Deploraball 2017

Where we find out some of this elections heros are really beta males.

Other urls found in this thread:

enjoy the next 8 years dirty spic

>touching a woman without her permission

do you want to be charged with rape?

That there is a genuine conservative hover hand.



Pointing out that problematic hover hand isn't normal faggotry.

I see why James has struggled for so long now. It all makes sense.

LOL...struggled in what sense? With women, you mean? Poor Jimmy. This is painful to witness.

> →
Don't you try herding me you asshole.

I'm saying that the Deploraball is some alt-lite circlejerk run by (((Cernovich))) and other assorted cucks.

That's one of the Pettibone sisters. Brittany , i think,.


He's an intelligent, clever dude. But there were so many situations in the past where he could have crushed the MSM, but he let his credibility, career and personal life suffer instead.


fuck off a photo is just a snapshot of one second of time

Did anyone take a picture with Lauren Southern?

no you were shown a brief moment in time that approves your confirmation bias

dude that's deep

She has a shitty THOT dress on

She is not /ourgirl/

>not grabbing her by the pussy

Is that what you're willing to let reality to be reduced to?



>floatin hand


I look exactly like OP's pic, even more beta looking no chin

Despite this I never had a problem to touch a woman.. I actualy would be successful with girls if it wasnt for my shyness (im the most boring person alive). I just dont understand people who are shy to touch women ..

He's a good man, I sense. Hard to read, undoubtedly enamored and entrenched in his work life. But to be frank I'm not sure what you're talking about.

You could say he's partisan, but to say he's failing to "crush" the MSM, I have to disagree. Veritas' work, although one-sided, is a good way to keep mainstream media in check

This whole concept makes my stomach hurt its so gay

read books and develop an identity you son of a bitch, stop self-identifying as boring like a defeatist faggot

I she was on the RSBN livestream at the deploraball

Looked THOTTY as hell.

Read books... like what?

dude keep these coming - are you a poet?

Politics, philosophy, economics, culture critique

Fiction is for fags btw

and history, very important to read history

wtf I'm a jebhead now

What is the problem just put it on her waist. His hand is out in the open for everyone to see that he is afraid to touch her.


What's thotty mean

Thanks based user, I will try to get a book on middle age history


>fiction for fags
No. No. Heroic protagonist are hugely inspiring.

Oh, I totally agree. My point was that a lot of his problems earlier on came from his lack of ability to assert himself. Everything had to be planned, literally.

I think a lot of that was him overestimating their capacity (especially CNN, who shat all over him since he gained notoriety). He tried to plan some sort of hidden video seduction thing on one of the CNN reporters trying to interview him, it was really fucking weird. Took him like a week to come up with that plan, and it failed. He tried to formulate weird plans to combat the MSM all the time back then, when he could have simply stood for himself and confronted them honestly.

And every time they called his bluff, often to their detriment, but nothing they couldn't sweep under the rug. And in this election, he was fantastic, showed amazing improvement in every regard, even his charisma.

But then, I see this hover hand, and it makes me sad for him.

those are both 5s with heavy makeup

>heroic protagonist
You mean made up people?

Mate, real life is far superior to fiction made by some fat neckbeard loser. Read some history about real heroes that perform the impossible.

The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam is something I'm reading atm. If you want to gain your own identity instead of being a faggot leaf then I suggest philosophy.

Ah yes, the CNN thing. Yeah, it was supposed to be tongue in cheek. I looked into that and Ben Wetmore's whole perspective of it was that it wasn't as creepy and weird as the MSM made it out to be, it was supposed to be absurd and silly.

Either way they have a tremendous amount of momentum right now. I just think the Left and Democratic Establishment are going to ramp up ops against them. That recent TYT piece is kind of absurd because it shows how the left is basically co-opting what Veritas set out to do in the first place


I am watching this. so much fucking cringe...

>Sam Hyde is banned
>Richard Spencer is banned
>Baked Alaska is banned
and most importantly
>Pepe the Frog is banned

The DeploraBall is not Kek-approved. It's a Reddit-tier cringefest.

>based Cernovich keeping out the LARPing trash and controlled opposition feds

It's not so bad. Later on he got a massive ovation for saving deploraball

melania sister?

>gowiwwa mindthet
>buy my thnake oil


He doesn't yet grasp how badass he is.


He tried to warn you guys about cucks like Mike Enoch and TRS but you wouldn't listen and let yourselves get played like a fiddle.

>implying this is a beta hoverhand
>implying it's not a hoverhand built from strong morals and christian beliefs

I don't care about any of this - when is the Jones speaking and who has a live stream to the rant about FEMA camps?

It's fucking nigger slang. Don't encourage it.

I haven't heard Wetmore's take on any of it. I didn't think O'Keeffe was in the wrong at all. They just do as they have done for years, because they are a bunch of lying cunts.

> That recent TYT piece is kind of absurd

I can't even take these guys seriously most of the time. When I see it at times, I don't know if they're being satirical and portraying themselves as that simple.

But yeah, I understand what you're saying. The MSM was possibly irreversibly crippled in terms of influence. Left oriented alt media sees the opportunity, and are following suit.

What makes me kek is that the Dems are using a lot of the failed libertarian rhetoric now. This really started mid-way through the last election. But its a real paradigm shift (can't believe I'm using that faggy phrase desu).

Definitely. He's improved exponentially in many aspects though.

Well yeah it's obviously this Seriously. Just think for a second...

Who the fuck is Cernovich? What has he actually done apart from talk about himself (and how he used to crush cans or some shit), put on this event and hover around the action?

This Cernovich guy is just in it PURELY for the focus and is a grade A psychopath. If anyone should be doing something like this is it Sam Hyde. They are more genuine.

I'm guessing that is why Psychovich doesn't want people there: Potential competing focus


Nice try MSM. What will you do when your corrupt organizations go out of business and you can't get work because you're known as a liar?

>gavin out there throwing punches in the streets
one of us

I am pissing with excitement!!


Even conservatives are beta nowadays. Is there no hope left?

this gives me bad highschool flashbacks

delet this


Cernovich is a cuck

Milo wanted @BakedAlaska banned from it which is why it looked only kinda fun inside. Nobody awesome wants to be around censoring pushy assholes.

One of us