Why are politicians fighting the smoke industry so hard? Russia has recently banned sales for anyone born past 2016

Why are politicians fighting the smoke industry so hard? Russia has recently banned sales for anyone born past 2016
Isn't it better to just let people smoke at their leisure? They try to push for legalization of way more harmful and degenerate drugs but are also trying to get rid of tobacco which is redpilled

What's up with that?

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How is tabacco redpilled?

>causes cancer
>causes asthma to those around it
>turns your teeth yellow
>stains the room
>huge fucking money sink
>extremely physically addictive

>>causes cancer
>>causes asthma to those around it
it doesn't
>>turns your teeth yellow
only if you're a redneck who doesn't take care of his teeth
>>stains the room
smoke outside you retard
>>huge fucking money sink
>>extremely physically addictive
only if you're a degenerate addict

1.Chase margins by growing Tobacco in polluted soil

2. Act surprised when lab results show your product to contain heavy metals and other industrial waste

3. Kill off customer base

4. Profit?

>doesn't cause cancer

I wanna hear you explain this

everything causes cancer

a tiny observed increase of lung cancer in old people who smoke isn't "lol cigs are cancer sticks xd"

my poppop started smoking at age 8. hes 97 now. no cancer

Russians are completely fucked

does this mean I can stop worrying about getting cancer? nice

Hard to justify not banning anything slightly harming to people when you have a socialized healthcare system.

If people are paying for your inevitable lung cancer from smoking or diabetes from sugar consumption, you can't complain when they try to regulate your behavior.

It's possible that the reptiles are simply repulsed by the smell. They don't like smoke and think they fucking own everything so they make ((laws))

so you can't sell to 1 year olds in russia? what a fuckin travesty

>tobacco doesn't cause cancer
>tobacco causes cancer
Cool, I didn't realize all other 6,999,999,999 people in the world were also your poppop

I actually can't tell if you're shitposting or just being a burger
18 years from now or whatever is the age to buy tobacco in russia those people won't be able to buy cigarettes and shit

>giving your shekels to the tobacco jew

tobacco cancer alarmists are hilarious. you know what will give you lung cancer? a SINGLE particle of radioactive polonium in your lungs. you know what we released into the atmosphere in the past 50 years through a fuckton of nuclear testing? a BILLION of them. now they just go around the stratosphere, until by chance one slips down and you breathe it in, bam dead. lung cancer incidence spiked after nuclear testing. ruh roh, let's blame it on cigs so the goyim don't notice

>ban sales of a product based on born by date
>in 2040 24 year old adults wont be legally allowed to smoke while 25 year olds will be
sounds like a pretty retarded setup

It's a massive an avoidable burden on publicly funded systems. If you want to kill yourself then just jump off a building or something, much cheaper.

>They try to push for legalization of way more harmful and degenerate drugs but are also trying to get rid of tobacco which is redpilled

Who the fuck is they? The same people fighting the tobacco industry? Fuck no. But even dude weed lmao is a lot less destructive than tobacco, simply because weed smokers aren't inhaling like 20 grams of the shit a day. And no, tobacco is not redpilled. Addiction is the fucking opposite of redpilled.

furthermore, not only is there no evidence tobacco causes lung cancer, there is evidence it PREVENTS it, because it causes a thin layer of mucus to form on your lungs, giving you a better chance of coughing up that polonium you just inhaled.

Grandfathering in laws is considered more fair than just phasing them out instantly because it doesn't deprive existing citizens of rights or privileges to which they already took part in or paid taxes for other people to use.

For example, when we finally raise the social security age, it will grandfather in existing people over the age of 65 but less than 70 or wherever we set the bar. Probably will also grandfather in people a few decades out because of how they paid into the system already.

Absolute hogwash, sire.

