>supervolcano in Italy, Campi Flegrei, shows signs of approaching eruption
>multiple major quakes strike Italy in rapid succession
What are you doing to prepare for the coming months?
>supervolcano in Italy, Campi Flegrei, shows signs of approaching eruption
>multiple major quakes strike Italy in rapid succession
What are you doing to prepare for the coming months?
Please use archive.is
Don't build cities around active volcanoes
Let's meme this into reality.
doing gods work spain, saw you in that other thread
don't asshole, I still have family there
Don't worry about it. The right people knew about this and have already taken the necessary precautions.
hopefully it will also trigger yellowstone and a worldwide seismic event.
I want you all dead.
Say your goodbyes when you still have the chance cause this is happening.
God's judgment on the pope for being a cuck and putting Luther on a stamp.
>Resta dunque incerto cosa accadrà in uno dei supervulcani più pericolosi del mondo, che 39mila anni fa provocò l’eruzione più potente del pianeta negli ultimi 200mila anni, ricoprì delle sue ceneri l’Europa fino a Mosca, bloccò i raggi del Sole provocando un “inverno vulcanico” di due anni e secondo alcuni contribuì addirittura all’estinzione dei Neanderthal
When it erupted 200000 years ago it caused:
>a two-year long volcanic winter
>extincition of the Neanderthals
>"Campi Flegrei means burning fields in italian"
>the region is know as Phelgraen Fields
Literally buiding a massive city in an ancient magma plain. Jesus christ Italians have you learned nothing from Vesuvius and fables Greeks have invented over the years about everything before you even had civilization
Not europe , only Naples , and nothing of value will be lost
how fucked am i?
Since you are a nigger probably 100%. Niggers can't survive winters nor low sunlight. White people bloom though
a lot
>nothing of value
Neapolitan people are annoying as shit but if you seriously think this you're a literal subhuman
your country got into a war over american manipulation of tunisian social media users
you dont need a volcano going off to know youre utterly fucked
I don't know. Let's see what Kek thinks.
praise kek
I hope so too. Imagine if Africa and South America melted together.
Are you drunk irish ? Its a fake news come on !
Italy is already overrun by Muslims, nothing of value will be lost.
People don't look like the statues anymore.
so far I could only find an article italian, but it's in (((la Repubblica)))
hope it's fake even if a world-scale seismic disaster would be comfy as fuck
The last article is dated 28 dec , even in Italy volcanos are strictly controlled : Etna , Stromboli , Vesuvio even Campi Flegrei
You're gonna need some digits to make it happen, son
Kek let this lava go!
Uh... guys? GUYS?!
Eruption confirmed.
repeating numbers to save italy
Repeating numbers to kill Italy and start the end of the world. Yellowstone next!
Fuck it, their Italians. If they had any semblance of intelligence than they wouldn't have built a huge city between two volcanoes.
Will us anglos be safe?
Don't worry, I'm sure Africa and the Middle East will accept millions of European refugees and give them homes and put them on welfare.
No one is going to be safe. We're all heading for one big humanity-ending catastrophe.
Please no, most of the other half of my family is in Italy ;_;
All we hope to do is to pray for forgiveness, and hope that Kek will let us into the Grounds of Shitpost at the final hours of our lives.
Aw man I fucking hope so.
Flegrei is more an italianization of ancient term, also you probably know that Italy is since ancient times one of the areas of the world most covered in cities. Your Greeks have developed great part of the cities in that area during ancient times (and no, the ancient greeks are not before "civilization" in italian peninsula, they were contemporary to many other societies in Italy, that they influenced with their colonies, especially in the south.
Problem solved. I say the same thing about dub cunts here who have their house burnt down in a bushfire and then go re-build in the same spot.
We need this. It will trigger a race war, cause the extinction of niggers!
consider them dead
If that circle reflects the size accurately, that is a really odd use of the term "supervolcano" when "volcano" would have been more accurate
>not wanting absolute human extinction
Shiggy diggy
Looks like we got out at the right time
Will this actually happen anytime soon?
Your digits say yes.
The lava rises!
NVM it does not.
If you want to have fun count the number of times "might," "maybe," "could," "unknown," "possible," etc. are used in that article...
Kinda related but what's with all the earthquakes lately?
>tfw the canadian arctic doesn't even have volcanos and we've had 3 fucking earth quakes this week
>the last time we had earthquakes in the arctic was 300ish years ago
You fucking cunt. My entire family is across the Adriatic Sea in Croatia. Just fucking kill yourself
Read last sentence in article.
Leafs will burn in volcanic fire.
They will die. We all will. Yellowstone goes off right after.
nigger just got fucked
It will save Europe
It happens at 12:01 EST, Jan 20th, I can't imagine Kek would pass up this opportunity
Have we started the eruption?
>tfw peripheral
Come back when is actually happens.
lets not.
Please no. I don't want my home country dying from this volcano. Do it to the fucking Middle East or some place in Africa
Good. This is preferable to Europe falling to Islamic communism.
The neanderthals went extinct 35000 years ago. Great source there, bub.
Seth Rollins for this.
>arctic earthquakes
This animation is hypnotic as fuck -- all earthquake epicenters of the 21st century through 2015.
San Genaro!!!!'??
Forgot link...
Reroll to make this happen.
Oh fuck, sorry lads.
>Wanting to destroy Italy
Remember, folks. You heard it first from Sup Forums.
get for kek
Eh. I wanted to visit the north more, Florence and Venice anyway.
Thanks m8 Kek wills it
This one is unrelated but also good --every nuke in history.
Vis oss smålige trell noen triks, brekk foten. Jeg vet du leser dette, sonn av Loke. Gjor din far og oss alle stolt med ett prek av en gudsalder.
Damn it all to hell...