Alright folks, it's time to start a shitshow. Let's get the left to fight itself. Need ideas images, memes, you name it. Let's the ball rolling. Personally? Let's make Planned Parenthood look racist. Get black women and white women fighting. GET IN HERE!
Other urls found in this thread:
Aren't black women more likely to have abortions?
It's January
Some women belive trannies are not pure women! An outrageous, transphobic, patriarchy assisted slander that must not be tolerated!
Check em
Yes, black kids have a 50/50 shot at making out of the womb.
I remember a group of pro life dykes with a booth at my campus a few years back. Feminists For Life, I think it was.
Can we get a get a list of the groups going?
These numbers have to be inflated. Right?
Seems like a good place to start
If we could tie Soros to this...
We need the infighting to hit maximum levels.
We have to make them attack each other.
Something like
>"most fellow gays at the protest are actually Trump supporters looking to grope"
>"any masked protester could be an intruder, harass them 'till they unmask!"
If we could get people filming and uploading we would have the face of feminism in all it's snarling insanity for everyone to see, not edited out like on the MSM.
pit white women against women of color, its the only way
I like it, keep brainstorming.
Why do I feel like the women will fight among themselves because women hate women lol. But anyway if you want something to make the infighting fire up we gotta use propaganda. Lets push the sterilization promotion that Anon5 suggested.
Right, let's look into the groups going and try to make it look like we belong. Then push out the memes.
That's a good point. I also think we need to look into the founder and get some good memes going about her. She was a racist.
You can also pit straight women against lesbians, attractive females vs. unattractive females, thin females vs. fat females, there are many, many options. Intersectionallity basically gives you an attack vector between any two women that have different privilege levels.
This lady, let's meme her
just "women's march too white" keep it simple
This is spicy
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
Moar about anon5
We gotta hit up the femasphere. Tumblr, Instagram, FB, fuckin even Etsy. They're all cancer but we're the Chemo
He wants us to meme feminists into sterilizing themselves.
We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population
-Margaret Sanger
Let's meme this as black women, and turn on white women.
This is the best bet. Drive a wedge here. Alienate white women from feminism. They'll come crawling back to white men and motherhood while the "movement" will crumble without their social power.
Let's get the memes going
Start with the "white women voted for trump. White women are the problem "angle
this is good but the text clashes with the traffic lines. normies will literally give up reading somethign at the first sign of resistance in their feeble brains.
Good shit user this is a great bread.
If anyone wants to long term fuck up feminism, look through this Congressional Report:
Find volations of the law and utterly discredit PP. they're a huge feminist ally.
If we play on women's natural inclinations some will react to this and be pissed at PP. This will cause other feminists to turn on them.
For sterilization, make them change their protest to be about sterilization, not Trump. Like" NO PATRIARCHY, NO TRUMP, I'M NOT YOUR BABYMAKING MACHINE! #STERILE-AGAINST-FASCISM or OVARIES ARE OUT, DON'T BE AFRAID!"
Fucking great idea
Too White for Women's Right
I like it.
Also target different races accordingly. For Whites use Info-grams. Blacks... use.. like a hashtag or whatever the fuck they can read
Point out that there aren't enough blacks signed up. Make them fight over not being "diverse" enough.
"America isn't white enough for Planned Parenthood"
What rhymes with trump and means sterile?
Fuck Trump Ovaries Dumped
This. You could easily start arguments about privilege with minimal effort.
I think White women verus black women is the right approach. Let's use multiple angles and see what sticks.
Ideas so far:
Planned Parenthood kills too many black babies
Planned Parenthood was started by a racist
Too many white women, not enough color
Let's get some more.
>Defunding would Planned Parenthood affect black women more because they 'need' more abortions.
Basically just phrase that meme in silly ways to imply >what you want to imply
Right but we need memes. Let's get cooking.
i hope you meant to say that kek
Aaaand there's nothing you can do pol. Just sit in your basement or room as per usual and shit post. I'll be out tomorrow marching and praying some Cletus ass degenerate starts something.
I had to cater for a women's march and I am on their email list. Doesn't seem like much I can do.
But wow these people are delusional after hearing their discussions.
