Pic related from my fb today.
Is it unfulfilling lives that makes people crave the need to feel important, and "stand up" against "oppression" despite probably never facing any real hardships in life?
I guess putting a lame sign full of platitudes in your front yard is easier than actually doing something...
What makes the modern Liberal so smug and self-righteous?
California makes people stupid.
>Water is life
Das it mane?
This is New Mexico you dip
>Science is real
>water is life
What is she going on about?
>water is life
Finally, something the left and the right can stand behind together.
the worst state, ranked lower than even Mississippi
Just take a fat shit in front of it tonight. Make sure to eat plenty of hot spicy chilli with extra beans and to wash it down with cheap lager.
warm weather turns people into liberals
Don't forget to remind everyone in fbook tomorrow to make a post about how much they love everyone, except trump and the evil republicans.
It's a cult of virtue signalling
They're just virtue signaling. Liberals believe deep down that they are correct, because they have bought into fantasy.
>love is love
>New Mexico
you cannot make things like this up
They think that having good morals (by their definition) is the only thing you need for a functioning society.
This is why they espouse completely fucktarded ideas like "borders shouldn't exist" and "let's reduce the military budget by 90% and give peace a chance!"
They throw in things that are undeniably true in order to make their other bullshit seem more plausible.
>water is life
>science is real
I don't see a problem with these. the rest is liberal garbage
love is the new religion.
these people only think like this because all their basic needs are met with no effort. if that ever stopped they would drop love and tolerance faster than an alcoholic drops their pledge to stop drinking.
Seems contradictory.
There's some quote that I've heard, but haven't been able to find again since hearing it. It went something like:
"The West has done such a good job of insulating its citizens from threats from abroad that these citizens believe that no such threat exists."
>love is the new religion
Did Jesus never live in the timeline you came from?
Every fucking time. Yet kikes live where niggers aren't welcome.
Why is the Bad Suns album art in the background?
this. "tolerance" is all they claim to care about, but really it's about them getting to do whatever the fuck they want, not having to really work, and maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. that is their real value.
Lol. There is hardly a difference between New and Old unfortunately. Even illegals that come here leave to other states.
Jesus would laugh his ass off at the people who claim to be loving and tolerant in this era.
love is meaningless today.
They believe they are doing something """"""""""""right"""""""""""" by acting like they are above everyone else. They feel like their feeling matter more than the laws and rights of other people. They willingly betray their race (if white) and work as hard as they can to destroy their race and let the others rule what they never deserve to in the first place.
Do note shit hasn't been this fucked up since Obozo The Clown got into office. It started to be pushed hard by the kikes, which the large social sites wanted to keep pushing it, as they are owned by kikes. Then the media kept pushing it... as they are owned by GUESS WHO!!!! Now PC/SJW/BLM is what the Leftists carters too and anyone who can think past their feelings and do their fucking research before spewing random facts votes Right.
Science is only real for libcucks until the parts that deal with nigger IQ and behavior
Hard not to be smug when you're surrounded by idiotic bigots on the wrong side of history. Hate to break it to you rubes, but you are the weakest link and an international embarrassment.
I hate my city so much...
This is what happens when you let soccer moms run the country.
As if the safety of the household exists on an international level. if you just be a bit nicer others will be nice back. if they laugh you don't need them because they aren't good friends. If you ask the bully to stop, he'll stop.
Frankly with all the backstabbing they do to each other idk how they can believe this but they do.
The guy Trump appointed to head the EPA has sued the EPA in the past so that means he'll put brawndo in the drinking water.
I don't know about the science thing.
>no human is illegal
This is, literally, a meaningless remark.
If no human is illegal then no human is legal; it's tautological.
Why do people keep saying this stupid shit?
Love is as important and meaningful as it has always been. It's just that these degenerates aren't really the posterboys for love & tolerance they claim to be.
Explain Arizona and the South
>Is it unfulfilling lives that makes people crave the need to feel important, and "stand up" against "oppression" despite probably never facing any real hardships in life?
So you post about it here for attention.
Good ol' Zia symbol. It is everywhere in this state. Every trashy girl here has at least 2 tattoos of it.
They would agree with you and continue on about how the labels "legal" and "illegal" are meaninglesss terms, social constructs, and racist.
If you guys can find out where this fuck's house is at, I'll go rip that sign down and shit on it.
Liberals still think they're the pro-science party even though they deny racial differences, sex differences, and believe cutting off your penis makes you a woman.
probably the Flint incident
Hey at least the weather is nice , and property cheap, but yeah it really isn't worth it...
>encouraging pedophila
>championing the mutilation of genitals
>REEEEEEEE non-stop for months
>international embarrassment
Nice bait, Ira, you spineless kike.
It's basically African bush magic. Wouldn't be surprised if they decided that eating penises turned you into a man like the nogs do. in Africa when they eat albinos for their power.
Of course you could then demonstrate that the average liberal munches on cock all day and still behaves like a spoiled woman.
It's more like "love to a fault" these days. People who preach these things never think of the consequences.
They frame their arguments in way that it is good vs evil. They twist their agenda in a way that seems humanitarian at surface level to frame themselves as the good guys.
