Should the Holy Roman Empire be reestablished?

Should the Holy Roman Empire be reestablished?

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>implying it ever fell



The Roman Empire. Not the Holy one.

No, it was the most pathetic """empire""" that ever existed. Tried to WE WUZ Rome when was there was a direct successor of it in the East already and stopped having any real power over it's lands in 1182 when the Papal States became independent and the dutchies and counties kept fighting against each other for power, making it not Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.


God wills it

>cucked by pope
how about no

It shouldn't because Germans represent Byzantium, not Rome. Otto I has had ties with Byzantium and followed the Byzantine Empire

Yes. Kek wills it.

First holy mission would be to nuke Hueland.

Kys, cuck.

Napoleon was based for finishing off that abomination.

>spreading the enlightenment

No control over the papacy. Not sure what makes it holy.
Doesn't rule Rome, isn't an actual successor state to Rome, isn't organised anything like Rome. Not seeing the resemblance.
No centralized authority, member states are free to fight each other constantly.

This guy gets it.

>Kingdom of Burgundy


Yes, just include us too please.

Kek will make it holy, not some Jewish god.

I'd rather a Holy American Empire

been playing too much EU as belgian minors eh?

No, this one should though.

Holy Roman Empire Batman

said every edgy high school teacher ever.

Its called the Holy Roman Empire because power at that time was seen as being derived from the Roman empire.

Holy Roman Caliphate.


Balkans ain't got shit on the HRE's splitting and infighting.

No if the cuckpope will be involved

He's a piece of shit.

There seems to be some cartographic error on your map. You seem to have an appendage jutting in to the county of Avon in East New Wessex. Please inform the Pope to BTFO!!!

They were the ones who started the "Byzantine" Empire meme when they just called themselves Romans. They were trying to WE WUZ hard. It's evident.

No, it was seen as being derived from the Pope.
The Roman Empire didn't cease to exist until 1453.

The populations of Africa and Asia would almost instantly become 0

Daily reminder that we are in a Holy War as we speak

What do you mean? Those are really nice places, it is just the shitty people that currently live there that fuck it up.I would want my Roman villa nestled in the Tigris/Euphrates or the Nile.

Yes. It should, and will. We have all fallen from God's grace. As our punishment, the HRE will cuck all of us into submission before our timely demise. BTW it will be controlled by the Vatican.

I liked this one better

Thread theme

You mean Jude Law?
When I posted that I was actually thinking this would be my second choice after Rome.

The Bretons retained independence until the 1500s

THIS is the perfect map of europe

I'm very confused as to what is happening in Ulster/Connaught. Sure, Leitrim and Longford is full of faggots, but they ain't Loyalist-tier faggots.

More like cancer.jbg
Pic related is a good idea

I actually posted the wrong pic THIS is the definitive map of europe