Trump reportedly planning to kill National Endowment for the Arts, privatize PBS and NPR

>Tomorrow marks the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency. If new reports are accurate, it could also mark the beginning of the end of federally funded arts programs.

>According to The Hill (via SPIN), Trump’s transition team has been discussing ways to reduce federal bureaucracy and cut the national budget. As such, many agencies could be on the chopping block, including the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports the likes of PBS, NPR, and other public TV and radio outlets. While Trump’s plan is to privatize the CPB, he’s looking to kill the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities in their entirety.

>Without the NEA and NEH, artists and educators could be left with struggling to find grants for their projects, which include exhibitions, research, productions, and public programs. Conservatives have long targeted the arts agencies, from Ronald Reagan to Newt Gingrich. While they’ve occasionally succeeded in cutting the NEA’s budget, Trump is seeking to completely end it. Perhaps he’s ticked off that Sylvester Stallone turned down his offer to chair the NEA’s board?

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Good. Privatize PBS and NPR. They'll sink or swim.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd thank you!

Fuck Trump. I loves me some Masterpiece Theater and This Old House.


It was founded by Lyndon B Johnson.

Same guy who said they would enslave blacks to the democratic party forever. Good riddance.

They do all those telethons and thank viewers like (You), do they even need public funding?

Fuck NPR. They're a bunch of bleeding hearts.

They'll sink. Good fucking riddance.

Hey, I like PBS. Nova, Nature, Antiques Roadshow, Frontline, etc. are great.


Federal government has no authority to do this anyway good for him.

Now hopefully he'll nominatie Andrew Napolitano to the Supreme Court for maximum butthurt to neocons and leftist

If those shows are good enough to pay the bills, then PBS won't get canceled.

FUCK YES. There is a god in heaven. If Golden Don kills funding to these malevolent organization, I will do anything he wants. Anything.


can't forget that Frontline, mange!

>Country with no history

>National Public Radio
>Public Broadcasting Service

I guess now they'll be just NR and BS.

The 'humanities' are the centre of the SJW cancer killing education. The solution would be forcing all SJW 'professors' out of their jobs and creating a national curriculum for universities.
That unfortunately would not be possible.
Starving the NGO's and pseudocommunist institutions of their cash is the only option going forward.
Exposing the education system to true capitalist competition would mean new courses free of SJW bullshit would thrive.

Go Trump!

>Civil War
>1950s "Americana"
>No History

>Mongol rape babies
>Vassal of Russia until formation of USSR

Awesome. Fuck PBS and NPR and grants.

Have you ever watched Antiques roadshow?
They play both the American and British shows, and the Burger Roadshow is leagues better.

It's everyday people who happen to have some cool antiques and Americana. On the other hand, British Roadshow is literally nothing but rich families showing off their family treasures on the front lawns of their family mansions.

>kids no longer can watch shit like Sesame Street and Arthur
>cereal and nerf commercials during episodes of Wishbone
This is the future Trump voters chose.

gov should not support biased media

He should give them a chance to be fair and balanced and then mercilessly destroy them when they go back on that promise
Just to show that he is better than them

They'll go to shit just like TLC, which was started by NASA

We should make the arts great again like during the Renaissance, not abolish them like some Communist shithole.

there hasn't been decent art since the 1930s. cut it. fucking hippies can go hug a tree or get pozzed or something.

>Taxation is at best forced consumption of services necessary to the public good
>People should be forced to buy media and art

Why? Is the average tax payer too plebeian to have control over what art they consume?

>During Iraq war NPR/PBS Mainstream media had 89% pro-war presenters IIRC, counting presenters that were clearly one way or another on the war
>NEA was found to be asked to be making pro-obama propaganda.
>Government controls media by restricting funding, threatening broadcast licenses, and limiting white house access which is great for ratings.
>Trump dramatically expands white house press gallery, thus reducing government control of media as it empowers media that do not require broadcast licenses, and makes it more costly for the white house to whip the entire press into shape
>Trump kills NPR/PBS funding, further reducing government control of media
>Trump kills NEA funding which has been used for partisan purposes

Wow whatever will we do without the democratic/republican establishments utter stranglehold over public discourse?

