Is this redpilled? I like this show. They want to show the post-war german society in bad light, but they simply can't...

Is this redpilled? I like this show. They want to show the post-war german society in bad light, but they simply can't. What do the viewer see?
- clean and safe streets, nice architecture
- homogeneous society with beautiful intelligent redpilled people
- high level technological development
- the love of art and culture
- there are no religions therefore no extremism

While the rebels are literally terrorist jews and other shitskins Who want anarchy.

Wait what show is this, high castle?

Yes, I forgot about the title.

Funny thing, in the books the Sith are the good guys. They tried to protect the galaxy from a merciless horde of suicide warriors with death star

I was talking with my brother about that show a few days ago. I had never seen it, but he was explaining the premise to me. He is very smart, but holds normie political beliefs. It was incredibly surprising to me how he was talking about the Nazis in a somewhat positive light. When I said in an offhand comment that such an idyllic society is what I would have expected had the Nazis won the war, he surprised me by agreeing. I've never seen the show, but, based on out conversation, I think that it may be very subtly opening peoples' minds to Nazism.

It accidentally red pills people.

I'm watching Episode 1 of Season 2 right now. The 'Nazis' are fit, prim, and attractive.

They try to make the Reich look bad, but they have the level turned way down in comparison to virtually all Hollywood productions.

The Sith did nothing wrong, but That's an other story.

Bluepills on the edge of the bluepill will like this.

The writers are having a hard time making a utopian society look like a distopian one, There is no doubt this society would not only be functional, but utopian, and the people would admire and reflect that.

I'm a shitskin latino so I don't really understand what is happening in the show, and I really liked it I thought the message was good and I the characters were all ambiguous with the (((resistance))) literally being the worst group of self-righteous tards ever. What place do I have in this society? Would I be shot? I'm not a semite my parents are from Ecuador which is ruled by Japan what exactly happens to everyone else?

Its a good but cringeworthy show, the nazis worldviews in the show differ quite from the real nazis.

A lot of reactions I've seen were from normie shitskins saying "they would've killed me" or "I wouldn't be allowed there" as if these are supposed to be bad things.

>the nazis worldviews in the show differ quite from the real nazis.
I haven't watched it, but can you explain how the worldviews are different?

They take the extremities of what happened during WW2 and paint is as the standards of living for the nazis, aswell as fake rumors somehow being true in this show.

They burn the crippled and the mentally ill
If a family member is somehow defective thanks to an illness the doctors prescribes a cocktail syringe to end their lives.
They are atheists, they despise religion

Yeah I wish. They try to show Nazi America as some kind of dystopia but it looks like the total opposite.

Which isn't true at all. Himmler was an occultist pagan, and Hitler was Christian.

>being ok with Euro-shit and Nip rulers

Even with a nuke I doubt the US would let itself get subjugated by Europeans or Japs, how the fuck did the tame the south and PNW in the show?

They live like everybody else in the movie. The germans didn't exterminated you.

Yes, but Hausmann is very redpilled.

>as if these are supposed to be bad things.
:)), and the part, where they say "if we hadn't won, Semites would rule the world today"

You're Canadian. So like in real life you don't matter.

They embraced religion as part of their culture, which it was.

In fact I'd very strongly argue that Nazi's were a thousandfold more moral and religious than their german counterparts today are.

Anarchy comes from an, meaning without, and archon, meaning ruler.

Not no rules, obviously any good white god fearing man or family understands gods laws are fixed, and not relative.

movie magic


Don't you people understand fiction?

You're europeans too, or at least you were 90% white country back then


I like the show and can understand it being for the sale of the plot but it really got muh neurons firing, if a hypothetical invasion of the US occured, the South, Appalachia and the PNW could resist successfully or at least make it a bitter, soul crushing and pyyhric victory for the invaders.

The southwest would be a pretty brutal fight, you'd have to deal with Americans AND Mexicans

The problem is that its propaganda then

Keep in mind it's alternate history. FDR was assassinated and US got even more isolationist. A coordinated attack on the US was preformed by Germany and Japan with a surprise nuclear attack on DC that threw the nation into disarray. With the federal government destroyed, state national guards try to put up a fight at Virginia Beach, but fail, and Germany can split the north and south. Individual states start secret negotiations for peace and the country collapses.

Yea but American Exceptionalism was also at an all time high time but so was isolationism.

If Germany hadn't declared war on the US, do you think the US entering the European front wouldve never happened?

Thanks, that makes sense. I might give it a try. True Detectives was good, so why not?

Interesting, didn't know that about the show, I'm only half way through the first season.

Makes for good TV but I always thought a realistic show about a Mainland USA invasion by Axis forces would just a spicy too

After reading this thread I think I'll try watching this show