Brit/pol/ - Cunt Edition

>The EU are beginning to offer Britain a favourable deal that would lead to a Soft Brexit - is May adopting Trump's business tactic; start by over-valuing, then settle in the middle?

>Nuttall is the candidate for the Stoke by-election

>Setting up landmines for Eurosceptics - Theresa May's speech examined

>The PM's Brexit Speech in Full

>Starmer: "If Theresa May gets everything she wants, it won't be a hard Brexit"

>NI Government is dissolved - Urgent election announced on 02/03/17 as the DUP fall to pieces in the polls

>The Copeland by-election and why it matters

>Traffic warden swarmed by flock of kikes in savage anti-British attack by Jews. Who even reads this fucking shit? Will you call it out in the thread? Like fuck you will. This place is /soc/ lite

>David Irving is doing well for himself - Five-figure donations to the great historian pour in, including a 40-room mansion and Rolls Royce

Other urls found in this thread:


morning lads




You lads going to watch?


Just netted bitcoin that there will be Scottish independence referendum scheduled before July. Will i lose my money. It just has to be scheduled doesn't even have to go through.

Got a 3k word essay to do in a day tommorow lads, any tips?

tldr pls

finally watching empire of dust for the first time lads

only 17mins in and I can already see an immense blackpill coming for the dindu

don't be lazy

Sky News from 3pm

You're correct.

Him get shot before he puts his hand on the bible?

Yeah, I'll watch that.

I wish they would do a follow up on Lao Yang

of coursh

Good. I'm sick of that Russian twat hijacking the threads.

>try to watch an old episdoe of rising damp on ITV3
>the episode has janky cuts everywhere, usually immediately after half a conversation between Rigsby (racist landlord) and Phillip (black tenant)
>episode unwatchable as all of the good jokes have been cut "for modern sensibilities"
What the fucking happened? There was a time when comedy writers used to have someone say something racist, but have it to show how "bigoted"/"ignorant" the character was, now they won't even allow this to be shown.


Sorry about him but if you're a regular you should know that his autism is uncontainable


fucking gross

Would be funny if Trump got shot, live, and just before he died he managed to say "The Jews did this." and that's how the west was redpilled.

HAHAHA martyr

Die, YKTD, you fucking fool.

That's all I came here for.

>Jewish daughter
>Wants to invade Iran for World Jewry
>Wanted the Israeli embassy to be in Jerusalem
>"Nobody loves Israel more than Trump folks"


POTUS is surrounded by bulletproof glass during inauguration

They are the lemmings.
I've noticed huge swathes of people only really talk about people, or television.

Even when you try to set out political reality to them, they won't swallow it. It's like trying to worm a cat, it just doesn't work.

Even rational people, people who can run off reams and reams of facts about the area where they work simply shut down and collapse into system justification based on press memes when you try and talk to them politically. These are the people who genuinely believe ED MILIBAND AND THE SNP WILL EAT YOUR DOG, who honestly think the Conservatives have fiscal competence, and who'll believe dated press lies even when they're pointed out clearly.

If you say something like "Perhaps Russia has aspirations beyond world domination" they'll react with total incredulity. As though you've just denied a plain fact that everyone can see, claimed the moon is bright pink, said Blair is innocent of war crimes. No amount of data will change minds. Putin is bad and Russia was the bad guy in the 80s films, so it MUST be a comic-book villain with no strategic aims.

It feels horribly arrogant to write off the vast majority of people as NPCs or lemmings, but it is the case.


This made up for 1776.

>t. no taste

The walk?

Who else to intelligent not to be a blairite

What time does the ceremony start in Bongs?


Daily reminder lads that unless your drink stratergy is anything other than

>starve yourself for at least 9 hours
>slam down as much drink as you can without puking in 45 minutes
>eat as many slices of toast as you deem fit
>continue to get drunk

You are probably a faggot.

Night lads

He'll be fine. The lefties would be absolute fools to make a martyr of him. It would probably trigger a civil war, which they know they can't win.


2 hours 50 minutes.


3 for pre match coverage, 4 for (((entertainment))), 5 for oath.

Fuck the continent. Buy our lumber and steel and the Chinese in Vancouver will keep buying Astons and scotch

Shit I'm working until 6pm, I'll probably just go hide in the toilet and stream it there

nice edge my dude

But it's true

I remember when I used to post this. Eventually you stop caring.