Everything about this post is 100% true. They hate anything you can call biological and just call it is a social construct. Liberal Playbook 101, if you don't like it, insult it using new meanings and non-existent pronouns
Well, that would only further cement their stupidity because there's no use talking about meaningless things and it's essentially saying nothing.
>WOW Sweety.
Why do they do this?
They always talk down to you as if you're a child/
u ok hun? x
god damn, that is weakness personified
Good point. If you try to argue with these points, it is framed so that you are already at a disadvantage. "YOU HATE LOVE?!"
Science is only real to conservatives when it fits their agenda. Love how faggots like Milo claim "oh let me cite this one BS psychology study and claim the mantle of pro-science." Psychology is not a fucking science, psychology replicates less than 50% and is largely concerned with naming obvious phenomena. Most psychologists are piss-poor at statistics (ask them how they interpret p-values) or else they would be traders.
>science is real
>black lives matter
pick one
At least you don't live in [spoiler]santa fe.[/spoiler]
It's funny how hard this state tries to be california and consistently wrestles with Mississippi for #1 shittiest state, by any standard. Except obesity I guess. Altitude is healthy.
They think they have the moral high ground since they have been told so for decades.
Thanks, I'm from the east coast so that album was the only place I'd ever seen it.
They are women. Even the men.
Think of them like a naive and overbearing mother and it all makes sense.
This the rest of us must be children and pets and they pretend the world works like the lies we were told in kindergarden
"love is love" means what? legalize pedo?
Progressivism functions a lot as a church. Man needs a higher good to believe in but wholly rejects Christianity because of memes. Sad times
Most of them aren't pushing for that yet. It's probably just some faggot shit.
>Science is real
anti-creationism, pro-vaccine, pro-global warming
>Water is life
You got me
>Hey at least the weather is nice
It's not supposed to be nice. This winter has been frequently warm.
Climate science is real
Biology is a racist construct created by straight white males
Haha that's what makes it so much more embarrassing. We fail at everything we attempt, but that's what makes us New Mexico.
But hey at least you have Ski Santa Fe.
> Science is real
> 19th century racial science and psychology is """dope""" and """woke"""
>This is what happens when you let soccer moms run the country.
Here's the most important observation. Most of this smug and self-righteousness is coming from soccer mom's, women, and frankly sheltered people that have nothing to show for themselves.
I believe people that do not live in a multicultural or lower income neighborhood should carry no weight to their opinions on multiculturalism or refugees/immigrants. They want to virtue signal to their friends to show how great of a fucking person they are then they want the poor people to deal with the immigrants subverting their communities while they feel good about it from their homogeneous middle class communities and secure employment.
>Liberals are more likely to be college educated
No shit? And likely to come from a secure middle class where their neighbors aren't desperate enough to break into their homes. Or have careers that can't be taken from third world idiots.
Gay activists think that the only reason people don't support gayness is because they think gay people are incapable of romantic relationships even though that's what being gay is.
That's profound, I'm taking that. Do you who said it?
>No human is illegal
Even convicted felons? What if they escape? What if it's a serial child rapist and he breaks into your kid's room? That's how I feel about Mexicans, what's so difficult to understand?
Haha unfortunately all I know is that he is off Carlisle and Lomas east of UNM.
No, I've been trying to find out, but haven't had any luck.
So this smugness and self-righteousness. Why do these modern liberals feel compelled to do it for the (You)'s?
Perhaps it's because this peace love kumbaya stance on policy is the easiest for the average person to conceptualize. It looks ideal at first glance and you get that added virtue-signalling that brings people together.
>What does this mean?
In order to make your position gain traction, your political argument needs to be framed in a way that it makes you look like the good fighting against the evil. Or the progressive and refined vs the ignorant and archaic.
Good, oppressed, little guys fighting rising up against some oppressors narrative is what has fueled communism/social marxism.
This is bullshit.
>science is real
what did he mean by this?
>pro-global warming
so, it should read "pseudo-science is real"?
The liberal uni faggot neighborhoods, I should've known. Fucking unm.
People need a higher power. If they don't have God, they replace him with supreme beaurocracy.
Because liberalism is a religion. Victimhood has replaced sainthood, in-group preferences other than for other liberals are the sin, privilege replaces original sin, mythical egalitarianism evolution is the creation myth.
Women's rights are human's rights...
I spit out my beer when I got to this part. If anybody tracks down this Cuck tell him he owes me a fucking nati light
Then why don't your infographs cover all that?
Well hello there Rare flag.
For what its worth Arkansas is where the Clintons are from and we've long been under a Democrat stronghold (probably leftover from the days when Democrat = KKK).
Virtue signaling is just selfish people engaging in ""altruism"" for selfish reasons. Don't overthink it.
And the most retarded thing I've heard today goes to.
>science is real
>these people only think like this because all their basic needs are met with no effort. if that ever stopped they would drop love and tolerance faster than an alcoholic drops their pledge to stop drinking
Star Trek DS9 had a great scene where they said The federation is wonderful and kind but take away all their comforts and they can be just as vicious as any other bloodthirsty klingon.
Yeah but I would be willing to bet that those faggoted came from California. California is a cancer to the western US.
>what did he mean by this?
37 make believe genders?