Authoritarianism hate thread

Authoritarianism hate thread

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Authoritarianism is fine when it's run by the right people.

What usually happens is that the will of the authority strays too far from the will of the people. But this doesn't mean that authoritarianism is a poor form of government, only that the opinion of the masses shifts over time. New times call for new leaders, not new systems of government.

Why is the US so authoritarian minded? Shouldn't they be more libertarian, considering they keep swarming about their freedoms.

I don't know, to me the freer the market the freer the people.

We're very libertarian compared to europe. I'm floored Trump and Hillary were the final two candidates based on this fact.

Authoritarianism is a European thing. Libertarianism is a New World thing.

There is nothing cringier than a yuro libertarian or an American nat-soc.

nice trips

have to agree, american natsocs on this board are some of the most cringiest people's on here. none of them speak german besides a few autistic words, have a brainwashed understanding of history (most of them, some dont), then even worse are the ones who cling onto one grandparent they had that was a dumbshit nazi

American Natsocs are literal scum.

When you love Hitler and nazis but still support Israel and circumcision.

They go against what their country stands for, what people of their country died to protect, what their founding fathers wanted

I already replied to this post but I want to add that america does not value personal freedoms very much. Here you could go out and drink a beer in public as a 16 year old, in america, you would get tackled by policemen.

just so dumb to me, never understand them

>le uncle hitler xddd
>zieg heil meiner comerandens, ik binner auch dootsch :DDDD

When you're 75% german and 12.5% mexican, 10% slavic and 2% black.

but Sup Forums is a pro authoritarian board.

It's an anti-establishment board fag. We supported Ron Paul in 2012 and we hate the elitists.

cant really tell if you're shitting on the american natsocs or me at this point

American natsocs pretending to be ethnically pure.



Rich jews in American Government are the problem


oh alright, bottom right gets me every time. That fucking over sized coat

not an argument

yeah america is land of the free guys

>great great great omie var einer PROUD national socialiser supporter, zieg heiller himmler xDDDD

I don't see the problem, I blame all of those.

Having an authoritarian government that recognizes libertarian principles, I think it would work

>Being this autistic

commie detected, also not an argument

What the fuck I keep messing up screenshots, this is the second time i took this test

political compass is left biased

Anarchism isn't a form of government, it's a mental disability

do you know why my country is shit? because we're being controlled by a strong, empowered state since the early 30s. there is a fuckton of taxes, public entities, bureaucracy and everything is completely innefective. All aspects of our lives are regulated by the government. The roads are shit, public hospitals are shit, education is shit, the police tries hard but can't do much against all the crime.

Taxation is so fucking high that a imported european beer arrives costing $0.88 and is sold at $ 20.99 solely because of the multitude of taxes, which in most cases are applied more than twice.

Worse than that - bureaucrats have lots of privilege, amazing pays and are burrowed so deep in the State it is impossible to take them out from there without a revolution. Believe me, you guys do not want an authoritarian state, it sucks. Brazil should be the best libertarian propaganda in the world.

Anarcho capitalism has killed 0 people

Governments have killed billions

Watch some Stefan Molyneux and educate yourself. Most Americans on here are redpilled on the perfection of free markets and capitalism but you clearly aren't

>you can only believe a certain thing if you're from a certain place
The only cringe here is your identity politics bullshit. You frame yourselves as anti-establishment but you're essentially just lefties painted a different color.


Blame the government is definitely the most logical conclusion.

Fucking Green Day just released a new anti-Trump song, I thought they were supposed to be anti-establishment.

>This is implying natsoc must be german.

>and not an ideology that is applicable in any nation state.

Blame the Jews and Americans, perfect

Fuck you lolbertarian faggots

>Mhmm sweetie, educate yourself

>Anarcho capitalism has killed 0 people
because it doesn't exist

this is why its important to own guns

You practice anarcho-capitalism every time you have a trade with someone that don't use violence.

not an argument is not an argument


No way Rage are not authoritarian left.

If anything they're libertarian left.

They've never supported communism or authoritarian leftism at all. Literally all they do is rail against the establishment. They are not authoritarian.


not because i use central bank issued currency

Anarchocapitalism doesnt have a monopoly on free trade, neck yourself kid

It's a meme ideology and will never be anything more.


We could go tit for tat on smaller freedoms (alcohol vs guns, drugs vs certain vehicles), but in a grander scheme of things the US still has free speech. It doesn't seem like it from how the anons on here complain, but compared to Europe where it is LITERALLY illegal to say you doubt the holocaust, it's very free. Your company and peers can harass you, sure, but the law cannot.

Who is paying you commies to spam these childish memes everywhere? Sup Forums is an AnCap board. Fuck off statists.

kind of like every ideology pol has ever fantasized about WHOOPS DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD

What if I'm bottom right and still blame the Jews?

Ancap is nigger tier, even behind Monarchies of all things

Clearly you don't understand that anarcho-capitalism is such a bad ideology it doesn't deserve to be challenged with anything but shitty memes in the first place.

By the way, I'm not paid to do this. It pays for itself seeing you sperg out over it.

>what people of their country died to protect

I thought Hitler was only interested in restoring germany, and when the war began he was only really interested in taking western europe (maybe britain as well, i don't remember)

Free trade is anarchic by definition because it exists independent of government interference. You can have various degrees of freedom in trade policy, but that also corresponds with equivalent levels of government interference. They're synonymous.

