

whitey needs to get rid of 75% of the human race because they make them uncomfortable

Suppress atheism and you solve all those problems.



woops 90%

>no Judaism
Found the Jew

hmm yes how do we get rid of these three problems literally created by jews? if only there was some common factor.

>solved by suppressing atheism
Nigga what? Also, you can find plenty of Christcucks out there fighting on behalf of niggers since we're all "God's children". There are redpilled Christians out there, but they're a minority

Those three are the symptoms. The disease is Jews.

This pic proves that jews are anti-commies.

Stfu retard. Youre a fuckin bitch if you like any 3 of those.