3 anti-trump protestor dikes sitting across from me at Amtrak station. What do?

Should I try to redpill them? I really want to.

Other urls found in this thread:


Give us your phone number so we can call you and have a really loud conversation about how Trump is awesome.

Don't waste your time , such people never listen

4th one has arrived. 30 min til departure

How are you going to make that last longer than, "MAGA! KEK WILLS IT. KEK! MY BODY IS READY!"?

Make sure you live stream it so we can laugh at you getting BTFO in public

Spit on the one on the right, and then shout 'manspreading faggit'.

If they respond with anything tell them you have no time for mansplaning, and then walk off.

Get out of Penn station, 34th street. There's a Fridays directly to your right. I see you OP.

Report to authorities. Say you heard the words inauguration and bomb in the same sentence

Grab em by the pussy.

Just stare at them.

>Trick them into a conversation about capitalism
>Point out they all have Iphones
>beat the rape charges

Would fuck the thick jew tbgh

You could shave with that edge.

Come sit near me. I might need backup

sage and reported. fucking creep


Post more of thicc cutie on the left

Don't reveal your power level. It is not time yet.

fucking thanks

Man-spread and stare at the least sickening one until she notices. Then adjust your cock and balls as if they weigh 10lbs while looking her dead in her soulless eyes

the one with the pink hoodie is a trannie...
trips demands it OP

They will most likely beat your scrawny ass up and then claim you were the agressor.


Watch Trump speeches full volume.


Two of them left. Should on strike now?

How do you know they're protesters and how do you know they're dikes?

Are they about to go protest and bring major change to this country with said protest? So brave and progressive.

>you better fucking listen to the digits

Thanks mini spain

Make a clever conversation where all the words of your sentences add up to Grab her in the pussy.


Here OP

Do nothing, they will use it against you.
They are lost and not one of Gods elect.
Do you want to be in a Buzzfeed article?

Cuz they're talking about protesting.
They're loud and annoying as fuck.

Any anons at penn station right now? Requesting backup. 20 min til departure

here's what you should do OP
>browse Sup Forums on your phone while occasionally looking up nervously at them
>assert your authority by decisively putting your phone away and clearing your throat
>autistically mutter some Sup Forums catchphrases at them to actually get their attention
>once they look up, freeze so they have time to respond but retain eye contact so they know you're paying attentions
>after they finish laughing at you, sit down again, in the same seat so you don't look defeated
>pretend to check your phone after about 15 minutes and then leave
>post on Sup Forums a greentext about how all 3 of them sucked your dick and are now trump supporters
>immediately screencap your own post and post it on reddit

look at those noses kek

if you want to go full autistic:

Throw a tantrum at kike #3 for wearing new balance shoes.

>do you know nb endorses drumpf? i'm literally shaking

tape the results

Video no workie.

For starters, tell that twat on your right to get her foot of the god damn seat and close her legs- this isn't her personal living room.

tell them to stop manspreading, record response

Do it and record it

Why does OP keep changing ID?

can you stop posting this video you uber cuck


>that nose

middle girl is a kike

Thanks Portubro. I was rotating my head to see if they were kikes and my neck was starting to hurt.


They are fucking JEWS dude. You can't redpill them, they are the enemy.

hah, fuck im good just ask me

Ask her to stop manspreading

just yell MAKE AVERAGE MIDDLE AGE WHITE WOMEN GREAT AGAIN!!! and quietly walk away without looking back

drive by shart

Support their right to peaceful assemble and contribute to the market place of ideas

Looooooool do it OP haha

Thank you for the top kek based ausie

kek wills it

Take more pictures.

All 3 are

They left. Should I follow?

Why are liberal feminists always fat and ugly?

If you are an educated faggot and you actually have an understanding of who Trump is and what his politics have been before and also during the election....

Then simply ask them why they oppose Trump. Ask for specific policy they take issue with.

I know Trump is a piece of shit. I know he is a corporate, institutional, big government, pro immigration, progressive liberal democrat flinging excrement into social media for attention and votes.

However, these stereotypical sluts like in pic related have no fucking clue what they are even talking about when they oppose Trump. They have no specific policy or suggested legislation that can be taken even remotely seriously to argue with. Because those things don't exist. Over the course of Trumps presidency he is going to contribute to all the things they hold dear. One simply needs to look into Trumps past to easily see what his behavior will be once the curtain is pulled back from the election cycle horse shit.

