>actually comparing himself to a heavily edited pic that literally looks nothing like him at all
kek is he really this delusional
>actually comparing himself to a heavily edited pic that literally looks nothing like him at all
kek is he really this delusional
>a civic nationalist cuck
This whole social media thing is encouraging narcissism. Not healthy!
every single one of these alt-right internet celebrity faggots are opportunistic faggots
I can't believe that I somewhat liked this guy at one point.
fuck this retarded cuck, he never was and never will be /ourguy/
legit lol'd at this pic
From what I've read Super Male Vitality isn't a bad product, but this obvious shilling for his boss' product and the use of normie emoticons is the height of faggotry.
That pic is so try hard but looks like a twat in his videos
Hate him or not, he helped redpill the fuck out of many, you ungrateful faggots.
Sup joe
rural and suburban retards are delusional
Sup Joe
I'm not saying the dude's terrible, but he's clearly a bandwagon hopper, jumping on the Alt-Right label without even understanding everything it entailed (namely white nationalism).
when I first saw one of his videos I thought him and the the guy in his twitter pic were two different people, then I realized the pale-faced pouty-lipped blood-shot eyed basement dweller was the same person as the dude in the pic
Which is good.
But now those kids need to start reading and educating themselves with actual redpilled philosophy, geopolitics and the like.
PJW and his youtube ilk are glorified entertainers.
ITT: Sup Forums cannot discern irony
Paul Jewseph Watson is a shill that only started sucking the Trump teat when it became popular to do so.
Without Trump he'd still be making conspiratard Sandy Hook videos
It looks like the left is picture of him when he was like 18. It's an obvious joke.
Yeah it's like he took that for a dating site only to let women down when they meet him
really makes u think
its true OP
really activates your almonds
sup joe