Are you seriously suggesting that lung cancer is caused by incidental polonium inhalation and not smoking? How can you be so fucking delusional?

thanks for that stunning rebuttal, rabbi

the fact it's in the fertilizer and leeched into the tobacco itself , admitted by the industry itself.
please use an archive site to access the article, no click-shekels for them

>Cool, I didn't realize all other 6,999,999,999 people in the world were also your poppop
its just an anecdote. tobacco does not "cause" cancer. it may slightly increase your liklihood of developing cancer, but so does sunbathing, drinking dirty water, working with chemicals, etc

>muh sick people make premiums go up
The answer is simple: ban health insurance.

>implying tobacco causes cancer

>It's a massive an avoidable burden on publicly funded systems
and the massive taxes on tobacco are a UGE cushion for any costs associated with negative health issues caused by smoking

It's like you're intentionally retarded.

Regardless of the cancer argument, smoking cigarettes weakens your physical fitness. Being physically in shape is a red pill - therefore, they cannot coexist.

Theres no evidence that smoking causes cancer

look it up

Retard alert

you can be in shape and smoke cigarettes

Nicotine is vitamin b3. Black lung is only for coal miners. Smokers' lungs are stolen for transplants disproportionately all the time. Cannabinoids are present in all breastmilk in extremely high quantities regardless of weed smoking status. We grow new lung cells every 3 weeks

>b-but my Talmudvision told me the truth ;-;

Better to die from lung cancer than dementia and alzheimers

LOL this will never get enforced in Russia.

>legalises wife beating
>has no age for smoking or drinking
>drink lots; ban all post-2016's from smoking
>pedo president
>oligarchical tyrannical money launderer
>shit tier economy
>a mafia
>a billion Dollar mansion
Cigarettes prevent dementia. Looks like it didn't work there. Muh faggotries! I hate that beady eyed little manlet fuck

>a SINGLE particle of radioactive polonium
did you not take physics or something?

>the earth is a pear now
Fuck your religion of seance. I mean psy ence. I mean science. I mean nigger bow tie man

B3 is niacin, fucking leaf


How was niacin synthesised? Is oxydisation its only catalyst? Yes. What is niacin called? Nicotinic acid

You think the extra 2 bucks or whatever you spend on a pack of cigs will cover chemo or COPD drugs?

You have car insurance called "man" insurance

taxes are 50% of vice products.
their pensions go collected so yes.

How long does Roger Stone have to live with his polonium poisoning?

Any kind of smoke inhaled will cause cancer. Obviously toxic substances included in tobacco products can make them worse, but burning and inhaling ounces of even regular ass plant matter daily, for years WILL give you respiratory problems and dramatically increase your chance of getting mouth, throat, or lung cancer

Health insurance isn't the problem, it's retard laws which force them to insure people who they KNOW will take out more than they put in. Remove the inability to deny people coverage, and remove all public healthcare spending, and yeah, fuck it, smoke 3 packs a day I don't give a fuck. But until then, you are literally wasting MY money.

i vape which is still virgin territory but sidestepping combustion is just recommended.

Stop driving. Stop burning meat. Stop using pepto bismol. Stop using granite counter tops. Stop using printer toner. Cell phones. Fluoride. Aspartame. Chemtrails. Microwaves. Kleenex boxes. Feet. Spruce Moose. Yesterday. google.ca/amp/s/underdogsbiteupwards.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/nicotine-vs-nicotinic-acid-niacin/amp/?client=safari
Niacin (nicotine/vitamin b3) gives us stronger boners and repairs DNA

It's a conspiracy to make you Fat

It's a contraction.

>you are literally wasting MY money.
Wouldn't your time be better spent fighting the corn and sugar industries?

It is horrible for your kidneys and liver, let alone your lungs and heart, and is shitty around kids. It stinks and stains everything.

It is pretty degenerate to be honest if you are a regular smoker.

Look if you have a weekly cigarette or pipe or cigar in your den, isolated from your kids, okay it is just a vice. But if you are smoking every day, you are trashy. People living decades ago had a pass because they legitimately didn't know about several of the factors that converge to make it degenerate.

