Pajeet used to take the poo to the loo

When talking about Irony we see that the first civilization on earth to have a sewer system was in India sub-continent.

The Indus valley civilization was the first to construct a sewer system. Ironically their partial ancestors can't even make the poo to the loo.

arabs wipe their asses with their hands

With water. That's what you need to say, paper wipe. Bet some shit is stuck in your undie

>seriously defending using your bare hands to wipe your ass

The thing is I only use when there is a tough shit. But the thing is I clean five times a day plus 3 times when I shit.

Wipe with maple leaf dummy

Hand me a fucking one next time.

Have you tried sand?

>wiping your ass with the Canadian flag

Sounds about right.

what so you wet your hand and then use it to wipe am i getting this right?

When there is no water nor paper. You can use rocks.

Use the Quran

Eat with the right hand, wipe with the left hand. It's the circle of life.

There is some kind of water rinser we use in Muslim countries to clean butts.

Looks of Western origin to me.

This is Sup Forums where we know about taqiyya

Best brands of it are made in Germany. Chinese ones can last for a year or two.

BTW it's tuqyah. It's used by Shittes in Iran or maybe everyhwere

Brings a whole new meaning to the idea of "Chinese Crap."


atleast they can wipe without using their bare hands.

Never knew you dipshit was with them to tell how they cleaned an ass. Shit is extinct for millennias

millennia is the plural of millennium

It's kind of a hyperbole to say that how old this "crap" is.
Pun intended

that's a shitty joke to be honest family

I know dude. Like how my life is.


Well you made a thread about ancient shitting methods. How good can your life be?

btw the arabian sea tastes ok but the sand is all coarse, not like Jewrup can complain.

Dont say that buddy, saudi arabia cant be that bad


I dont know what you just said to me, but what I do know is you people take buckets of shit water to the bathroom with you every time.
Theres a reason one of your hands is yellow.

Take a look here

Ive seen those before. I think they are french or something.
Still though, Ive heard shitbucket stories that are horrific.

That's your problem if you have some dirty sex 2 girls 1 cup kind of fetish.

what is my problem?
You need to practice english a bit more.

> Ive
>Practice English

> Indus valley
> India

This should be a thread about Pakis.

alot of your sentences are not coherent.
sometimes native speakers dont use apostrophes all the time, we can easily recognize contractions without it.

Pakistan is a new nation. Indus valley people are both Pakis and Indians because Aryans mixed with them.

Are you really an Arab? Any proof? I collect flags and verified uncommons/rares are like shiny Pokemon to me.

Say anything that is commonly used (Eg: currencies) and I will give you some proof.


>From Sweden

Suicide bomb

poo bucket

After you take the poo to the loo

Aids monkey, go back to the oil fields you filthy barbarian swine

top keked

Satisfy Achmed the Ethiopian with your wife's anal

Nice, based poo

You're literally a nigger slave serf to the Saudi family, bet you wished you were in glorious Sweden, not take your anus brush and go clean the local beheading spot. Aids monket barbarian swine hund.

>bet you wished you were in glorious Sweden
That's the reason why Ethiopians are raping your mom

Bum gun.

You don't say no to KKK or you'll be gassed by With zyklon B provided by

>to wipe your ass

Cam't form a coherent thought beyond -


Yup, you're a sand coon. Literally below me. Have fun with your sad little life nigger, I'm gona enjoy my 1st world country and go take a shit in a toilet with clean water in it. A luxury you will never know.

Hah Haha Ahahahahaha



If you are out of options what you should do

Have fun suiciding while your country is invaded y Africans and Iraqis.

oh boy here we go

Blow yourself up



>this thread




I actually thought this was funny. The pajeets were the first to poo in loo... however those were likely dravidians, the Indo-Aryans that make up the bulk of India today weren't involved.

Sauce on gif?

I have never been in a situation where i needed to use fucking rocks to wipe my ass.


Aryans have mixed with some of their descendants

Sauce is not for jews, fug u

Not ur goy

Wouldn't be so sure , Ahmed, if you made it to Sweden, he could too..

Ye, thanks to cuckmoney and mama merkel.

Sit down faggot, shut your pie hole

Yes that's why you get the skin color spectrum of brahmin to untouchable. The untouchables ironically were the first race to use a sewage system

I'm not Jewish.

further proof that the Aryan invasion theory is a fact . no way in hell did modern abo loo Indians build this

Nice try jew

>the plumbing was built before the invasion
I think the consensus in that theory is they conquered the civilization that built the toilets

Any Anons have a sauce for this gif?