Hey Sup Forums,
Frenchie immigrant now living in the USA. Why do you guys hate French people so much
Hey Sup Forums,
Frenchie immigrant now living in the USA. Why do you guys hate French people so much
Too white.
Shove your baguette up your ass.
england is cooler
spineless people
We love our greatest ally
I don't hate you. Where you living?
Move to Quebec, French Leaf
because the french are the french. the closest you'll get to an olive branch from us is Ratatouille
arrogant, stupid, useless, uptight, liberal, snobby, etc.
We don't tbqh. Most people like the French, although your slimy are annoying/
I don't why you have a reputation of being arrogant when you border Germany of all places.
Because you post screenshots of gifs/webms.
>lthough your slimy are annoying/
I dont hate you. The French used to be really cool. Then you all became absurdly cucked and now youre pretty much an African country.
if you kill your enemies they win
Filthy fuckin French
*Grumbles in English Northerner*
Because they are self centered, entitled douchebags, especially French Canadians are the fucking worst I hope they all die
Because you're fucking French, that's why.
We never got over 1066AD.
As simple as this really.
Well get them back for the hundred year war one day.
>French Revolution
May I say more, cheesenigger?
momo's the best.
+20% manpower from day one, on top of +20% morale as an early idea, plus tons of starting development and easy expansion.
You will never be forgiven.
Fuck these other niggers. You lads were our allies when no one in the else world would help us. We beat the lobsterbacks together. You're alright.
Memes, mostly. You guys happen to have some of the funniest stereotypes.
Some people are weird about your perceived hostility toward American culture. I personally respect a people wanting to preserve their culture even if most French-language music isn't that great.
Your country is quite literally "Little Africa".
"French" "people" are 99% niggers and refugees. You don't even have a country anymore.
France is a disgusting mess of violence and it's citizens allowed this to happen.
>Move from one african colony to another
Bad decision
French people hate burgers too so I don't see what your point is?
dude everybody fucking hates the french. you guys have historically and in modern times proven to be completely fucktarded.
stop chain smoking and take a fucking shower for starters. then tell your countrymen to stop sucking negro cock and calling the Le Pen family "nazis".
are you french or parisian
Get out we're full
Get out fagguette
What anime?
Remember your outfits when you showed up to WWI?
Haha, now they just black people in WW1 games.
That one time they blew up some hippies in our country with no prior warning freaking everyone out, then we caught some of those responsible when they tried to Jew a car rental place but the French government cried and threw a tantrum so we had to hand them over and they got off more or less Scot free.
Ever since you got fucked over in Algeria and cucked by de Gaulle, you haven't been the same. What happened to resistance a outrance, the spirit of Verdun?
>Americans in France in WW1
>Lafayette, we are here to repay out debt
>Americans in France in WW2
>told to get the fuck out
>they stage a mock parade to Paris
>claim they liberated themselves
that is why the french have no special relationship.
>Why do you guys hate French people so much
I don't. French people are some of the most generous people I have ever met. At least in the states (immigrants) that is. France is fucked though.
Because Franks fucking suck in AOE2. Cavalry civilization with a fucking axe thrower special unit? What the hell?
insecurity from the fact they would continue being a British colony if it wasn't for French help
>Taking Franks for their army.
They're for economy and castle rush games.
>It's 1966
>De Gaulle says "France is out of NATO, all US Troops out of France"
>LBJ says "Including the 60,000 in the ground?"
>De Gaulle doesn't answer.
Post-9/11 side effect mostly.
Prior to that only the most manly American men still had a dislike. Then between 02-06 the peak of French hate was reached. It has lightened up a bit just dont be a faggot.
French people are pretty degenerate in terms of how sexually lose they are.
They're snotty and get pissed when ever someone mispronounces something wrong in their language.
In America if someone speak English improperly we simply think it's amusing.
If anyone gives you a hard time just remind them our country wouldn't exist without france.
It's not the French people we hate. It's you, Ahmed.
Sup Forums hates everybody.
They invaded us three or four times and haven't learned to shower yet. They can go suck a bucket of dicks.
I don't. You gave us a nice statue and croissants.
The French Revolution is directly responsible for the downfall of the West.
Also, you assholes got us in to the Vietnam War, then left us out to dry, and didn't have the decency to follow us in to Iraq.
Fucking faggot traitors.