This is a good slogan and we should meme it
Anyway we can exploit lesbians vs. "Breeders" and "heteronormative" people?
What are they saying?
There was absolutely no mention of this "Womens" march before November 11, that is, until after the election. This is an anti-Trump march.
Thanks also kek is with you.
But its half-baked. Help me make it better anons
With the left, absolutely. It's tactics; make the enemy think you're stronger than you are.
Probably 2/3 that number at best.
Funded by Soros. We need to expose this as well to normies.
>MFW I already saw infighting on my kikebook earlier
Apparently POC are blaming white wymyn for Trump's victory.
Really just planning, route discussion, ride sharing, hotels they're staying at.
When they were discussing drumpf, they were talking about how he is going to start nuclear war, they actually believed the piss story, made fun of his small hands, called melania a whore, etc.
Even my left leaning gf thought they were insane.
Let's make it worse
OF course it is.
They actually have a term for this: TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist)
there's also SWERF (sex worker-exclusionary radical feminist)
Here's proof from Google Trends: no mention of "Women's March" until November 11.
Why stop at "Black" vs "White"? Get the hispanic women to turn on the negros, and the Slavic to turn on the WASPS, and the WASPS to turn on the germanic. Full on racial divide that even Hitler and Al Sharpton would never have dreamed of.
"Would you raise a child in Trump's America?"
White women voted Trump so that Black women have to raise Tyrone. They are shackling us to our men by forcing us to go through with raising something we did not want. White women are working with the patriarchy!
This hurt my brain to write. I'm sorry
>a world with trump? ovaries dumped!
I'd actually love to see if feminists would follow through on this, kek
We're not stopping anywhere. What memes do you have for the those other scenarios?
They dropped a Pro-life Sponsor, and basically said it was an abortion march.
Pro-life women who were going got offended and still plan on going.
Fake leaked memos from planned parent hood showing an active conspiracy to increase black abortions. Like locating them in black neighborhoods. Discounting abortions for niggers, lieing to niggers about the side effects of abortion, etc. Make it look purposeful and come from the top
I like this, keep the ball rolling
The only tie OS has to The gathering for Justice campaign is a grant of 75k in 09. Nothing recently.
I am sure Soros has something to do with this, but this is a bit of a stretch.
Thanks to Trump defunding PP You don't have a choice. White women did this to us POC
I think we're starting to get somewhere but we can't fire the cannons until someone makes some memes!
Another good one
So push the findings of this report on Planned Parenthood actually selling any parts
It will sicken the women who aren't militantly pro abortion and sow dissent
We need more research into this.
>Ai-Jen Poo
If you have a Kikebook account, go to the event pages for each city and ask the question: "Why aren't there very many black women signed up? We need to be more inclusive!"
That one of many angles we should be working.
>activists Gloria Steinem and Harry Belafonte are serving as honorary co-chairs.
In 2005, Belafonte founded the Gathering for Justice group, which has since been the recipient of numerous grants from Soros’ Open Society Foundations.
Yes. Nothing indeed.
To help, should some of us do some blatant shitposting to divert the more vigilant?
What you ask may kill me. But here goes nothing.
Hispanic women just wanted their loved ones to come to the US. Who cares if its legal or illegal. But white women are tearing families apart by voting for trump. Now we can't have complete families.
Ask why the Code of Conduct doesn't have enough protections for women of color, or why there is no Code of Conduct at all.
Top zozzle!
Great, let's move forward with this
Just have the other "white" women pin all of the blame on the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant women when you work up the negresses. You know, because it was the British who enslaved the world, you can't blame a Polish woman for your problems.
Not all feminists believe the abortion jew so since they're not too far gone we can appeal to their sensibilities.
We just have to hit them from every angle.
They're already doing it for us senpai, just spread this far and wide and you're good.
We need Taqqiya.
Get me some images and we can make it happen
But we can blow it open
Muslims lying about being harmful when in small numbers to be accepted
These are the women speaking, let's find "problematic" quotes and photoshop them over these women for some easy wins.
White privilege = having enough money to fly to DC for one day just to protest.
Honeychile, you know I don't got no money for that!