Best country in the world?

Ireland is the best country in the world.
We're the only country that before we go for a night out we listen to Irish songs that pump us up instead of listening to nigger shit music.
There's even songs of of my home town, Bellaghy. How many songs are sung about your hometown user???

Refute this: protip, you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

>UK flag

would Sup Forums have supported the IRA?

do you speak irish?



I'm voluntarily part of the cira

no songs sung of your hometown, no?

Go home potato

No country with 92 IQ can be best.

No asshole, they were/are filthy commies

> liberal
> filled with 5'3 manlets
> whiny babies who throw tantrums

>Knee structure

>I'm voluntarily part of the cira
And you have the neck to tell someone else to an hero? Lel neck yourself you chubby, glorified diesel washer.


>says the ONE fucking country on the planet with more alcohic niggers per thousand people than us.
Kek, your country dug tge deepest hole in the world, having to stop because tge rock was melting faster than you could drill it and you lot STILL didn't find the average Russian IQ.

We're talking about Ireland, leaf. Not everything is about your goldless shithole.

Russia.. lmao.

I thought we were m8s Canada? since you've given safe heaven to a lot of Irish, aisans and sandniggers?

Top place.

But, you would be better if you had actual pride in yourselves.

I worked and lived in Dublin for about 5 years and nobody seemed to have pride in any of your achievements. There was an neurotic need to follow the British/Americans by your media and politicians, and you seemed afraid of your revolutionary past.

At least the cunts I met did in South Dublin.

A really interesting book to read about the modern Irish psyche is Michael Lewis' "Boomberang". It was the best explanation I found.

Kneel before us

The USA is the best country in the world. The European countries are controlled and being brainwashed by Muslims and thus anti-Semitic.

I agree 100%. The politicians are jokes, especially here in Northern Ireland which i'm sure you've hear about.

However, nobody has alluded to my point about Ireland having the only country who actually listens to songs about their past. Why so?

>European countries are controlled and being brainwashed by Muslims

But they r now the wealthiest country per capita in the British islands and they r doing well 4 them, yes, we all know they r a tax haven, but better them than Luxemburg

> nobody has alluded to my point about Ireland having the only country who actually listens to songs about their past.

Bangin' tunes, man.

'nuff said.

I saw that, not sure how it's possible. Like how was it measured in Russia? Did they really really measure the IQs of every Kazahk,Tajik,Caucasian to come up with that number, or just St.Petersburg?

BUT they are the only European's to fluoridate their water.

i personally love that song but if i had to spend the rest of my life listening to one song it would be Spancill Hill. Best Irish song ever imo

Top song.

Ireland is just like Northern England except it has no culture and hasn't really achieved anything

>Supporting literal Marxists

I would rather have potato niggers in my country mowing the lawn and doing all the shit work than actual niggers. I'll give you that.

Im sure Armenians probably listen to traditional Armenian songs


this is a troll? irish people have been celebrating thug behavior in song at least two centuries before black americans started doing it themselves

Can you link some good songs?

Precisely my point, there's not enough people expressing their feels, Instead we get a fucking revolution of sandniggers

Precisely my point, there's not enough people expressing their feels, Instead we get a fucking revolution of sandniggers
It's what they want



much like northern england

>Ireland is the best country in the world
Best at what? Being occupied by the British? Exporting unskilled labour to New York? Surrendering to illiterate Katanganese militiamen?

Green Day wrote a song about my shitty city.

Switzerland ahahahahaahahahhahaaaahahaahahahahahhahahahhahaahhaha liter\ally no culture. kys.

I wanna return home

go get fucked by trannies

>american tier non-argument
Nice try Bongistan. Go back to prepping your bull

No, they're commies.

Sorry, NZ. I promised I would never kneel to a kiwi.

Rekt that leaf

To be fair, the movie was bretty gud

How likely is it that Ireland will go full multiculti like the rest of Western Europe?

thats right because irish are the biggest cucks. speaking english

can i move to ireland
i have marketable skills
also i am of irish ethnicity
ireland pls

Oh man, this guy and his "Ulster-Scot" heritage.

It's cringe-tastic every time.

Tell us more of "your" people. How exactly did you come to live in Leaf-land?

Running away?

we are on the very cusp on Europe so i would like 'ntto hope wee don fall in to the Jewish plans.

Already multi-culti in Dublin at least. Blacks, Asians everywhere.

maybe original sinn fein like michael collins. IRA now and for the past few decades have been Communist trash. Would know because they were running arms to them all during the cold war.

are there really no snakes in ireland
what eats the mice
are there just a lot of cats instead


They have nothing to contribute except mediocre stout beer and subpar potatoes.

My current girlfriend is Afrikanner.

Here are a few tunes that sound like what you're looking for:




Sorry, but your mistaken there, gypsy.

If it weren't for the vikings, they'd have no cities and still live in mud huts. If it weren't for the Anglo, they'd have no culture or law. I just don't see the Irish as anything other than gypsie-tier


not best country.

I think Yorkshire alone has created more great music art and olympic medals than Ireland ever has

stop this slander.

Can't fool me, I read Angela's Ashes.

Im aloud to banter them i have irish heritage that you would sell your mum for m8