>everything causes cancer
>every living thing shits
>so its ok if a hobo shits on my car, a bird does the same thing

>drive huge diesel cars burning dinosaur fossils

>everything in the right dose is harmful
>therefore ignore that anything can be harmful

Here, eat some polonium, everyone dies anyway right?

>this is the logic of Brazilians

I honestly don't know why I expected better from you.

>single polonium particle causes cancer
>cigarettes don't cause cancer


"Research indicates that lead-210 and polonium-210 are present in tobacco smoke as it passes into the lung. The concentration of lead-210 and polonium-210 in tobacco leaf is relatively low, however, this low concentration can accumulate into very high concentrations in the lungs of smokers."

It is a game of numbers however. The majority of which just aren't lucky and a mutation occurs, destroying the body.

Nicotine repairs DNA, ergo it prevents cancer.

Study's have found that if you smoke like 2 packs a day it can increase your chances of AQUIRING cancer 8%. But it does not directly cause cancer.

why are you browisng this site on an iphone u dumb faggot

>my poppop got in a car accident and didn't get injured
>therefore people aren't likely to get injured in car accidents


Honestly, I am ashamed.

false equivalence
>smoking 3 packs a day increases your chances of cancer
>therefore smoking couple cigs a day or one pack a month will give you cancer
american logic

Why are you living? Cry more. Insert tampon. Heteros are shit

I don't understand why the pro-smokers always focus on the lung cancer aspect, when it is shitty for your lungs, cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, and skin.

It makes you stink and is shitty around kids, it makes you look haggard and unhealthy, and in general if done regularly is very degenerate.

>The majority of which just aren't lucky
The majority of cigarette smokers don't get cancer.

None of those things have anywhere near the relative risk factor for injury or disease as smoking. Most of them don't have any negative effect at all


This is the most retarded basic bitch understanding of organic chemistry I have ever seen. Yes, both nicotine and niacin have a pyridine group, that doesn't mean they are PHYSIOLOGICALLY related in any way. That you could could cut the other ring off with a chemical reaction doesn't change what nicotine does in the human body before it's eliminated. (if you want to know exactly how, consult this page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine#Pharmacokinetics)

More importantly, while nicotine is the addictive drug component of tobacco, it is not why smoking causes cancer. Smoking causes cancer because it introduces a metric fuckton of oxidized organics directly to your respiratory tract and lungs, many of which are mutagenic.

There is no need to rebut something asserted without any evidence. You just made an empty assertion and can be dismissed as such.

You dont know wgat the fuck you're talking about, ambulocetus. You dont care about us you just bitch moan and whine. And we dont care about you. Are we supposed to be immortal or something? You fucking Bubble Twinks

Ours have interactive art activities, collect all the different packs and you can make cool and fun pictures!

The sugar and corn industries don't make people eat too much. People have been eating corn for millennia and even refined sugar for centuries. What we need to change is our culture which says it is acceptable for a person to be fat. A good first step would be to cut off medical benefits for all obese people, who are wasting even more tax payer money than the smokers.

I dont care. Life is a casino. Stop drinking coffee. Shredded pop cans are less worse than vitamin b3 eh. Niacin was founded from nicotine. Oxydise nicotine. You get vitamin b3. Aka smoking it. Limpdick vagina

Being addicted to anything but healthy food, water, fresh air, exercise and a good night's sleep is degenerate.

Since most people are borderline retards, telling them what they can and can't do is a good idea since they won't act like respectable humans if you don't force them.

>Cigarettes prevent dementia.

You mean slightly lower the risk of, which is true, likewise with Alzheimers

Most likely due to a slight stimulant effect, something you can get from a cup of coffee rather than something particular about cigarettes.

nicotine is not addictive; nicotine with MAOI reinforcement is.


smoke or don't
i just sold my tobacco stock so i don't care

Nazis started in fag bars and created israel. Do you drive? Stop driving. Are you addicted to breathing? Stop breathing. Are you addicted to Sup Forums? You will NEVER change all men into your vaginas. Nofap? Masturbation is not onanism. It was refusing to give a child to your own spouses of deceased close family. The OT things about spilling seed mean nothing if you have Christ. Sodomy is not homosexuality it is only inhospitable rape. And the former will cause prostate cancer. Stop blowjobs. Stop hetero anal

>american logic

I know logic is hard for you, but not only did I not say that nor imply it, but your statement isn't remotely analogous to what I said.

