Name one good reason you hated obama. Being black does not count
Why was obama so bad?
Other urls found in this thread:
because he did a shit job at being president
Why are you always here? Who the fuck are you?
a self hating nigger is always welcome
he woke dawg
r u greek my dude?you look greek
he didn't close gitmo like he promised
Look at that handwriting, I dont understand why you werent shipped back to Africa when humans had the opportunity
Just look at the increase of your country's debt. Geez, do some research why don't you.
He was cocky. He dismissed very well-meaning and relevant criticism from his political opponents and he never really reached across the aisle to broker bipartisanship. Predecessors, Clinton and Reagan were both able to do that.
Supported terrorists in Libya and Syria, kicking off the current refugee crisis in Europe.
No good covering your face, chum. We can work out the rest of your face instantly.
I didn't, I voted for him twice.
Obama care was a monumental failure and didn't even come close to accomplishing what everyone wanted it to.
>we wuz jooz 'n' sheeit
Nice doo rag
I really never see them anymore.
For the failed Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package
For the (Not So) Shovel Ready Jobs
For the failed tax payer funded "Green Energy"companies like Solyindra
For pushing through Obamacare without any bipartisan support
For telling us we can "keep our doctor if we like our doctor"
For employing the architect of Obamacare that admitted to manipulating Americans
For blocking Keystone XL pipeline and denying us energy independence
For the Fast and furious gun running to mexican drug cartels
For Quantitative Easing allowing the Fed to print money and prop up Wall St
For instigating the Arab Spring and creating the climate for ISIS after Iraq withdraw
For supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
For destabilizing Libya and the Benghazi tradegy
For the NSA Prism conspiracy and spying on US citizens
For the IRS prosecuting conservative fundraising organizations and Lois Lerner
For Bo Bergdall the Army deserter exchanged for 5 Gitmo terrorist leaders
For the VA scandal allowing Veterans to die in the waiting room
For granting unconstitutional amnesty to illegal aliens
For lifting Iranian and Cuban sanctions for nothing in return
For being weak on terror calling it "workplace violence" putting Americans at risk
For Black Lives Matter propagation and Indifference to black crime rates
For $400 million ransom cash pay off to Iran on unmarked plane at night
>Foreign policy
>Our Debt
>Social issues
>His attitude towards whites
>His fan base
>Obama Care
>Voting Rights
>Half nigger
> Poor Military leadership
Only plus was his ability to get us out out the recession
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lmao
Faked his birth certificate.
Bix jood
Where did you steal that computer?
He acted as if he was going to be some big racial healer, but pushed hard in the opposite direction.
He bragged that he got Bin laden, but we've come to expect terrorist attacks on our soil.
When Dallas police officers were shot, he showed up and lectured us on racism.
The US doesn't negotiate with terrorist countries. He gave BILLIONS of our tax dollars to Iran.
He told business owners "you didn't build that."
He said Muslims helped found America.
He said that NASA should do Muslim outreach.
He said "if you like your plan/doctor, you can keep it."
He defended the massive spying on US citizens program.
He dindu nothin wrong
He set a terrible precedent by campaigning for Hillary. A sitting president campaigning for the next president hasn't happened in 100 years and for a good reason.
He seemingly purposefully attempted to ruin foreign relations in his last month just to spite trump.
He expanded the drone program significantly but fails to have any actual balls when it comes to the military. It seems like he only wants to use it when he's targeting people who have absolutely no chance of retaliation.
>implying they don't all look alike.
Not your personal army. Learn to utilize the internet.
no he's argentinian
I wouldn't say he did a shit job, but he did a mediocre job.
Good things he did:
>started legislation on mending healthcare
>good speeches, very eloquent while personable, did a great job speaking to millennials and the minority community
>all around, nice guy
>some job growth
>wife ran a good campaign about eating and being healthy (though the cafeteria food was a complete bust)
Bad things
>racial tensions
>rise of ISIS
>increased national debt
I think he was OK but he's still a narcissist who failed to close down Gitmo, helped destroy Libya, allowed race relations to reach their lowest point in twenty years and enabled hardcore Leftists to dominate American Culture.
Other than that, King Nigger did a decent job in other departments.
Can you be more specific?
Im genuinely curious but so far nothing specific has been said in this thread, it's just "X is bad, Y was bad" which means nothing unless elaborated
They lost their receipts
You know what, I don't even want to get started on everything he did because you didn't answer my basic question to begin with. But I'll give you one basic thing he did that's going to fuck things up for a long time. In 2013, he allowed the repeal of the Propaganda Ban, allowing the spread of government-made news to Americans. If you hadn't noticed a change in news quality around that time, I doubt the veracity of the 'woke' claim someone else threw in your defense.
Jerome, I want to be friends with you IRL. Do you rap? We should make an album together. I'm a producer and worked for a well known hiphop record label for a while until the (((kikes))) bought it out.
Post a throwaway email, I'll send you beats
He got a noble peace prize, he was in a a war the entire time he was a POTUS...
He was the biggest race baiter. He doubled the debt, more gibsmedat for people who do not deserve and contribute. International politics were a desaster, he was an amateur all along.
I wonder what hesubstantially did good, I can't think of one thing
Hey burgerkang, why do you have a menora?
I'm not even a libshit , but you can't blame racial tensions, and shootings on King Negro. Those happen because of (((diversity))).
only fucks with fake niggaz
>replying to nigers post
Where were you when pol got "enriched" by totall newfaggiotry and cuckerry?
and for being a nigger about it when our cops got shot in Dallas
T. Texas
Nigger take off your fucking doo rag.
>be black
>wear doo rag
Not even fucking once, kiddo.
I don't 'hate' Obama, but he was a mediocre president. He just has a fundamentally mistaken vision for the country, and too often seems to lack integrity.
So many failed promises and a lot of double talk that he was sufficiently challenged on. Off the top of my head:
He talked about being more transparent, all while being less transparent, greatly expanding the NSA (several times), and taking a hard stance against whistle-blowers.
He didn't punish the head of the NSA when he was caught knowingly lying to Congress.
He talked all this bullshit about Bush in the Middle-East, then built the largest embassy that is serving as a forwarding base for thousands of military contractors. Continued neo-lib nation building, arming ISIS affiliated Syrian rebels, and killed a bunch of random brown people with drones, including a fucking American teenager, without judge or jury.
He allowed the military to redefine what a combatant was to include any adult person, so that on paper it looked like civilians deaths were going down with drone strikes, when in fact they were going up.
He completely bungled relations with Russia and let China walk all over us, he stood by incompetence in the people working directly under him, and allowed a cloud of elitism to infect most of what he did.
Don't even get me started on Obamacare, Fast and Furious, Obama's racebaiting etc.
I thought his foreign policy was ok when he ignored Hillary (who got him into the Libya clusterfuck). But domestically he didn't do enough to curb immigration and the Obamacare exchanges are just a disaster. Also he's up his own ass on this BLM thing like Mike brown was a saint of some variety. Meanwhile murder rates are up for the second year running.
he wuz kang
He is a communist bro, It doesn't work and he is one. It will turn us into a third world country. Take the redpill blackbro.