Is this the worst cabinet ever? 90% of these people have no relevant experience. Though that could be said about Trump.
Obama was a noob too but at least he didn't pick based on who he likes.
Is this the worst cabinet ever? 90% of these people have no relevant experience. Though that could be said about Trump.
Obama was a noob too but at least he didn't pick based on who he likes.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Rick Perry last year: I dont believe in the Department of Energy
>gets to lead Department of Energy
>I chaned my mind, we actually need the Department of Energy, I was just talking about something I had no idea about actually!
Where does he find these morons?
>Big Don at the top
>Mike "Turning fruits into vegetables" Pence as life insurance
>oil man in charge of oil wars
>jew in charge of making sure no shekels are lost
>Chaos as secretary of fucking WAR
>Jefferson Sessions as AG
>DeVos, Perry and Chao in charge of departments Trump wants to kill
>sleepy black from detroit to gas all the niggers in detroit
seems like a pretty good cabinet to me senpai
They're all wildly successful people because of their ethics and intelligence. Trump is doing what he does best: doing things well because its not "the way things have always been done".
No, we don't need career politicians without actual applicable experience even if their resume says 20 years relative experience.
You can't list sanitation engineering if you want to be head of the EPA.
Are those all the Jews? Mnuchin looks like a fucking comic book villain.
n-no they're all dumb failures!
Thats not even true. Half of these people were born rich.
Wilbur Ross, Betsy DeVos who I know about. Stop with this bullcrap.
Ahh yes because the people we keep putting in there every election haven't ruined everything for us already.
I see they squandered their "trust fund" or are simply doing a bruce wayne and sleeping during board meetings because they were up all night posting their debauchery on instagram.
Highest IQ cabinet ever.
Dems just jelly.
Trump's cabinet sucks. We're fucked
Yes it makes complete sense to appoint Ben Carson to head HOUSING
Yeah, a brain surgeon surely cannot comprehend the complexities of "housing".
Who would be more qualified to be a better "housing" expert? A contractor? A HUD director? He could have gotten a home security CEO because that deals with houses.
Comfy Ben
you convinced me
Someone who's worked with housing before. I think this is a waste of Ben Carson's excellent medical skills.
Being smart has nothing to do with it. You need to know your area well and there's no time to get to know it. Someone who's been in the sector for decades will understand it better than someone who got the news last week that he needs to know everything about it in two weeks.
I'm pretty sure there are plenty of positions where a surgeon could use his experience...
>Veterans Affairs
He should pick Jim Webb tbqh
They hate their departments, perfect for downsizing your low IQ big government, into mathematical simplest form, small government.
If they're successful because of their ethnicity, how the hell is an ASIAN WOMAN in charge of transportation?
Who better to reform a department than someone who has been for years studying its flaws?
Clearly if he made the conclusion that it's needed hasn't studied shit except maybe conspiracy theories
No seriously, what makes you think a housing "expert" takes years of training and experience, let alone needed for a government position.
What does this housing position even do?
obama didn't pick his cabinet, citigroup execs did. read wikileaks, pleb.
Exactly, obviously he's going to try to shake things up and fix things. We need nuke power, hopefully they fast track some new nuke plants.
this, 1000 times this
It's fucking trash. But the children on pol will defend it because they still live with their parents and don't really understand the implications of his cabinet picks BEING MOSTLY CORPORATE AND BANKING PLANTS
I think knowing past and present policies, organization structure or just the housing industry in general would be a good start. The role of the DoH is described here:
>there's no time to get to know it
It's HUD, not the Navy Seals. There isn't going to suddenly be a shortage of building codes that he needs to sweep in and create in the field. Building and urban planning are slow processes that have impacts over long periods of time.
Rob's a good actor and comedian but movie comedy isn't his A-game. SNL was.
Is this how polys think a country should be run? You deserve a round to the back of the head
if he is totally incompetent and nothing gets done - that is literally a huge improvement. HUD is busy dumping billions of dollars ruining white neighborhoods by forcing welfare niggers into them.
seriously, HUD is a fucking DISASTER and it would be 1000% a FANTASTIC thing if we nuked it from orbit.
I'm sure most of you guys are newfags to American Politics with 8 years of Democratic Rule under your belt.
When a Republican takes office there is LITERALLY nothing he can do right in the eyes of the media.
Living out of home doesn't mean anything if your parents are paying your rent and college tuition, kid.
that said I wish Shkreli was HHS Secretary
he should have gotten an Oscar for The Animal.
Congrats, you convinced me Leaf.
Why is that even a department of the federal government? Shouldn't that be left up to the local planners?
HUD is listed as its major function. HUD is for poor people in inner cities to funnel section 8 welfare housing to shit areas and give people free places to live. Thats a stupid department and needs to be shut down.
For the sake of argument -- say they have no relevant experience. I disagree, but for the sake of argument...
So we've had all these cabinets under Bush and Obama with all that experience you like. How'd that work out? Maybe you think it all is going great -- but the vast majority think the country is going in the wrong direction.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Those who'd like a different outcome are OK with setting up a different sort of cabinet.
Somebody who thinks DoE is an idiot idea that we do not need would be ideal if the goal is to put an end to its idiocy.
Carson has lived under the disastrous regime of HUD, he may have some commitment to drive that agency into a much more compassionate approach.
Policy wonks can be hired by the bushel.
Based leaf
Certain things cannot be decided locally efficiently. Some legistlation has to go over states.
I think this debate already happened with the whole local vs. federal policing debates in the past.
The FBI was obviously needed because local/state enforcement didn't work anymore. But the same could be said about the military or the National Park System.
Yeah, but he wont. He literally said that after looking into it he realized the DoE is still needed
Asians aren't niggers.
If they got Shkreli I would build a statue of Kek 100 feet tall.
>Rick Perry
You're right about the media, however saying these people have no experience is just a fact.
And it's not an argument that "But they are smart". I bet plenty of smart people with relevant experience would be available too. It's simply just Trump picking the people who don't hate him and will agree with him on everything. That is literally putting your own self before the people, something the President should not be doing.
memes aside I actually think Shkreli would do wonders for us if the government actually listened to his advice on how to close all the loopholes he and other pharmaceutical companies abuse
It's a great way to destroy these big government departments.
So who do you propose?
Al Gore, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lyndsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, and others?
Just because it's flawed doesn't mean it needs a total shakeup. Do you think an architect should treat a terminally ill patient just because it hasn't been tried before?
>Rob's a good actor and comedian
That's it, I'm leaving Sup Forums forever. I can't let these people be in charge of the nuclear codes.
(well, it's actually the first post if you exclude OP retatdation)
Like Trump's dumbass self just picked randomly or something. What a fucking joke!