The left keeps trying to spin this as a great tragedy when it's a lasting blow to government brainwashing of the public. They are so brainwashed they are angry at Trump getting rid of the brainwashing in lasting ways that will likely exist long after he's out of office.

all nonessential things

no point going into debt for them

Thats what we voted him in to do. No taxpayer money for menstual-blood paintings or liberal propaganda. Let these fuckers see if anybody will pay to support them.

That's because the common man and woman dictates what's on television. More so the common woman considering they're like 80% of the consumer market. T.V. is shit for a reason.

Good. It's government funded propaganda.

>bragging about history

> shitposting political "journalism" from a shitty hipster m"music" website that is in turn shitposting shit they read in "spin" magazine, a slightly more popular hipster "music" website (and formerly a shitty hipster "music" magazine printed on paper and everything...) who in turn are shitposting crap they read in "the hill" a lefty hipster blog about laft wing politics and how superior lefties are to normal people, who are in turn citing anonymous sources, and declaring "its being reported"

yeah, NOW "its being reported" now that you "reported that bullshit.

fuck you OP, your an even bigger faggot than usual.

Well it has no constitutional basis for existing so it's called honoring his oath.

No more mister Rogers, I'm perturbed.

NPR is a hive of smug liberal faggots

why do republicans want to privatize everything?

I hope he doesn't
I still like to watch old british sitcoms on there sometimes

That stupid Drumpf!

He should have done what every republican and democrat would have done and simply abused the NEA, PBS/NPR, and leverage over the media for partisan purposes that advances their agenda!

How DARE he try to reduce government and cooperate control of media? I read all about how terrible this was in cooperate media! Stupid Drumpf!

NPR is the most boring radio station around. Christ it's fucking dull. And of course Portlanders love it so whenever I'm not driving I have to listen to some stuffy white dude tell me about bespoke cattle farming.

Arts are for Fags

Good riddance. NPR is trash

> USA has no history
your constitution was written in 1999, your country is fucking 18 years old.

ours was written in 1789.
suck it faggot.


Fuck these kike artists and swindlers at PBS and NPR, the shit they put out is like war propaganda and the USA is the enemy.

Fuck these nose pricks.

i watched a documentary on Freud on Nova and it was all about how he was a misogynist. Fucking shut all the "public" intellectual programs the fuck down. That or fire the directors and put classicists in charge, even better.

Nova is usually good and sciency. Sorry you saw a bad episode.

Oh no what will we do without our hourly dose of white guilt and some smug jew telling us how bad the USA is??

if you let your kids watch sesame street or arthur, youre a shitty parent.

"arthur" is lefty indoctrination, with ZERO educational value

sesame street used to be good, now it's all pozzed faggots getting gay married and whining about their position on the victimization pyramid.

fuck a duck, i wouldnt let a kid watch that faggotry for a minute.

>"Arts are for Fags"

>posts art

It is foolish to spend money on that shit given our current circumstances.

The only thing that comes from "federally funded arts programs" is propaganda to the nth degree. At least when it's privately funded, I can try to guess the narrative the proprietor is pushing.

>privatize PBS

That would seriously piss me off. NatGeo and Discovery all became garbage commercialised reality nonsense. We need a few public educational channels so we don't become a nation of ignorant idiots


Lrn to internets.

This, I listen to NPR for their classical music, and i remember one day they had a panel of guests who ended on the conclusion that the republican party as a whole was regressive and propped up by racist white males, and we should look up to young african americans for leadership. Keep in mind this was Tucson but it was also pre-primaries.

off to a rough start.

the greatest civilizations thrived in art.

killing expression is killing the soul.

fuck u bitch nigga

muh free market will fix this xD

I'm fine with him shutting down funding for overtly-leftist organizations that somehow get federal funding.


Most artists and art depts are leftist hives, NPR/PBS stopped being even a bit fair over a decade ago!

