How many of us are wearing one (or something similar) tomorrow?
How many of us are wearing one (or something similar) tomorrow?
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Stop shitposting
I'll be wearing my MAGA hat, you dissident. You are now an enemy of the state. Rebel scum.
Do "I'd fuck Trump" buttons count?
Is this the upgrade from a safety pin?
I'll be busy working, you fucking nigger.
Nobody asked me.
+1 upboat
Reach-around given.
Only you nigger
THIS lmao
More virtue singling points then a saftey pin or a #notmypresident tweet but less then a make donald Drumpf again hat or bragging about how you got maced at the inauguration on facebook.
have to for work.
"Trump has ties to Russia"
I don't like buttons, they're for fags.
I'd buy a hat that says "grab em by the pussy" tho
Awesome button! I, like many of my fellow Americans, will be ASHAMED tomorrow to see our nation's highest office occupied by DUMPY DRUMPF!
I'm not worried though, our diligent intelligence agencies will soon uncover Dumpy's ties to PUNY PUTIN and Drumpf will be impeached and go down in history as the biggest traitor in American history!
make J U S T great again
Such a good red pill. I describe this situation without mentioning the clintons and showing how fucked up it is. Then I say - oh gee and clinton got money from all of these people and tried to promote this.
Really makes them think