>N trainers
Aren't those the ones that they were burning and calling racist?

Look at the noses, notice anything?

1.) Introduce yourself
2.) Tell them how awesome you think it is that they're protesting in what they believe in, and how important it is that every message has a voice.
3.) Get their phone number.
4.) After the inauguration call them and just chat with them about how it went.
5.) Meet up with them in the future and start dating. Be sure to focus on Vegetarian & Farm-to-table restaurants.
6.) After about a year, propose. Do NOT use a diamond ring, stick to a ring that you purchased off etsy.
7.) After another year, get her pregnant.
8.) Another year later, adopt a child from a 3rd world country under the guise of it being the socially-conscious thing to do in today's society.
9.) console her when Trump wins a 2nd term.
10.) Get on a plane to Washington DC for her to protest the 2nd election. Before you leave to go to the airport, say "I forgot my hat, honey" and grab a MAGA hat.
11.) Get into a massive argument, try to be polite while she makes a mess of the place and leaves with the kids, crying.(make sure the apartment/house is in your name.)
12.) Sit at home, crack a beer, watch the 2nd inauguration as her life spirals into a crash, all because she is a bigoted, intolerant person.

Girl on the left is


Thoth commands it, OP.

This. The phone call that saved Europe.

>anti-trump protesters

>God dammit dude, I don't know about you but I am really fucking excited for Trump inauguration!
>Yeah dude, MAGA!
>I think that what he stands for is great and we really need that wall to keep those filthy immigrants away.

Honestly you can just go on and on repeating trump policies.

Don't bother.
Ugly 3 of them.
Many such cases.

Jesus christ, don't kikes know about surgery? The noses couldnt be more obvious. How much are we betting one of them has a last name that ends in stein or berg?

>Roman Salute

why is the one on right sitting like a whore with her pussy open?

Just do what you normally do-- cry into your dirty fap sock until you get to your safe place.

The one in the middle is clearly a jew. She has that long faced look with the eyes close together.

Much like pic related.

ya, you should totally do that, punk ass.

But something tells me you never will.


>turn phone volume to MAX
>play Trump's speech from tonight
>start masturbating
>keep eye contact
>especially the first one
>keep repeating, America is feeling better again already!!!!"

Report back after

>reciting trump policies
Which are cool to be excited for, I don't want to harsh your mellow, but that topic is decidedly murky.


bring up that report on your phone. say "wow did you guys hear? 52% view Trump favorably. you guys are in the minority, only 37% view him very unfavorably. what is wrong with you?


She looks like a slut i used to fuck, I might give her a call later.

that bitch on the left's bag is like $2000..but yeah they are sooo oppressed because the taxpayer wont be paying for their abortions and birth control anymore. Liberal white women in big cities are a cancer.

be the better person and do nothing

we are better then the left we will show they the right way to do things. Rather then beating your opponent you have to have them realize that their way was wrong and that they were wrong to oppose you.

Simply start a conversation by doing a bit ala Seinfeld, go with
So how about that Trump uhm
He is not heetler
He is not german
Why do they call him a nazi?
Then proceed to play some laugh track

I'm on the 177 regional. My nice Acela train broke and I'm heading throigh new York. Can confirm my train smells like fish



Literally nothing edgy about what he said faggot. He made an (exeggerated) play on tumblr behaviour, which was obviously hyperbole and satire.

Lurk moar before posting, reddit.

Ask the woman in the red sweater if that's a kale and quinoa salad she's eating. If it is, ask if you can spoon some into her pooper.

Also, Jew No. 2 is so Jewish looking it hurts.


God bless you based Aussie. How did Australia get all the best posters?

Sing "I'm proud to be an American" to yourself and don't even look at them.

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life
And I had to start again
With just my children and my wife
I'd thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can't take that away
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up
Next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA

so many fucking leftist shills today

try to figure out a way you can trick your little worm inside Ms Pink Piggy's tight wet spot

Kek speaks. We must listen.

Back to /b with you niggerlover.

Urinate on them. Seriously.

Why are women so fucking retarded? Especially with how they sit...

The one on the left never eats what the one on the right is eating.

Not in a good way. That bitch is


>being this fucking obnoxious