Is Obama even black?

I don't really get it
Since his coalburning mother is white doesn't that make him only 50% black?
I mean he definitely got the black experience when his father left him with his mother but he is still only something around 50% black

I don't really care that much about race like liberals do so I'd want to duck with them and take away their first "black" president and just call him white instead since he is 50% white

What do zou guys think?

He is a nigger

>What do zou guys think?
Starting tomorrow, I don't have to think anything about him.

The true, American nigger ALWAYS has some white blood. The half breeds are the worst.

one drop rule

Technically he's the first Jewish president as well, his maternal grandparent were both kikes.

He's 50% white, Like 37.5 black 12.5% arab
1/2, 3/8/12.5

His dad was listed as 1/4 Arabic.

So Obama is actually more white than anything

That of course is true but is a half-nigger the same thing?

I think basically all half-blacks identify with blacks mostly because the gap is closer but that doesn't mean they are black

Yeah so why don't we call him white?
Leftist would lose their mind since their concept of race is so retarded

>Is Obama even black?

Do u even have a brain???

Raised by rich whitey but abused affirmative action and white guilt his way into the white house. Guess he really knew how to use his negro card.

It's a CIA meme to cover up the fact that obama is an Arab from Saudi Arabia.

His dad. Arab house saud.

His mom is jewish

The CIA convinced you that obama was light skinned because he had a white mother and a black father.

This is a lie.

He is an Arab, not black. Recruited by the CIA because he was fluent in Arabic and Russian for a little overseas project running a war in Afghanistan in the 80's. The project got extended....

You don't get what I am saying
Since he is at most 50% black and identifys as black doesn't mean anything

He just used his "race" for political gain

One drop rule motherfucker

His father left him when he was young. He is as black as one gets.

The enlightened Black American knows he's only half and at that not even west African of slave descent. As such he isn't even slave blood like the real blacks in our country.

He's only black until the democrats run somebody who has two black parents,then he gets bumped down to bi-racial

Prior to winning the nomination in 2008, a lot of Blacks argued that Obama wasn't really an American Black, becuase his ancestors hadn't experienced American slavery.

His Black father was an African from East Africa (American Blacks are West Africans, different race), and his American part was a White woman aka slave-owner.

Of course once Obama became the nominee that talk died and got swept up in the "first Black President" hoopla.



Sorry didn't know that such a stupid rule existed

Oh well I will still call him white and see how people justify their claim that he is "black"

>Obama's dad 1/4 Arab

Only if water is dry

I came here to post this.

if Obama-mom, her mother was jewish, then Obama-mom is jewish.
Then if SHE is jewish, then Obama is jewish
matriarchal lineage in judeism.
So the first Jewish President was a nigger.
Nice going shlomos.

1 drop rule deutschebag

The first half white president

If libs like someone they are not white
if libs dislike someone they are white (see zimmerman)

If Obama suddenly became conservative, the left would say "well he is half white, he still has white privilege" and all that.

You're right, but he hates white people so he only identifies as nigger.

Isn't his stepmother Jewish, and not his biological mother?

yeah senpai you figured it all out he's mixed he'd be sitting in the middle of the bus wouldn't he?