I'm not even ancap, that's just accurate semantics.

Anarcho capitalism is an ideology, you can't compare that to "governments". Literally apples to oranges.

It amounts to saying abstinence never raped anyone, but people have.

Blame the government.

You statists are the true spergs who think government can solve everything

we ancaps are actually enlightened, hard working people who understand basic economics

if the world were to go ancap tomorrow we'd be landing on mars within 2 years

Holy shit

A rational argument has been put forth on Sup Forums without the usage of high-school insults and ad-hominems

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Fuck Spirit.

(((punk))) music hasn't been "punk" for decades now

it's part of the reason why punks aren't even a subculture anymore, you can't be punk and write goodie two-shoes lyrics about your feelie weelies.

You can have free trade with a government

Just gonna point this out, but you are sperging out at this very moment. Sperging out is a very simple concept to grasp, and it easily confounds those who are sperging out themselves- in due time, a sperg learns.

It doesn't though, the nature of the products sold is controlled very tightly by governments regardless of how much they do or don't charge you to sell it and/or bring it into the country. Otherwise we'd still be getting sausages made from refuse swept up from the slaughterhouse floor, or radium paint.

>You can have free trade with a government

this is what commies actually believe

go back to fucking your alien girlfriend's squid pussy and cum on her twentyhead

Authoritarianism is for fixing society, libertarianism is for enjoying society then destroying it because some retard decides to import millions of niggers for cheap labour and no one can stop him because that would be authoritarian.

I can't even tell if you people are trolling or not

we became authoritarian-right in order to help the rest of the world be libertarian-right, specifically you Europeans. Instead you fuckers chose socialism and here we are.

also libertarian-right would force the undesirables out :^)))))

>OP wants us to blame this.

Dude, I want to meet you.
Você mora em qual região?
Achei que era a única libertária nesse shithole entupido de sjws e bolsonitros

Remember that one time America imported millions of niggers for free labor and then they were stopped by authoritarians but generations of amazing music was created?

(Until the invention of hip-hop, that is.)

Authoritarians aren't that bad after all


>Forcing things

Were you dropped as a fetus?

You can have a lesser degree of free trade with a government.

I'm not saying it's right, but true free trade (as in no government intervention regarding the buying and selling of property and services) includes human trafficking, slavery, etc.

Obviously those things are outlawed by the government and a portion of the natural free market is affected as a result. Again, not a bad thing, but it's still a fact.

I'm a right libertarian according to the OP picture in case of the Russian Federation. I think that the USA is a good country and there's nobody to blame. It's the reason why I want to get an h-1b visa.

You think some policeman will come to my house because I discuss the legitimacy of the Holocaust with my family.

I didn't expect an argument anyway so I guess I'm not disappointed in your response. Bombs away

check out this map. I remember reading an article on the internet about an anarcho-capitalist Brazilian town.

In case of the UK I blame Muslims. They control and brainwash the British.

And America's still being punished for it.

>not seeing my obvious edit
Were you dropped as a fetus?

Brazil is ancap

>nothing means anything anymore


rate my chart

maybe in the Amazons, where nobody can know you own a toddler prostitution ring and a few dozen meth labs producing export

Can't tell if you edited to hide a mental mistake or a typing mistake.

When forced to decide whether something is stupidity or malice, always choose birth defect.

sulista hahaha
aqui muita gente é libertária

No way is Springsteen right. You need to actually listen to the lyrics.

Fine, here's a complete fucking fix you dingus.

we became authoritarian-right in order to help the rest of the world be libertarian-right, specifically you Europeans. Instead you fuckers chose socialism and here we are.

also libertarian-right wouldn't force the undesirables out :^))))) (hint: authoritarian-right CAN force the undesirables out)

In case that is not bait:
Sadly, Brazil is statistically a government loving/dependent country.
We literary see socialist fags using Uber to get home so they can post on Facebook about how capitalism is shit.

Poxa vida :(
Quase todos os meus amigos libertários são daí mesmo.
Sou de São Paulo :/
É verdade que o Sul ainda quer se fragmentar do Brasil ou isso é só um meme?

I don't understand how what you're saying addresses my point.

I'm saying that free trade (which is founded primarily on a reduction of government intervention in the economy) in it's most realized form (as in zero government intervention in the economy) is inherently anarchic because anarchy is foundationally anti-government.

I was pointing out that from a linguistic standpoint, one cannot say that an economy has become more free but further away from anarchy. Freedom is the direction and anarchy is the destination. That is a fact.

Your response, in summation, is that the United States is not anarchic(?). Which eveyone knows and I agree with.

Literally* oops.

>Defending Natsocs
>Opposing Identity-Politics
>Implying Natsoc wasn't Identity-Politics in its heyday

Consider Prevagen

You idiots really need to check out George Lincoln Rockwell.

Blame the jews influencing the government.

Some of us here on Sup Forums use Uber because we don't see it necessary to own a car in the large city we live in.

Except you wouldn't understand that, being one of the special Sup Forumssters that all sound like they live in Sisterfuck, Arkansas.



eu sou do norte do paraná, não se ouve falar muito disso por aqui. mas quando morei em curitiba e florianópolis sim, era papo corrente.
o movimento separatista tem muita adesão até, prega ideais libertários e descentralização. mas eles são uns merdas na parte da propaganda, porque são pessoas comuns e sem afiliação política ou midiática que lideram o movimento