Why does everyone hate Trump?
What went wrong?
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Because he is a faggot
His biggest problem is that he keeps acting like an asshole on TV and with Twitter. He needs to stop tweeting, quit yelling at journalists, stop personally attacking everyone who gives him bullshit, etc.
Trump has a lot of power to either make his situation and image better or to make it much worse.
anyway, a significant portion of Trump voters were just trying to prevent Hillary for being elected. I prefer Jill Stein but I voted Trump to stop Hillary.
They are jealous of his dad for banging his mom. Liberals are kind of weird like that.
>I prefer Jill Stein but I voted Trump to stop Hillary.
Lol you voted for nearly the opposite of what you wanted because of made up shit about Clinton
>Listening to faux jews
I don't buy that one bit
Because Republicans and Democrats both feel uneasy about him. That's a good thing in the current year.
>"made up"
Don't believe polls. They are rigged. Trump said so himself.
except she directly admits to supporting the war in Libya
that's enough to make her no better than a serial killer or a cannibal
t. libtard
Why am I never asked to participate in these polls? No one I know is ever asked either. They could be making these numbers up completely and no one would be the wiser.
>Why does everyone hate Trump?
Why does everyone put any stock into (((MSM polls))) still?
fake polls
The Fox News polls showed Trump losing the election by a huge margin. The company Fox News hires to do their polls is kiked.
His favorables are probably pretty low, not that low, but compared to Obama in 2009 they're definitely lower. The reason is entirely the kike media being in full on attack mode. If Trump loses in 2020 it's time to murder everyone in the media.
I didn't say I liked the lady, I'm just saying the factor that took this election from being about differences in opinion to being about "Holy shit we have to save this country from Clinton" was a bunch of made up conspiracy garbage and outright lies.
Its from fox news.
If even they say it about a democrat, its probably at least based in fact.
Its not MSM. Its Fox News. Their whole job is to shill for Republicans
used to be 30 percent, hes going up
No, it's not. Fox News uses a kike polling company. The leadership there is entirely kiked, they just understand that their business will suffer unless they hire people like Hannity and Tucker Carlson to please their audience.
>I didn't say I liked the lady, I'm just saying the factor that took this election from being about differences in opinion to being about "Holy shit we have to save this country from Clinton" was a bunch of made up conspiracy garbage and outright lies.
they're still working even after their record was corrected months ago
Fox is run by the Vatican.
Liberal's biggest problem is he keeps acting like a tv asshole and winning just like he will do in 4 years from now.
i just wanted to give this (you) to let you know that i disagree with you completely. have a nice day sir or mam.
(((Polls))) have lost all credibility.
The entire democratic, republican, and media establishment (including reddit, facebook, and twitter) have been hating on trump since he bacame the front runner.
Since the election the establishment has doubled down with the russia narrative etc. While normies are trusting the media less, the constant negative coverage and questioning his legitimacy has had a negative effect.
>believing polls in 2017
What are you are, a fucking idiot?
Media. /thread
>questioning his legitimacy
How can you be legitimate president if you didn't even get a plurality of the vote.
>Trump has a 1% chance to win
It's not surprising in any way. The important thing to take from President Obama is that all the hype in the world doesn't mean you'll actually get anything done.
If anything Obama's popularity allowed him to get away with things no one else could have gotten away with. It's actually kind of crazy that Obama expanded the powers of domestic surveillance with Trump coming into office and people still focus on Trump's alleged connections to Russia.
>Drumpf losing to Hillary by 15 points nation wide
>TX is now in play!
>Hillary +10 in FL
>GA is a toss up!
>Hillary +15 in PN
>SC is in play!
>Iowa a toss up!
>Drumpft just +1 in Kansas
>Hillary +10 in MI
>Why does everyone hate Trump?
Because the media conditioned everyone to think he was literally Hitler, kicked endless hissy fits when he won in spite of them, and even today endorsed his assassination.
Are these the same people with a margin of error at 50%?
He did. He got 302 votes.
>Believing polls
When will you ever learn?
Didn't we teach you ((pollsters)) a lesson twice already?
>How can you be legitimate President if you do not get endorsed by Chik-fil-a cows?
Oh wait, that is also not how we elect
>believing polls
user, you know better than that.
Media brainwashing.
There are people in the US that believe Trump will delegalize gay marriage and round up blacks in camps because Jezebel told them so.
Friendly reminder Obama lost the popular vote to Hillary in 2008 primary.
>believing polls
Look how that turned out for Hillary
Fuck that faggot and all his supporters.
The media is the source of what 99% of people in America know about their country and the media was against Trump.
>it's only wrong when I dont like it
You Trump dumbasses are unbelievable.
>Don't believe polls. They are rigged. Trump said so himself.
Spoken like a true sheep. Obey your master.
Guthrie heir I'm salty time to shit post
Because that's like agreeing to play connect four with someone, them getting four matches, and you crying that you actually won because according to tic tac toe rules you've had many three in a row would be wins.
She ended up winning by about 2% though. So they were only about 1% off.
