My grandfather was a member of Castro's secret police in the 60s

my grandfather was a member of Castro's secret police in the 60s

ask me anything

Are you here legally?


yeah, my dad won the green card lottery in the mid eighties and my mom shit me out a few years later


no, interior ministry agent (MINIT)

trudeau really is his son. holy shit.

Fuarrkkk that's amazing.
You proud of that shit nigga?

i can see the resemblance

for more info on my grandfather he gunned a nigger dead and shit talked commies after he finished his service

what was your grandfathers role

i can't be proud of what i haven't done, but my dad tells me i'm almost exactly like my grandfather, and judging from the stories he was a fucking beast
i'll tell the stories in a sec

almost like an FBI agent, did some investigations and was one of the few people to keep the rights to a gun, etc
the highlight (and end) of his career according to him was killing a nigger

Do it nigga, I got some good stories too.
My Grandfather was a mayor of a Mexican town and he persuaded Pancho Villa not to kill him and Pancho Villa only lived bout a block away.

Did they kill jews?

Is Communist Cuba really as bad as other commie countries or is it one of the few examples of a communist state semi-working

>Grandfather old enough to have met Pancho Villa
jesus how old are you

i'll tell the nigger one since it's the most Sup Forums
>my grandfather was born in 1934
>fucking HATES black people, but he still fucks black women and leaves them pregnant
>during the revolution he's indifferent about commies but sees an opportunity for advancement
>joins the cuban police
>promoted to the MINIT forces in 1961
>1963 he's on patrol in Matanzas, little town about 50 miles away from Havana
>some nigger is chimping out in a bar, suspected enemy of the state
>he shows up with his partner
>nigger apparently tried raping a woman there
>they enter the bar and it's a mess, nigger is yelling and making a scene
>my grandfather tells his partner that "if he lays a hand on me, I'm gonna fucking kill him"
>grandfather tells him to knock it off
>nigger swings his fist and clips his chin
>grandpa unholsters Tokarev and shoots the nigger point blank in the forehead

he got reassigned to bayamo where he did some stuff, retired in 1965 when my dad was born

Not old at all didn't hit my 20's yet, shieeeet I meant to say Great-Grandfather my bad nigga.

having visited cuba I can safely say it's garbage, but it's oddly comfy garbage
the people are super warm and welcoming, the food is great (when you can get some) and the ambiance is something you don't find anywhere else
that being said communism is garbage and cuba would be a lot better underneath a system like the US's

nah but Jews were viewed as a threat, mainly due to "imperialist sympathies"

Shieeeet, your grandfather was fucking hard.
The most my blood did was beat the shit out of Hungarian police and have recorded kills in 1990's in Yugoslavia and all the way back to WW1.

sounds badass
on the topic of my grandpa, he later told his partner (who told my dad after my grandpa died in 2001) that he regretted nothing and he would do it again
i've got more stories too, one sec

My great grandfather worked on the apollo 11 nosecone