Holy fuck... what do you think?


Do these people even know how to figth?

You have my ass! I mean axe.


>tfw Slytherin
>tfw live in the Capitol
>tfw Stormtrooper

Who the fuck is Dumbledore?

>you will never be a Death Eater
>[never read Hunger Games]
>you will never be a stormtrooper getting mad twi'lek pussy

Who is this semen daemon.

If Steve Stapleton and Varg Vikernes had a baby, this is what it would look like.

70's Prog rock band...duh.


> nerd concentration camps
> when

Truly the best timeline.

The "bad guys" in the Hunger Games are pretty comfy too, basically neo Roman Patricians.

>they still think they are fighting against the evil elites and not the will of their own countrymen

Hahahaha fucking adults living in fantasy worlds

>muh safe space is a Hollywood film

>obama/hillary have killed hundreds of thousands of people and ruined huge parts of world with actions
>trump has said stuff that's not politically correct but hasn't actually harmed anybody
which one are liberals offended at? i'm actually mixed and was a liberal, but i'm now ready for the race war and want to take out googles and libtards

Now's the time to do what? Fucking nothing? You niggers don't believe in owning guns, remember?

>If I say something enough times it'll become true
These people are truly misguided. Or stupid.

is that gary glitter

They're gonna whip their wands out and cast spells user. Non-lethal ones though. The killing spell is for fascists.

I think it's a way for people to cope, to believe that they're in the right. They want to think of this as a war, that they're the good guys, so that when they're super old they can tell their grandkids how they 'stood up to fascism/oppression/racism/bad things I didn't like'. It's the little lie they need to tell themselves to get through the day.

did not know varg went full sjw

>using pop culture references as propaganda

Typical libtards.

the left has gone full retard

they have elevated Trump and Putin to the level of hollywood ubervillians and now the are pretending to be some rebel resistance

get meds now, pls

>tfw ravenclaw and memed the goblet to produce Harry's name but a mad man took the opportunity and the minister is dead and cedric was killed for being too normie but that's okay because Cho loves to cry and she's an idiot
>tfw so oblivious that standing on the sidelines and meming takes up all my time while an overpaid swine pretends to be Donkey from Shrek but she sucks because she didn't record a single about partying all the time in the 1980s with Rick James and Whitney Houston, better known as the Cocaine Conundrum
>tfw you don't care about the sith or the jedi because they're has-been forces that never understood meme magic and have slaughtered 6 gorillion younglings and literal planets worth of carbon fibre sports droids with the Nigger AI software package to prove their point but it's okay because the princess is a cocaine addict with a penchant for going crazy and too obsessed with obi-wan kenobi to realise she could just dump garbage and hide from the empire's amazing stealth radar that can't deal with used tampons and vaseline

No. The closest they've ever come is on a message board.

Why would you fight the empire when you can be in the empire?

>fight the empire

Most Star Wars fans dress up as stormtroopers not Jedi. Oops.

We're going to make our galaxy great again.

Harry Potter character.

Nigger what the fuck are you doing.

>If you ever had disgusting man-child fantasies of joining fictional factions and thinking such thoughts matter in the real world, now's the time.

What did he mean by this?

>tfw Slytherin is Serbia

>being a Stormweenie instead of Sith

>fighting the Empire
I'd join in a heartbeat. Sheev's was the coolest motherfucker to his loyal troops and if you did well, he was pretty nice to you.

why is the hunger games always lumped in with harry potter and star wars? Hunger games was a small fad. Also, he missed the entire point of the Mockingjay. The Mockingjay was only a tool that was manipulated by a government just as evil as the one it was trying to usurp. Katniss was a pawn throughout the entire course of the books.

Dumbbell door.
He doesn't have locks.

>Steve Stapleton

Good taste senpai

Nah, the bad guys in the hunger games were degenerate lefty scum. The HG universe is like if basically there were no right wing movements at all and it was just the degenerate left elite vs the militaristic violent left.

>that image
Jesus christ, what a fucking pleb.

Le tits now

Start fighting in Dumbledore's Army

How about a cook in a 50's space diner?

Voldemort did nothing wrong. He knew how to achieve immortality and power, so he did it. He only wanted to preserve the purity of the wizards, not live in hiding. Double bore was just a gay SJW.

fucking kek

>good guy wins because mommy loved him
>villain was an orphan
Holy shit Rowling is kind of a bitch.

>Dumbledore's Army
Essentially a student militia opposing a bunch of aristocrats, marginalized species, and orphan boys who clawed their way up from nothing by their own intelligence and determination
A dumb teenage girl trying to destroy the neo- Roman government which provides stability to a post apocalyptic world
>The Empire
A well organized, well regulated, stylish group that is the accumulation of every great empire and civilization in history brought forth into one form.

Also these people are children consuming shallow entry level "row row fight the power" media

But the Empire is the only cool faction in Star Wars....

This is by far the best timeline!

id be surprised if there wasn't one.




Looks like an aids patient

She could fart on my face anytime t.b.h