What happens here?

What happens here?

Fuck off you stupid worthless leaf

The greatest people on Earth, the Finns, come there and get really drunk and watch Estonians sing a lot. Then the Estonians get drunk with the Finns and they beat up the fucking Russians who still occupy Tallinn and Narva.

Nice. I like it.

Vedä vittu päähäs.

Tell me about this girl

Why does she wear the striped sweater?

A lot of dental hygiene for an Estonian

Estonians are a very hygenic peoples.


>tfw when a burger has never heard of laulupidu, nor has he seent an episode of saladused.

It's just a part of Finland that was cucked by the Soviets.

Alcohol happens.

Isn't that just all of Eastern Europe though?

Terve. Mitä uutta?

What WILL happen there?

>still occupy Tallinn and Narva.
It's originally a german cities actually.

Kinda yeah, but mainly finns visit cos of alcohol, cheap and travelling is very easy

Ei yhtään mitään uutta, vain alkoholia.

Eesti needs to BUILD WALL around Narva and fill it with water from the river to drown all you fucking onions.

Are Estonian girls cute? Are they slutty?

Slutty yes, cute kinda

Hookers are scam and steal your stuff, but locals are always up for a hookup.

No, Estonian womens are not for others.

They must remain pure. Eesti grills for Eesti men only.

But why?

Tooth brushing.

Brushing teeth

They are based as fuck. If you don't want them to start a fight by publically and very liberally using the word "nigger" it's best to keep them indoors if they are visiting you.


All fucking onions must fucking drown.


It tastes like 12 months

I don't like/trust Russians. Never have, never will.

The world would be a better places without you.

lots of brushing

Good goy. Divide and conquer.

Alot of aids happens there

You are a baka now