The polls are fake bro
He doesn't have the luxury of running against Hillary Clinton again
>The polls are fake bro
So fake his concert was a dud, and his inauguration is going to be 4-1 in favor of protestors.
Why does it matter what people think of him before he's started? The only thing that matters is how he runs the country and what people think of his policies, not that he said the incorrect soundbite so the media can ass-blast him for not kowtowing to their slanderous threats.
>trump will never run for president
>he will never recover from x
>he will never win the primaries
>he will never win the election
>he will never win over the people
t. loser
He's doing pretty well for someone who's had the entire legacy media shilling against him nonstop.
>9 out of 10 Hillary supporters agree, Trump is a total bigot!
>1 out of 10 Hillary supporters was too busy trying to figure out how to load their firearm to respond
>Couldn't find ANY Trump supporters for some reason! :D
>Haha, ignore the "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP" chants from the audience, they want him dead too TRUST US XDD
No chance they are going to field someone big against Trump.
Democrats are going to double down on the same things that lost them the election this time, all whilst Trump makes things objectively better for everyone.
He's going to make tangible improvements to the inner cities, as well as bringing prosperity back to places like Michigan.
Those things alone will bring win him the next election.
Never mind wildly population foreign policy decisions which amount to not allowing American tax payers to fund the defence of half of the wold for nothing in return.
Also the massive energy projects with drilling and coal mining will be a boon.
Also he is going to build the fucking wall which will be a very visible thing he can point to to say that he does what he says he's going to do, especially when he lays out how Mexico is paying for it whether they like it or not.
Dems will throw in some no hope sacrifice and try with a big hitter in 8 years.
Not Republicans, their job is to shill for Establishment Republicans, i.e. the GOP lite.
>suddenly polls matter
We've been through this polls are confirmed garbage
the usa is 42% white, that poll makes sense to me
>Fox News
Nice fake news.
>Sup Forums loves statistics (especially race-related ones) and swears by them
>suddenly polls, which are a form of statistic, don't matter and aren't credible
You're entirely wrong. The media will not be nice to him if he is nice. The reason everybody hates him is because of yellow journalism.
He calls them out, and then they say he's an asshole for doing that.
You're completely bluepilled about what is happening here, user.
All polls claiming to represent the entirety of the country are fake news.
You cannot survey 1000 people and then claim that represents over 320 million people.
>suddenly polls, which are a form of statistic, don't matter and aren't credible
Where were you on Nov. 8, user?
>crime stats are determined with a sample size
they are gamed statistics that do not take into account the incredible amount of variables that may make people answer a certain way. plus they dont even take into account the people who refuse to take part in the poll
wait polls are still a thing?
>Why does everyone hate Trump?
msm propaganda/fake news.
The media made Obama into a God, a literal God, and told everyone who opposed him that they were racist, so people did not want to come out against him, and still are afraid to do it today. The reverse has happened with Trump, to the point many people are afraid of being chastised as racists for liking Trump.
If you look at Obama's individual policies, everyone hates them, but if you ask them if they like Obama, they'll say yes, because of the fear of being called a racist. Again, the reverse works with Donald.
Because Trump is the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. The Donald.
Because only rural and suburban retards voted for him.
There's a lot of "if" in there. All it takes is one saudi or Iranian setting off an explosive in a crowded place and all of these 'good ideas' get railroaded while we go into another war
and because of what comes out of his mouth,
I came here to post this.
>people attack trump on twitter/media
>he fights back
oh no!
Then trump will have full support to double down on his already harsh stance against immigration and refugees from muzzie nations and look like the strongest president we have had yet on the issue.
>shining favorability for Obama going into office thanks to glowing media light
>shining favorability for Obama through office thanks to glowing media light and sparse scrutiny
>shining favorability for Obama out of office thanks to the same
The guy went in as a celebrity, had nothing he did actually stick to him as a point of criticism, and has left with people thinking he was the best President of all time
it's dumbfounding that people still don't realize that they are the media's little pet
His favorability rating is still lower than Clinton and Reagan when they left
they can only shill so much AHHAHAA
First time in history a president will become more popular from his start.
Best timeline desu senpai
>media keeps shitting on Trump for two straight months now
Gee, what could it be????
Rasmussen says 52%
Fuck off CTR faggot Sage this thread
Everyone hates DUMPY DRUMPF because the man is an IDIOT!
Him and his pathetic lackey DOOFUS Mike Pence are national embarrassments! Plus, the American people are waking up and realizing they don't want a puppet of PUNY PUTIN in the White House!
The media has been nonstop shilling from day 1 about how terrible he is. Even after the election, they continued the narrative.
Damn, you're fucking stupid.
>420 out of 1000 people we asked said that coke was better than pepsi
>therefore we can conclude that over 134 million americans think that coke is better than pepsi
Is this really considered a valid way of doing statistics?
>4 points lower than Reagan while higher than Eisenhower and Kennedy
HMMM I think it'll be okay
>76% favorable
Yea but you cant be the best when you lose.