Leaf Hate Script

Hello Sup Forums

There is a parasite leeching on this board. It is sucking the vital life of conservatism that the world starves for so that they can have cheap laughs. Currently, several hundred of them are silently lurking this board, waiting for their opportunity to strike with a blacked.com image or other jewish propaganda.

These parasites only do this in order to distract themselves from the ruins that now stand as their country. Fidel Castro Cuckdeau has ruined their lands, populated their countryside with the mudslims, and cherrypicked weak women into positions of power. In blinding defeat, they seek to ruin the chances of others so that they can feel better about themselves.

These parasites are the leafs, and they must be stopped.

In order to combat these leafs, I have found a way to weaponize shitposts and pepes. You see, the leafs base the quality of their shitposting based on the (((You))) currency. The more (You)s they get, the better they feel to have shitposted. What my weapon does is inflate the (You) market, plummeting its value in order to make it less attractive towards the leaf.

I am happy in taking the responsibility of expelling the leaf upon myself, but I see no reason in preventing others from joining in my cause. Previously, an initial version of my weapon had gone through this board that replied to all leafs in a thread with just a pepe and no message of value. I have built upon this idea, making it grander. Now, the weapon is no longer confined to the limits of the individual thread. With it, one can easily attack the whole board with minimal time loss. This weapon can be found within this pastebin: pastebin.com/fgWhSNX9

The Day of the Rake shall come soon, but we must help in its coming. Join this noble cause, and help rid this sacred sanctuary of memes from the parasitical leaf.

I will bump this thread with images of weaponized pepes to use along with your posts.

God bless.

Other urls found in this thread:





post scripts, hacker

It's in the pastebin in the OP


post them in the thread though, I'm too lazy to check the pastebin

Canada is a land of SJWs and Chinese insectoids. The few level-headed white people who remain here are losing their minds

>being this much of an autistic retard

kek good to know we're that important to you

It's too long


Doing gods own work, user. They brought it on themselves.

This is the last weaponized pepe I own


>that ID
is this leaf the anointed one???

Nah, it's just where he lives



I'm a leaf, now what?


>combat shitposting with shitposting


100 generic pepe replies pls
Ironic (you) posting optional but preferred

Is this a pepe thresd?


Thanks OP I love it.

I don't know why, but it makes me so happy that this meme caught on. I would just giggle every time the original autist would post this pic with >leaf in +40 threads every hour, for half of every day, without fail.

he was the most dedicated leaf hater on here.

so you're that guy that makes me chuckle in every thread.

the memes jack

that's still me

I've had other stuff to do which is why I don't do it as much

oh, that's hilarious. well, i admire your dedication.

Haha no but seriously Hillary won the election by over 3 million votes. Only stupid rural and suburban people voted Drumpf, so she is the rightful president.

Say it with me.... MADAME PRESIDENT

you again.

no offence, but it's called a fucking proxy, when they advertise a website they are from that website.

i've done it a couple of times


You're doing the Lord's work. Stay strong, Leafblower.

and one autist attracts another-

have we ever seen this dynamic before, the dynamic of the ">leaf" american and the "rural and suburban" canadian? is this new?



>770 results found



OP, as a long time lurker I must inform you.

These "Leafs" are honest to God non-whites in Canada. There is one dune coon Sunni ISIS sympathizer, one half breed mongrel, and one black. The others I'm not sure yet.

There is only 1 or 2 identifiable white Canadian posters. One of them is the white version of "WE WAS KANGS" (with a deadbeat French dad that left him), stealing glory from Med civilizations.

Oh and if he's lurking ITT then FUCK you snow nigger :)

does this thing works?

>running a random script instead of just filtering via Sup Forums-x