What I've read about these cataclysmic events is that the debris they spew blocks out the sun and leads to global cooling. Aside from having to figure out how to filter water and grow crops, and filter air, and get people a safe distance, relatively, from the blast, what do you think?
Could the answer to Climate Change be inducing a supervolcano eruption?
see this might be a possible location to try it
Something something cutting your neck to reduce blood pressure.
If you can't say something nice it's into the oven, shlomo
You are wrong. No one can induce a volcano eruption.
Move along fellow Anonymous. I'm an old user and this is a troll thread.
Super volcano eruption would cause actual climate change as opposed to the stable climate we have presently you sperg
? You're not the first post you asian piece of shit
are you implying that there isn't such a thing as manmade climate change? Even with all the data and studies backing it up?
What? How is he implying that? Whether climate change is real or not, the fact remains that current global climate is pretty stable.
then what's all the fuss about?
Lets say you have a giant spinning mass in a vacuum. Over time the heaviest bits get pushed to the center and the lightest on the outside. Like a centrifuge.
Now lets say you carve up that mass and move huge chunks from one side to the other. Over time the rotation will cause the mass to be redistributed evenly. Duh
Tl;dr everybody dies
What fuss? Climate can stay stable despite warming or cooling over the long term. Wide fluctuations would make it unstable.
well a lot of people are sperging out in the news and online about how climate change must be fought or we'll all die, without ever actually putting forth any solutions to fix it
A solid observation.
A lot of people are also sperging out about racism, jews and ISIS without ever actually putting forth any solutions to fix them.
that all changes tomorrow, user
If someone wants to lower the temperature of the earth almost instantly, just dump iron dust across the center of the pacific.
The areas that don't get dust from land, if you suddenly supply them with iron will result in large plankton blooms.
You could lower the planets atmosphere temp by a couple of degrees in just a year or 2
In my opinion, manually calculating and overseeing the planet's distribution of mass will probably lead to whoever is in charge manipulating it and obliterating other countries. Humans are garbage. Stop being garbage.
We can hope.
When a volcano erupts particles into the troposphere, it scatters sunlight and makes it more diffuse, leading to cooling. However, when it's shot into the stratosphere, which is common with eruptions, it absorbs radiation, leading to warming in the stratosphere. But these effects only last a couple of years at most. The last major blast was in the early 90's with Mt Pinatubo, but the effect only lasted about 2 years.
but that was a regular volcano. Not a supervolcano. The effects would be much more significant
This is true, but it also put the most particulates into the air since Krakatoa. While it may not be the amount you are looking for, I think the principles would be the same. We may see a longer effect of cooling compared to a regular volcano, but would still not fix the overlying issue of climate change. That is, once the dust settled from the super volcano (no idea how long that would last), earth would still continue to warm based on atmospheric CO2.