>causes asthma
There is more evidence it cures asthma.

I quit after smoking regularly cured my asthma and now mostly vape to ease myself from the addiction. I miss smoking but I don't want to line the pockets of obese health department officials anymore.

>we aren't immortal therefore we should be degenerate

leafs are dumb, the post

Okay, check back in when junk food is taxed like cigarettes and has to be labeled warning it will make you fat and fuck up your life.

What the fuck are you even talking about

Nicotine does not become niacin in the body. More importantly, even if it did, you are almost certainly already getting enough niacin, and it wouldn't change what the tobacco did before your body removes it. And you still missed that nicotine is not why smoking causes cancer.

Junk food isn't neurologically addictive.

food is literally no different than drugs

When rats were stopped being given cigarette smoke, THAT is when they got cancer. Asthma apparently is caused from children being born in a "too clean of house". Whatever that means. Or ultrasounds. Who knows. Everything is bad for you. But cigarettes? Weed? I dont buy it. And the weed might help the nicotine by cancelling out any affects of feetilisers and combustion. Nature loves tobacco but it's hard to grow on our own. Ideally I would quit for God. I don't like the masonic symbolism in the ads but maybe they play both sides and we were duped. How are we going to prevent absolutely all damaging effects? I dont worship nicotine. I use it like a vitamin that it is. Or like food

Nicotine. Oxygen. Lungs. Oxydisation. Converts it to niacin. Body uses it. You're retarded
You're a hypocrite. A degenerate. And a piss drinker. Fucking babylon with your pedos and incest and zionism and illegal skank wives and prostitution

Gee, its so healthy that I can barely run like 100 meters now without wheezing and coughing, thanks!

Tobacco redpilled? Oy vey!

Liar. Many carrot munchers dead at 30. Many old bag smokers. I work hard every day. Zero effects. Is it smoking or anything else in the modern world. New lung cells. Every 3 weeks. Completely replaced. Maybe you're just fat with non type O high blood cholesterol

Food doesn't cross the blood brain barrier and directly interface with your neurons.

That's not how the body processes nicotine.

I don't know whose trolling who and who actually believes this nonsense

Junk food is addictive for the same reason nicotine is addictive.

>Nicotine does not become niacin in the body
If you oxidize nicotine by fermenting or burning it, it becomes niacin.


Oh fuck off. The link said it's not a nomenclature problem. How was fucking vitamin b3 discovered? Through nicotine. Your stupid chains you talk about. The link said the difference is also known as "a bucket of piss". OXYDISATION IS THE ONLY FUCKING DIFFERENCE! Do your lungs oxidise things? Excellent explanations. Unlike me. Mother fucker. Take some nicotine. Pump it filled with oxygen. You will end up with vitamin b3. In vitro. In vivo. Same fucking things. You stupid fat zionist liars. Nobody fucking cares. You think you know everything. You say lots. And end up saying NOTHING. Just bald faces obvious lies. You can stop anytime

>Food doesn't cross the blood brain barrier and directly interface with your neurons.
Some of it does.

Smokers should honestly be executed. Worse habit then overeating and being obese.

In all the studies I've seen, if you smoke less than a pack a day there's no statistically significant correlation with cancer.

This post is objectively wrong.

Kill yourself first just for being a high and mighty pagan dyke extremist mother fucker. 57 vaginas in his nose. Muh degeneracy. Who the fuck are you? God?

I unironically thought you were caveposting for a minute there. Up your grammar, leaf.

Dude, you're breathing smoke all day every day

It's going to cause damage to your lungs, increasing your risk of cancer

I don't want it banned, I smoked for 4 years. I'm just saying, you're retarded