Goodbye faggots

>don't become a nation of ignorant idiots
We already have been since Bush was president

Why is Sup Forums against Arts & Culture?

If it is because you believe it's "full of liberals", then why is there such a lack of conservatives in these fields? Why are conservatives afraid to get involved in Arts & Culture?

>so we don't become a nation of ignorant idiots
You're a little late for that now

i was like wtf did i just hear on the fucking radio in my car? Wrote them a letter too but they never responded.

>I have to listen to some stuffy white dude tell me about bespoke cattle farming
sounds comfy af

hopefully in his case privatise doesn't mean that he's gonna buy it himself





They seem alright. It's certainly better news than mainstream television, even if it's a bit biased.

>killing expression
No one is killing expression, you just have to finance it another way.

>removing the shitposter of TV networks


Yeah but PBS makes great documentaries. People are much more likely to learn that way. Also I'm talking about a societal effect not a personal one

>NPR is forced to be privatized
>no one listens anymore


Bush became presidents and previously smart people just turned retarded overnight.

>then why is there such a lack of conservatives in these fields?
because it makes shit money, UNLESS you suck govt/university/rich-liberal cocks

The problem with NPR is the buzzfeed tier bull shit like what you're describing. The answer isn't getting rid of the while network

NPR/PBS during the Iraq war outperformed EVERY mainstream media network at having its viewers be better informed of the actual facts of the Iraq war, and had among the most anti-war presenters.

I would be hesitant to get rid of them just on this basis, but based trump is also dramatically expanding the white house press gallery which should give the white house less leverage over the press, so he's really thinking out this issue in a complete way.

Trump is fixing the problems that have existed in the US media for a long time that the democratic and republican establishment never wanted to disrupt. Because the republican establishment know that government controlled media might help the democrats more, but they also helped reinforce the message that your two choices were the democratic vs republican establishment.

Trump is creating a situation in which it's going to be hard for ANYBODY to control the media as much. He's really fixing the media, and after what happened with the Iraq war, and the coverage of the 2016 election, it's obviously a problem that needed to be fixed in a lasting way.

If Trump merely continued allowing these programs to exist and got them to kiss his ring, I would be much less impressed, as that would at best only solve the problem up until he was out of office.

This kind of shit is why I think Trump needed to, for better or for worse, take office. From building a wall, to privatizing this shit, to making a new press gallery, he's changing the government in ways that will blow the establishment the fuck out long after he leaves office.

For stuff like this?

because they're plebs


>The answer isn't getting rid of the while network
he isnt forcing NPR to disband, he is just cutting the umbilical cord.

>No one is killing expression, you just have to finance it another way.



>murrilard education

I am sure pbs is not the sole provider of quality documentaries.
They are not worth taxpayer funding in an age where information is easy and cheap to come by.

Yeah but we'll become president KaMacho tier

Please let this be real!

Good. NPR and PBS are partisan as hell. My tax money should not fund democrat propaganda kek.

Good. Fuck modern "art"

not trying to draw the hitler comparison, but he had a similar idea of over involvement in the arts and it didn't rly pay off for him

Freds been dead for many a year, let him go..





So that's why we are in debt, all that funding for actual news and entertainment

More people live in NJ then Finland.
Fake country.

came here to say this, fuck NPR, used to like them in the past but they became a bunch of libcucks

>Next 8 years spent dismantling all leftist programs nationwide
>entire generation of kids grow up logical and conservative

>"arthur" is lefty indoctrination, with ZERO educational value
Damn you're fucking stupid. Just because it doesn't teach kids the alphabet doesn't mean it's not educational. And lefty indoctrination? What?

God you people have a fucked ideology.

These things probably get like 500 million in funding max. If they want to cut the budget why don't they start with military spending and welfare instead of reasonably successful and popular national programs.

Gosh, all those artists like the Rockettes who decided to be disrespectful about the chance to participate in the presidential inauguration, or the dipshits that made Hamilton and disrespected Mike Pence... might take a hit in their pocket books? Oh, darn. Just, darn.