Really makes you think

really makes you think....

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Can people please learn the difference between deficit and debt? It's really not complicated


Did you just post a logical coherent winning argument on Sup Forums?

If so you made a grave mistake.

The Sup Forums of 2016 is populated by kek worshipping NEET scum who think Trump is a good thing.

They'll realize their folly when Sup Forums is blocked within 4 years after net neutrality is compromised by the 3rd grader IQ Trump and his Neocon handlers.

Lower deficit, but double national debt.

You fucking retard.

Defecit and debt are different.

Obama has massively raised our debt.

Obama trippled the debt though.

Deficit is the annual deficit of expenses to revenues

Debt is the sum total through history. Debt has gone up with every president


>Lowered the deficit
>Went from $10T to $20T in 8 years


really makes you think....

More debt was added under Obama than all previous presidents combined. Worst economic growth in US history.

No shit, but "reducing the deficit" isn't praiseworthy when the debt has gone up by 10 trillion. Also, Clinton actually had surpluses and reduced the debt so comparing Obama to him is stupid. The image is intentionally made to be misleading as fuck and it's banking on people conflating defeicit with debt, just like Obama's misleading employment statistic conflating underemployment with unemployment.

If they understood basic economic principles, they wouldn't be democrats.

The economy is based on the stability of debt. We pay less for now but more over a period of time allowing us to fund discretionary projects like seven wars and subsidizing the most profitable businesses on the face of the planet. Oh yeah and to make the Bush tax breaks to the wealthy permanent.

Obama inherited the worst US Budget in history at 4.4T. He was able to trim that to 3.8T in eight years. Blaming him for the debt that this budget creates just shows you have no idea of what is going on.

Trump is going to be increasing US debt almost as quickly, especially if he lowers taxes this year. Again, blaming trump for the debt raises would be insane.

tl/dr. Blame presidents by how much they increase the US Budget deficit, not by how much debt raises during their term.


Clinton lowered debt. Obama increased it. This shit is worse than tea party propaganda for 80 year olds.

Congress, starting with the House of Representatives, writes the budget. Guess who ran Congress when?
beat me to posting the picture.


Well I agree dem voters are braindead economically. But historically dem presidencies actually have a pretty good track record of balancing budgets, which is why it's so insane to put King Nigger and with his 10 tril debt increase in the same category.

let me try this again.

Clinton took the US budget from 1.5T to 1.8T in eight years. He actually had a budget surplus.

lil Bush took the budget from 1.8T to 4.4T in eight years, the worst financial disaster in US history since the depresion.

Obama took the 4.4T budget and reduced it to 3.8T. This is actually pretty amazing, once the budget is raised it is hard as fuck to lower it. During this time the ridiculous BUSH budget has added 10T to the US debt.

Trump has now inherited a 3.8T US budget. He plans to lower it considerably, but he is also planning to lower taxes. Assuming he lowers the budget by as much as he lowers taxes he will be on track to adding 1.5T a year to the debt on year one. This is NOT his fault, blame it on lil bush

Berlin Wall was built by Soviet union to separate US and Soviet controlled sections of the city... don't know it.

>all of Obama's failings are Bush's fault!
This argument no longer works after 8 fucking years m8. He's a shit president who failed to improve the country in any way


Yeah, the Republican congress lowered the deficit... after house democrats quadrupled it in 2009/2010.

Clinton never ran a surplus. Check U.S. Treasury's own numbers on the federal debt. It increased every year during Clinton's presidency.

Damn that is an outright lie.

Came here to say this, good job Leaf

>Obama inherited the worst US Budget in history at 4.4T.
The budget in 2008 was $2,988.5b and in 2009 was $3,517.7b, in 2009 dollars. Why did it jump $530b in one year? Because the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which was largely placed into the 2009 budget.

Obama didn't "inherit" a $3,517.7b budget. He created it with the help of Democrats.

Stimulus vote:

You might also point to TARP, passed in 2008. TARP is not included in the traditional outlays figures because they were loans to be repaid, most of which were. TARP was primarily supported by Democrats, including Obama.

TARP vote:

Of course, who actually supported, voted for, and passed things goes right into the memory hole with you people.

Clinton never got a budget surplus. He got pretty damned close ($18 billion away) but never actually did it. Check national debt year over year over at Never went down any year of Clinton's presidency.

Sorry, mixed links.

The Senate vote on TARP was

The Senate vote on the stimulus was

Said the roach.

Pop quiz, do you know what the deficit is?

part 2:

Do you know which branch of government spends money and levies taxes?

>i don't understand the most basic concepts of calculus

If you read this board you know the answer.

The GOPer fan-girls are short bus riders.

>I don't understand cause and effect


I can see why my dad hates Carter so much now.

It is simple math. Do you have any idea how hard it is for a president to lower the budget? The fact that he took it from 4.4T with 2T deficit to 3.8T with 1T deficit is huge.

From which fantasy world are you pulling these numbers? Real numbers and the related laws which created them (and didn't create them) Source: Table 1.3

Those numbers seem to be debunked by

So what about the other Democrat Presidents?

Schklumpf BTFO.


Doesn't Congress control the taxes and the budget?

hahahaha looks like this faggot forgot how to read a history book too! you dems make me laugh. the ride never ends ya'll, the ride never ends

What will you do after tomorrow when nobody cares about obummer anymore? Kill yourself?

>$20 Trillion under Obama
What did occupy shiticraps meme by this

Working hard tonight aren't you OP

What Dems do wrong is they enact a bunch of policies that grow the debt long-term. Anyone can pass a bunch of taxes and balance the budget in the short-term.

Not knowing the differnce between debt and deficit confimed and both clinton and obama had republican houses the ones that control the purse strings

Congress writes both, yes. The President can only ask Congress to write in their preferences and veto (or threaten to veto) bills which they find particularly unacceptable.

$10 trillion new debt

that's over $1 trillion in debt per year

that's an unbelievable amount of debt

to say Obama is fiscally responsible is to say niggers should be allowed to vote

Yes, Clinton only balanced the budget because of the Republican Revolution in '94 after which Gingrich pushed for a balanced budget

Likewise the deficit only started dropping after the GOP won back the House in 2010 and started pushing for cuts

>double the national debt
>reduced the deficit

He drastically increased the deficit and then followed by slightly lowering it. Although that still doesn't change the fact that deficit is a measure of how fast you are accruing debt. It is not a measure of how much debt you have. Obama doubled the US national debt. A 1-year snapshot of the deficit is meaningless when you consider that fact.

Good post, leaf

>add 12 trillion to national debt

Peter, you have been robbed to pay denbts to Paul, and now you're both broke.

>Presidents single-handedly write and approve federal budgets
>Democrat education
Can't abolish the DoE soon enough.

>devalue currency
>marvel as wages rise by 30%, 40%, 1000%!!!!

We Zimbabwe now.

You realize doe is responsible for the nuclear arsenal, yes?

What the fuck was happening 1957-1995?



He meant Department of Education, not Department of Energy. In either case, both were created in the late 1970s by Carter. How necessary are they if neither existed a full department before 1977?