>The state of California “accidentally” released the private information of nearly 3,500 firearms instructors in October 2016.
The information was released as part of the response to a Southern California Public Radio (KPCC) reporter’s Freedom of Information Act request. The reporter was seeking information on state Firearms Safety Certifications.

>Fox News reports that information on “3,424 firearms instructors” was inadvertently released. That information contained “dates of birth, driver’s license numbers and California identification numbers.” On December 28, 2016 — over two months after the release of information was discovered — “the California Department of Justice sent out a letter to all of the Golden State’s instructors letting them know their personal information had been compromised.”

>California Attorney General Kamala Harris also used the letter to “[recommend that] firearm instructors place a fraud alert on their credit. Since driver’s license numbers are appealing to identity thieves, a fraud alert could prevent criminals from misusing someone’s personal data.”


Why is no one doing anything about this????????


This was no accident. I hate this state so fucking much.

fake news

god damnit i fucking hate this stupid fucking state. Why does all of my family have to be here and why is it one of the only decent (compared to all others) duty stations for my rate in the Navy. fucking hell.

Commiefornia secession when?

Could they take the state to court over this?

California hates private ownership of guns. They think the only people that should have gun are the government and its personal lap and guard dogs.

Good luck with that.

What are you guys gonna do about this?

How should we spread this news to a much wider audience and get this shit state in court!?

Fucking hell, how corrupt can these asshats get?

>tfw commiefornia will just give a halfhearted apology and pretend it never happened


Trump needs to know about this injustice. He will make California pay.

This guy gets it.

Go to norfolk faggot

I just about got my place paid off

If something happens to them (identity theft, harassment, etc), yes.

How so?

True. Wouldn't it be cheaper to provide some sort of crediting monitoring? Be proactive about it instead of getting lawsuits latter?

inb4 they sue the state into bankruptcy

In wall sections you fucking faggot.


especially if one of them is harmed

to be fair, i completely believe in my own governments incompetence

Californian here. I am so ashamed of this state at times. I want to apologize to the rest of the union on behalf of the residents of CA.

There's no US Navy stations here in Norfolk, mate.

checked and keked


Maybe people are. Maybe some of the victims are talking with each other, considering their options. Maybe some are contacting lawyers. Maybe the wheels are in motion and you or I don't know anything about it because this is the first we've heard of it.



Please tell me this is being taken to the high court