Should I go?
Should I go?
yes, infiltrate and get a list of names for day of the rope
Don't, it's a gas chamber. This is how they got the jews
Yes but only listen. Let the echo chamber go in full swing, and see what they come up with.
Go dressed as a Nazi and tell them you are a socialist.
kek. No one who's politics actually fall left of center refers to themselves as a "leftist"
Hide a camera and post the discussion to youtube
Go in with a MAGA cap
Yes, and show up with this and act confused the whole time.
>Should I go?
You're from Sup Forums.
You might actually be killed.
At least try to securely tape your martydom.
>what the left should do in a Trump era
Sell them crying towels
Go in as a National Bolshevik.
Basically say they're a bunch of filthy degenerates who will be Gulag'd with the bourgeois.
As a serious suggestion, you should go and discreetly record them without confrontation. It would be nice to hear straight-up the garbage they talk about.
This is a good alternative though.
100% Organic Free Trade cotton towels of course.
Step 1. Sign up and attend
Step 2. Record all conversation on a hidden camera
Step 3. Post to youtube and link back here
Step 4.???
Step 5. PROFIT
Is that a nondemoninational 'naming stone'?
you can guarantee they stole those pushpins from the capitalist business cards on the bulletin board
Guys pls, OP just posted a picture of some leftist fag's email. Why aren't we flooding his inbox???
Holy shit,you're right.
Let's fuck with the negro.
Go and report the hilarious stuff that you've heard on Sup Forums
Yes, and give them pic related
Yeah, you might actually learn something.
Wish I still had access to shit like this.
Oh look there it is, proof again the French Revolution and all of Masonic Liberalism is an utter mistake and blight on humanity.
Bring a mic. Get their arguments, deconstruct them and bring rebuttles the next month.
Go there and raise as much fear about Trump as you possibly can, cause them to become as radicalised as possible, they will attack the right causing increased tensions between the right and left and it will speed up the coming of the race war and right wing death squads by about 8 months.
Only for lulz ofc
explain to them that as a muslim feminist, you know Allah is a Lesbian Woman, and they need to know that too or they're as bad as trump.
Yes, but try to convert everyone to national socialism without ever saying the phrase outright. Just speak on behalf of its merits and let the redpill flow subtlety.
take them to the shooting range too
>tfw OP is the catalyst for turning DNC→NSnC
thanks for his email
Also talk about how depressed you are and say one of your trans friends killed themselves, they are already a pathetic bunch so it's easy to get them on an extremely negative trip.