Re-adopt the ensign flag and you've got a deal.


Now now, what's all this noise?

We'll have no trouble here.

This is a local question time for local people.

He gets shot at 6.

fucking gay


save us john


>having a discussion with a leftist
>say protectionism would increase domestic wages and improve the living conditions of are people
>ask him why he disagrees with a system that would make workers lives better
>"because there'd be no diversity"

this is the provincial flag

Taking the union jack out of correct proportions should be a criminal offence.

someone post the clip containing this image!!!

Who /gayforYKTD/ here


I think the saddest thing is that even if you take the modern left narrative of diversity, it's self-defeating.

We've sucked up domestic diversity, like in those accent-charts, and destroyed it, homogenised it. If they have their way we'll keep doing the same. Sure, for a while you get the novelty of white Londoners speaking with words from all around the world - but soon everyone's doing it. Then what? You have no diversity, just more of the same. Unless you start splitting people up again you're going to keep destroying. You need isolation to build regional variation.

It was never about diversity, that word just sounds nice, "everyone gets a say!' when the truth is every white country becomes brown and the rich Jews control the chattel class.

The middle class is dying right across the board, all people are living paycheck to paycheck, we're heading back to a society where the 1% rules the 99% only this time it'll stick because all the innovation, ingenuity and prosperity that was brought about from the Victorian era onwards is being stamped out.





>Pinochet is an Ancap hero
The world is a crazy place.

the deplorables ball was a massive pr error, beaten only by the protest.

such a funny time

Throw a shrimp on the allahu akbarbie mate

>the deplorables ball was a massive pr error
How do you mean

>being this much of a newfag
Back to little babby

>Billy Big Bollocks takes a gamble
Never change, anonymongs

It really isn't fair that we were born in a time like this

I just want a simple comfy life

I'd really like to have a robot wife in the future, however I'd like to know if it's degenerate. What would peter hitchens say?
What would Enoch Powell say?
What would Craig Charles say?

Who's Billy big bollocks? Your mum's boyfriend? سبات قانون سيأتون

CC would ask for answers on a postcard.

Lynx Africa and Dark fragranced are always on sale at my local sainburys, Afrophilia being pushed by (((them)))

Fucking skypes are behind this I swear


>being petty and naming your victory ball after a renunciation against you(bonus: looks gleeful to your defeated opponents)
>Elephant in the room that Trump is just another puppet.
>White people realised they got Obamad

>he doesn't wear Lynx chocolate to attract all the chocolate coloured girls
Unilever marketing department need to up their game on you

Ah, this was after he appointed all the kikes was it?

Do people actually believe this shit or is pol really just memes and irony?

we don't know yet

"We have seen, in this nation, the whittling away of the very fibre which binds together the unity, and sanctity of our existence as a civilisation, to the point people are genuinely believing this bizarre fetishism powered by lust and infamy casts forward a prospective future rather than the degeneration it so calls."

"You've seen carnage like never before, now we get the future, it's robo-whores!"

Oh you bet they fucking believe it

If they had come along 9 years earlier they'd think they were part of Anonymous too

I'm off to bed so that I can get up in time to catch Drumpfzfoflzoid's inauguration, fuck Yanks

YKTD you're a fucking moron, die you cunt.

That's all I came for.

Corbyn: Mr. Smith, I take it Angela Eagle has resigned then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected.

Smith: In the name of the Labour Party of England and Wales, you are impeached, Shadow Leader.

Corbyn: Are you threatening me, Filthy Blairite?

Smith: The Shadow Cabinet will decide your minister position.


who /local/

>just memes and irony?
Honestly pham? I don't even want to know.


yes, gas the dafties bin collections now

Ok thank you


Hello GCHQ, it's late. You should come back tomorrow for the drumpf euphoria

How bad is it if I racemixed lads?

As long as you're a based civic lad, you can stir as much chicken tandoori as you want

fuck off satan this is God's anime imageboard

Not when he risks creating sons that will end up being poo-skinned manlets and then brings them up in a white country so he never gets any decent pussy from all the white girls. It's basically child abuse.

It wasnt a poo in loo