>The Vice President-elect has a history of anti-gay policy making. >Hundreds of activists got turnt outside Mike Pence’s house last night in protest at the incoming Vice President’s history of opposition to LGBTQ rights. >Led by activist group WERK For Peace and their leader Firas Nasr – seen dancing in front of the crowd in the video below – the queer party marched to Pence’s home in Chevy Chase, Maryland and danced to Rihanna and Whitney Houston hits while waving rainbow flags and LED hula hoops. >“We are here tonight to send a clear message to Daddy Pence that we will not tolerate bigotry and hate in our country,” Nasr told protesters, as CNN reports. “We are here today to take the streets as our dance floor.” >Pence has a history of opposition to LGBTQ rights, from campaigning against gay marriage to opposing the repeal of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. >WERK For Peace is an activist group founded in the wake of the Pulse nightclub shooting last year with the goal of “using all forms of dance to promote peace”. >Protestors are expected to arrive in Washington D.C. in huge numbers this weekend as Donald Trump takes office. The Women’s March on Washington will take place on Saturday, the day after his inauguration, with sister marches planned across the world. Beyoncé, St. Vincent and Grimes are among the high-profile musicians publicly supporting the march.
Sup Forums is slow as shit right now, where is everyone?
Nathan Morris
Matthew Parker
Probably resting up for endless shitposting for the inauguration tomorrow.
Isaac Powell
/pol has turned to shit of late, influx of reddit has really destroyed the integrity of most discussions. Most people here agree on conclusions, not reasoning. It wasn't like this until the past year. I know this isn't answering your question of frequency of (You)'s but just wanted to make the point none the less.
Josiah Robinson
>just proving Pence's point that sodomites need to be electrocuted
Dominic Hughes
Isaac Robinson
>St. Vincent and Grimes
Who? Are they supposed to be as overrated as Beyonce or something?
Chase Watson
Nah, you're right. It definitely isn't a good board for discussion right now. People fall for the shittiest bait these days.
Jaxson Bailey
Don't forget the P
Isaac Edwards
This will just make mike pence and his neighbors hate gay people.
I'm sure there are some gay people on here that would agree, too.
Grayson Morales
They're huge in "alternative" music, "indie" music, whatever you want to call it. Queenz of p4k and Sup Forums St. Vincent a shit but Grimes' music is alright, even if she's a Trudeau-shill
Christian Harris
Wow, unibrow would be stupid enough to vote Trudeau.
Jayden Butler
t. Uncle Chester
Ethan Bell
If I were Pence I'd set up a lawn chair in front of my house with a cooler full of beer and spend all night laughing at them.
Jose Turner
>marches >dances >protests Never anything more Retards think they can force The Man to submit with just noise and spectacle. Wave your signs harder guys, they'll cave at any moment!
Charles Campbell
Still makes me sad that he died in prison.
Brody Gray
Jeremiah Sullivan
One of the fags would probably try to cut himself and spray Pence with his HIV infected blood.
Brandon Garcia
Pence doesn't find them funny you silly shit, he finds them to be fucking disgusting.
Landon Nelson
I bet that dude stuffed his shorts to make it look like that, men just don't have any ass
Look at the right cheek looks stuffed with to or something
Hunter Fisher
Nah, I think it's just riding up his sweat-filled crack so it makes the buttocks more pronounced.
Aaron Hall
Anyone have that two comic where in the first a gay guy is thinking over something to the effect of "how can I show people I'm normal and not a sexual deviant" and then decides acting like a huge faggot and sucking a dildo is the best method?
Jason Peterson
>hur hur I'm not going to tolerate intolerance.
Daniel King
Noah Campbell
>that numale sitting position.
Jack Lewis
Homosexuality is a trait which evolved through group selection. In harsh environments, men would be highly competitive with one another for resources and reproductive rights. It would have been beneficial for the group as a whole if certain men accepted a submissive role, so that there would be less competition within the group. Homosexual behavior could have also served as a form of male bonding, which would have increased trust and group cohesion. Groups which did not develop this trait would have been more stressful and competitive, compelling men to hurt and kill one another, thus harming the survival rate of the group.
Robert Anderson
Thank you Bruce
Logan Mitchell
Caleb Peterson
he could have just called the police on a noise complaint and gotten most of them gone
Jayden Jackson
Parker Hall
Good, whatever makes pol uncomfortable the better.
Brody Foster
>tfw no pol bf
Jordan Scott
Isn't this why no one ever takes homosexuals seriously?
Elijah Sanchez
Josiah Hernandez
I like this one better myself
Daniel Jackson
I would agree with your viewpoint but the one glaring exception to that rule would be the logical conclusion that Hitler did thing wrong and all kikes must be gassed. That conclusion needs no further reasoning as it is self evident. If our founders had to deal with (((them))) back in the 18th century they would have written this down in the preamble of the constitution.
Lincoln Morris
why is this shit legal?
Colton Ross
The DC police are in the Dems' pocket. They wouldn't have done shit.
Ian Brown
>yfw Mike has facial recognition cameras at his house. >All fags get tracked for electrocution.
Ryder Rogers
I want season 3!
Hunter Diaz
Read the mango, they dont really get as far as JR did
Landon Young
Because it isn't on private property and is a peaceful 'demonstration'.
Caleb Ward
This is gay, even for homsexuals.
Bentley Martin
>Mike, honey, the gays are protesting on our front lawn! >Karen >TURN ON THE FENCE
Colton Hill
Hey guys, I heard that if you enter "Mike Pence" in the name option when you post, the new filter will put in a fun middle name a la Dan "Get in the Van" Schneider. I'll test it out right now!
Daniel Gray
so basically homosexuality is the most beta of betamales only way of getting laid.
OK, I can accept that, but do they have to be such fucking faggots about it?
The gay issue is not that they are fucking each other, it's that they want us to watch their beta manifestation in the streets.