So it turns out Japanese porn industry is mired in rape scandals and forced sexual exploitations.
Nip bros, what do you propose to combat the situation? Your lovely women are getting exploited.
So it turns out Japanese porn industry is mired in rape scandals and forced sexual exploitations.
Nip bros, what do you propose to combat the situation? Your lovely women are getting exploited.
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is that why they just sit there like a log and cry most of the time?
This makes JAVs even hotter
Why does hitomi tanaka have a 15/10 body but a 3/10 face bros?
Please use
Thats why I just watch Hentai rape videos its not really rape so its okay.
Literally every porn industry everywhere is this way.
Victorians did nothing wrong and porn should be banned.
>mfw my father is a degenerate gambler
>mfw i have to pay the yakuza with pussy juice
Really makes you think desu.
this is why this is so awesome
radiation aka godzilla, just wait 15 years for the new fukushima breed
So is someone going to force Anri back in to doing porn or am I just going to have to kidnap her and make some myself?
Fugggg. Forgot the archive link.
Here ya go:
>be paid to get shat on
>cry for help
lol. Japs are weird.
It looks degenerate desu. No emotions included. Only squeaky noise, like a broken speaker.
b- but i am a degenerate
Sometimes it's not that black and white tho. Some are lured into some "talent hunt" agencies and then forced to do porn.
Ya know, Jap women have the weird aversion to saying 'no' and standing their ground. And they're into 'celebrity' shits.
It's a toxic concoction Germabro.
I forgot I was talking to Sup Forumsacks
I really doubt pornstars are exploited in the west.
>porn should be banned
What about 2D porn?
Japs used to be the rape kings of the world.
You look like a sea sick Japan
2D waifu best waifu. 2D porn best porn.
serious question, do you have the poo in loo problem like india in bangladesh?
also, there was some shit about bangladesh when various factories of spanish cloth collapsed over there and few dozens of ''''people'''' were killed, i dunno what i wanted to ask so i'll just say KEK
I was just implying you wouldn't need to pay me to shit on me. I would do it for free.
That's the case for any porn industry tho
Haha I knew those tears were real
>women are equal to men
>but they don't have the power to stand their ground and say no
Sounds like they need a man to manage their lives.
This is what feminism did to them.
>15/10 body
>porn industry is mired in rape scandals and forced sexual exploitations.
So just like Hollywood then?
Your flag triggers my autism
Or dare I say, "the glorious anus of Pepe"? The balloon knot.... the glowing red balloon knot of our prophet Pepe.
>"If you don't star in our porno, you'll have to pay us for it"
>This actually works
What is wrong with Nips? How are these women getting tricked by something that couldn't outwit a child normally?
Help me out bros. Are there any JAV porn videos, or at least actual Japanese women filmed in American porn studios, fucking white guys?
I love real Japanese girls and some of the porn but I cannot jack off if I know the dick involved belongs to an asian man. To pretend it's mine while I watch, I gotta know it's a white guy.
My man!
Friendly guide for newfags
the real question is; is Anri the best girl?
I'm fine with this, the stupid bitches that become pornstars deserve their fate.
>tfw cant fap to JAV because of how censored it is
Think about how many conflicts and wars that could've been avoided without all this censored porn.
Serious answer: NO.
You can look at various statistics. We do have severe shortage of public toilets in the cities.
But that doesn't mean that every home doesn't have a toilet.
Don't believe my words. Take the largest Poo in Loo newspaper "Times of India" for it:
Or the Wire India:
About 1% of Bangladeshi population still defecate in the open though.
Look up Dandy to get white women getting boned by Japs. Cosplayers also fuck white guys.
> German flag
The Yakuza has it's hands in everything in Japan, especially the porn industry.
Inditex is the king here. Probably their largest source of clothing is from Bangladesh. Mango's also.
And yes, Bangladeshi factory owners treat the workers like shit. Situation has improved drastically after the recent tragedy though.
KEK. This.
This is what they get for rejecting christianity
They thought that once their shinto religion died out, they could turn away from all religion and prosper as an atheist nation. But their country is falling apart. Where family values and strong societies once stood, hedonism, degeneracy and misery have taken their place
No wonder atheism is the worlds fastest shrinking religion
>white women getting boned by Japs
What? That is the exact opposite of what I wanted.
Especially considering that Fukuoka (fourth largest city in Japan probably) is the prostitution and porn powerhouse in Japan.
Also, the local chapter of Yakuza is the strongest in Japan.
Come to think of it. The average Japanese penis is 4-5 inches long. How can they manage to penetrate the deep white pussy with that?
Also their penises are very small in girth. Can it even hit the pussy wall?
