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I'll have an order of freedom with a side of fashyness pls.

Are we finally hitting critical mass?

Democrats and Republicans are practically the same thing. Drop your childish paradigm and just say that politicians propose a bill to kill people (like all of their other bills)

Twitter is going nuclear over it

Good. But it is sad we need to pass a new law to enforce and old law.

>being this leftist

Stop lying you fagots.

What part of MAGA do you not understand OP?

Let me know when they pass a bill making it legal for me to kill protestors

This is some fake news that I can get behind.

Sets a dangerous precedent. We all know who that bill will result in dying at the moment, but the moment legitimate political dissatisfaction occurs (ie. if someone equally as corrupt and contemptible as Hillary becomes president), it could be used to dangerous effect.

Unless it has very strict rules on which circumstances police are legally justified to use lethal force, I'd oppose it.

Fucking FINALLY.

I also suggest we need a law enforcement agency designed specifically to handle riots/protests that are entirely independent of the police.

Do these people just ignore the right to PEACEFUL protest?
Or do they they think that rioting, looting, and attacking police or anybody unlucky enough to be caught by their mob is "peaceful'?

More Twitter gold

The righteous hand of the authoritarian right will smite these cucks into submission.

I'm getting the best fashy feels right now.

This just makes tomorrow all the sweeter.

Bit too far, pretty sure thats against rights, literally dictatorship/statist tier


If we stopped using this sort of divisive language acting like you're on red or blue team when in reality you're on commoner or aristocrat meme, people would finally start seeing the truth of our government.

Works for me.


Kill yourself

Normally I'd agree with you, but conservative protesters are armed. And you cannot shoot those that have permits and organize peacefully.

The article is misleading. It should say "shoot rioters causing a threat".

ok, that's like legit fascist in a way that immigration control, supporting biogender based bathroom assignments and putting a goddamn devos in charge of the department of education aren't

Probably fake if not imma join police rn

IT literally says if they're in the street you can run them over without penalty

This is good

Fund it.

I've recently come to terms with the fact that I'm actually a fascist. I think using deadly force against detractors is a fantastic idea.

It's weird because for the longest time I was a libertarian fag.

You can say that until they come for you.


How do you want it? Suicide by police or suicide by car?

Can a LEAF join the forces in America? Fuck I'd love to kettle a bunch of hippies loaded down with baton and mace

Last bit of Twitter I will post on this issue. I will leave the rest for discussion. I think it's enough. Although I'd rather a very credible source report on it.

I have nothing to worry about from an authoritarian right wing government

Perfectly okay with this.

Kill yourself

So true.

Yes please.

We need this shit

You need to be 18 to view this site

>authoritarian right
Nope, that's a lefty thing.

Aside from the obvious FAKE NEWS sensationalist headline, I see nothing wrong with this.

We have a right to a peaceful protest. People seem to mistake this with a right to break whatever fucking laws they want as long as they can get a few dozen people together beforehand and have a sign or two to hold up.

The right to protest is not the right to unlawfully stand on a highway and obstruct the lawful use of the highway.

You just know people are gonna sacrifice themselves to prove a point, more dead protesters for us I guess.


It actually makes a lot of my childhood make sense. I've always been overl authoritative

Almonds activated

>pennies for the hungry
>looks like a negro version of the michelin man
top kek


You just want to be individualistic and left alone and these protestors and faggots won't shut up and let you or the government be.

They're protesting stupid shit for all the wrong reasons, disrupting other's lives for their temper-tantrum.

There will come a day when the government is doing the same thing and you'll be libertarian again.

No, i just dont want police to be little warlords running about the place

>A bill he proposed would give authorities 15 minutes to dispatch as many police officers as needed to break up a group of 10 or more people blocking a road
there is no legal right to block roads

Normies on suicide watch

>Niggers in Chicago express themselves by shooting each other daily
>Liberals silent
>Cops want the same rights
>Liberals outraged

Double standard tbqh.

I support shooting looters and rioters
you can protest peacefully.
white people do it all the time.
if niggers can't handle it, they deserve to be shot.


as creepy as the ramifications of the legislation mentioned by OP are, I'm actually for making it legal to hit people at no more than 20 mph with your car if they're blocking your path on a street or highway

good but not at the same time

They do realise that 'protesting' and fully blown violent riots are different things right?

What the fuck that was the most vague news report I've ever read. Niggers just reporting vague shit to sell news to dumb viewers.

Why don't the cops just tell them to fuck off and if they don't they grab the protesters and arrest them?

So say something like this comes to pass. Would that make Planet of the Apes Chimpenings a thing of the past?

