Why is drumpf's coat so long?
in case his dick slips out, it hangs to his knee. You know all those blacked threads around here? Ain't got nothing on Trump!
Because it's an overcoat.
Because Trump is an Ol' Slick Cat. The Overcoat is a requirement when the weather is appropriate.
Extra long suit jackets are a fashwave trend
More dramatic. Also to hide his magnum dong.
Are you fucking retarded?
This is actually the worst post on pol ive ever seen desu
That's something people who aren't complete plebs wear sometimes. Nothing you would understand.
He carries a shotgun...
MP5 10mm and 2 grenades.
because it's a...coat?
nice loadout
>this image is saved on your computer
>checks flag
You're supposed to wear an overcoat over your suit when it gets cold. That's proper.
>leftists in charge of knowing how formal wear works
He's dual wielding Gen 4 glock 18's, a samurai sword, and a rolled up newspaper (to swat away filthy liberal flies)
Fat people think the coat hides the fat.
Or makes them look like a gentlemen, as pictured
Longer coats are coming back into style long with oversized silhouettes
Because it makes him look like a fucking boss.
Why is your dick so short?
this is basic city person dress
He tries hard to conceal his 300 liters oil barrel tier waist and fails miserably
No way a man that fat is healthy
Blonald Blumpf is probably overcompensating for something.
to conceal the 3 katanas he has under there.
To hide his massive dick
its made of fag skin leather
faggot. that shit was funny
*teleports behind you*
because it looks badass
What you want him to wear a puffy north face, fucking nigger
keep ur mid-section and thighs warm in the cold nyc winter.
only the best heroes get to wear cape
>why is drumpf's coat so long?