You're kind of right in some aspects.
Japanese women can't say "no" strongly due to societal norms. And they're increasingly into materialistic "talent hunts" or "celebrity" shits.
These two create a volatile mix.
In the west, aren't some women who do pork manipulated with drugs? Like producers give it to them for free for porn or then start charging for it so they need the money?
I though I heard about something like that... (^_-)
Nobody talks about this if it happens to them, it's kind of the culture here. Women who get groped on trains usually just don't say anything because you don't want to start a problem. It makes me wonder how many girls I've talked to were forced into this kind of stuff
Your opinions is kinda valid for the West. Japanese women aren't that much into feminism senpai. But they're become huge celebrity worshipers, and trying to become celebrities themselves. And this opens up exploitation.
Japanese society always considered women weaker than men.
Yeah Kyushu in general is fucking yakuza island
We need to just deport everyone with korean ancestry tbqhwu
This is what happens when the society teaches women not to say "no" and keep their mouths shut. At the same time instills 'celebrity' culture in the minds.
I guess you may be right.
I have no Japanese perspective on things. Locals will obviously always understand their own lives better.
DV-1166 English Lessons Asami Yuma
But they make good Shinobi though, right? ^_^
shoop the same face on all the bodies. Hilarious, never seen that before
Yes, they are, in some cases. But the difference is, "face" is a big thing in Japanese society.
Women aren't usually very vocal about any sexual exploitation/ rape they faced. It makes the whole family "lose" face in front of the society.
It sounds like the setup to a lot of hentai, desu.
Either I'm a bigger racist than I thought, or they have a really bad case of same-face.
>all those "NO YAMETE!!!" porn movies were actually legit and not acted
And the below thing:
Casting couch is much more prevalent in French, HK, and Korean cinema industry (and in recent times, Chinese) than Hollywood.
It's a big problem though. If I recall correctly, one Korean celebrity killed herself for this exploitation. There's a cinema made on her life story.
So how many girls have you groped on the trains Chikan-san?
It's true!
Many such cases!
What I find funny is that emoji's like (^_-)
Are preloaded on my new Japanese phone.
So early 2000s
>what do you propose to combat the situation? Your lovely women are getting exploited.
find the ones not getting exploited and fuck those.
and in other news, naive women discover that porn sucks.
The latter probably senpai.
you look like Japan that got sick.
Sick from visiting Bangladesh.
Japan in general has a big issue with worrying about starting problems.
Lots of crimes just aren't reported in the first place, and the police fudge statistics and reports so that everything seems peaceful and orderly.
Nobody wants to be the one to do something about it.
I've never seen it happen, but people are getting better at calling it out when it happens. There's now female only cars to ride in and all cell phones have a mandatory 'snap' shutter sound. If someone yells "Chikan" put your hands in the air immediately in case you get accidentally identified. I always grab the rings just in case. The police in Japan are adorable, friendly, and helpful but they will take you the fuck down if you get caught doing something like that.
>says it's easy to grope women on train
>doesn't do it
What a beta faggot.
Why combat it?
>Looks at flag
Probably a nigger.
Couldn't said it better senpai. Add in the "face saving" culture.
If your daughter gets raped, covering the issue becomes the priority for you. It's believed to happen in most of Japan, apart from the big cities of course. Neighbors will "shame" you, relatives will look down on you; if you say too much about your rape.
Finally people are waking up. In japan NEETs dont fuck young japanese girls so the old fucks swoop in to steal them. Theres a huge disgusting porn/prostitution industry in Japan based around this slavery.
Can't the police hold you for like 20 days without even telling you why?
So that our beautiful, loyal Japanese waifus don't get exploited?
I'm not beta enough to need to grope anyone, faggot. I get enough pussy here that I don't need to act like a nigger on the subway. Pic related
Japan also has a huge stalking problem there too. Jap men are pretty autistic and can't socialize for shit
Mmmmf that sounds hot as fuck
>young girl on the train alone
>molested on camera by middle aged men
>no one helps her as she is violated in all 2 holes
What the fuck why do japs grope people? Not even niggers in NYC or chicago do this.
To my understanding they have to have a irrefutable evidence to arrest you in the first place, and then they can hold you for 20 days where they basically torture a confession out of you. You'd have to do something very bad for that to even happen in the first place. I remember hearing about this guy who had murdered his family, and they knew the bodies were in the house, but they couldn't enter and arrest him because they didn't have 100% definitive proof.
Can anyone give me her name? I thought the picture was funny but I'm still aroused.
And an unthinkable amount of voyeur problem. Creepshots everywhere.
I've never really understood why they're so obsessed with the status quo.
Just like my chinese cartoons!