I guess so.

But there are too many people on different sides, we can never coexist.

There has to be a reckoning.

if we could just have a good ol fashioned civil war and slaughter them, I would go back to wanting to be left alone. But until then

That's just common sense.

Hands on the wheel, don't stop.

Looks good to me. The police need to stop being pussies.

I realize this. I posted other links also with social media reactions to such a thing. Which is why I left it for Sup Forums to discuss.

No. They honestly don't.


The 'murican leftists are fucking terrorists

Fuck off kike, Libretarianism is almost as cucked as the authoritarian left


That so? What's your source, shitstain?

Your anime gf don't count, fuckface.

I just came. Is that normal?

They do not realize this.

Not a good idea in the long run. Unless Trump leads us on galactic conquest and his consciousness is bound to his throne.

>It should say "shoot rioters causing a threat".
Well yeah, I agree that should be a given.

I don't think it should be "required" (as said by the article, though the article seems a bit biased). As for the cunts who shit like in this video


Driving through them should be legal, provided the driver slows down to give them a chance to get off the road. If the rioters pose a threat to the car and/or its inhabitants, they should be allowed to plow through.

All those "waaaa dis ain't constuhtutianal" tweets

I can't wait to bash lefties

ah well....If the flames of the revolution the traitors are the first to go.
Is this guy antifa? I just assumed to opposite.
well well well.

petty Reactions to just reactionaries

ah well....If the flames of the revolution the traitors are the first to go.
Is this guy antifa? I just assumed to opposite.
well well well.

woah break in the system

>Trump leads us on galactic conquest and his consciousness is bound to his throne.

>This was one of Trumps picks
Computer scientist David Gelernter, a Yale University professor who has decried the influence of liberal intellectuals on college campuses, is being considered for the role of the Donald Trump's science adviser. Gelernter met with the president-elect at Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday, according to press secretary Sean Spicer.

Gelernter is a pioneer in the field of parallel computation, a type of computing in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously. The programming language he developed in the 1980s, Linda, made it possible to link together several small computers into a supercomputer, significantly increasing the amount and complexity of data that computers can process. Since then he has written extensively about artificial intelligence, critiquing the field's slow progress and warning of AI's potential dangers.

In 1993, Gelernter was seriously injured by a letter bomb sent by Ted Kaczynski, the anti-technology terrorist known as the Unabomber.

Beyond computer science circles, Gelernter has made a name for himself as a vehement critic of modern academia. In his 2013 book, “America-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture (and Ushered in the Obamacrats),” he condemned “belligerent leftists” and blamed intellectualism for the disintegration of patriotism and traditional family values. He attributed the decline in American culture to “an increasing Jewish presence at top colleges.” (Gelernter himself is Jewish.)

>one of the key innovators in making AI and hyper-cubes
Trump's already begun downloading his brain I'd bed.

Only thing is, right wingers don't usually protest like Leftist, we actually have jobs and pay taxes... If for whatever reason we had to....


Still can't believe how bad Bern boy took it up the rear that day they stormed his event. Truly the king of the cucks.

are the people beat up the ones who tried to disrupt trump rallies or something?

if this passes I'd totally become a cop

>Is this guy antifa?

The guy getting punched is anti-fa

the guy doing the punching is a Nationalist.

No I think I remembered it as him being on the anti-immigration side during that protest.

Amend the bill allowing "conceal carry holders" to kill protesters too.

George would have a field day.

The antifa outnumbered the "nazis" yet still all got beat down or their own blades used against them lel




I hope they stream the protesters deaths live on the innnertubes.

oh kek

Lmao, same.
I've forgone the libertarian muh rights paradigm into something more tangible in today's world.
Libertarianism is the white man's pipe dream, shitskins don't share the same ideals.

thank you, leaf
you're not all that bad

Oh shit.

Order 66 on antifa

>Why don't the cops just tell them to fuck off and if they don't they grab the protesters and arrest them?
Arresting a large group of people is time-consuming and often messy, and even when they're obviously breaking laws (like blocking public roadways) they use the "BUT WE R PIECEFOOL" excuse to try to prevent the cops from using the force necessary to resolve the situation in a timely manner.

They aren't going to be machinegunning down protestors in the streets, that defeats the purpose of clearing the streets by replacing protestors with corpses, ambulances, and crime scene tape. And if the law DID allow that it would get eviscerated for contradicting about a dozen other laws as well as constitutional protections.

those glasses

M8 I am moving to the Carolinas soon, I am so fucking done with this socialist winter wasteland known as Canada