I feel like Harry Potter after saving the life of my fat ass cousin then still having to sleep under the stairs.
I feel like Harry Potter after saving the life of my fat ass cousin then still having to sleep under the stairs.
Well that does it. Anyone want my (((Deploraball))) ticket?
It was declared a hate symbol by the ADL, or SPLC, or whatever. You can't be alt-light unless you're compliant with hate speech laws, goy.
Don't forget to bring your basic bitch talking points for use against SJWs. Remember it's not that leftists are wrong, it's just that they're taking it too far.
They said from the beginning they're trying to distance themselves from the "alt-right". That's why some people were dis-invited. Pretty retarded if you ask me since they cry they're all about being politically incorrect.
Even right wing movements swing back hard to left now days.
Jews, man
Savage. Sup Forums absolutely BTFO
>12 guards
There can't possibly be a bigger faggot in all of the alt-light than Mike Cernovich.
Wow look at all those KAINGZZ
>And don't forget to buy my thelf help book, Gowilla Mindthet.
Looks like its time for a new frog..
o shit waddup
I fucking hate the alt-lite. Not the supporters, they are the ones rip for redpilling- but the leaders like Milo and Cernovich who are just shekel grabbing Jews should burn in hell.
>Aren't we so deplorable and not mainstream
>Oh no we can't have any racism or cartoon frogs that might offend people
Will Dat Boi become the new symbol of the "alt-light"?
Death to Dat Boi.
Long live Kek's beloved prophet Pepe.
Take note of everyone who went to that fucking thing. Does anyone have a full list?
what a bunch of cucks, cowtowing to the MSMs and hillaries narrative on pepe.
>well they said it, so I guess we better conform now..
what a cuck. I can understand not wanting Nazi LARPER's sperging up the place, but banning Pepe is full on faggot tree
Fuck, at least Milo has defended the use of Pepe memes and seems genuine in his beliefs about free speech (even if he is a degenerate faggot and a shekel whore).
Cernovich is a leech and a faggot. He's even a bigger faggot than Milo, who actually takes dick up the ass.
Now I want to go read dark tower again but I won't be able to enjoy it this time knowing King is a leftie hack, fuck you user.
live stream where? Is Molyneux and his family gonna be there?
No Pepe no Peace
Yea Milo is obnoxious but Cernovich is somehow an even bigger faggot.
Well, it was Cernovich's decision to ban Pepe. Which I guess makes him a fascist.
Which is ironic given that he was trying to distance himself from the "fascist" alt-right.
Top fucking kek.
Banning Pepe is more embarrassing than his report about the chemical taste a tranny penis left in his mouth.
I knew it. I knew it was going to happen.
This dude was talking about how bad nationalism was in the summer of '15.
He has no principles. None.
Good, frogshit is cancer.
Cernovich get out REEEEEEEEEE
Dammit why didn't project veritas let antifa gas these cucks?
Yup... he's leeching off the Trump movement to make some shekels and promote "his brand".
He's just a faggot opportunist.
What did Kek mean by this?
Shadilay! With the power of Kek against him, Cernovich won't last long. He offers nothing of value to the right.