so by now many of you are noticing that this board is no longer a alt right echo chamber . this board is an open forum for discussion not a little tree house club for you kids . get used to the new pol and don't bother trying to find out where we are all coming from it a useless pursuit
We Takin Over
We know. Just be ready to get torn a new asshole during a debate.
What goes around comes around.
lol when you come here, you become one of us, sorry bud
Jeez I wonder.
Canadians are objectively the best posters. Only retards get trolled by them.
You're all coming from Canada.
What kind of retards specifically? Like, where do they live?
See, you keep thinking we are stuck in here with you, but are stuck in here with us
>guise guise u'll nvr find me :DDDD
>we crashin ya plane, w/no surbibors :DDDDDD
Time to shit up leftpol on 44chan. May as well ruin your fun there by making awkward, annoying cringeposts.
Give me all you got
The alt right doesn't exist
This has always been an open forum, lefties just don't last long here. It's no secret that Sup Forums is full of former leftists
Come then, try to "take over" like so many before you. You will just add to our ranks
Where did all the shills run off too?
>it a useless pursuit
coming from a special needs unit it would seem
Soooo reddit?
Fuck off Canadian cuck
Go ahead and tell your friends you are on Sup Forums, tell everyone. You are one of us now. We have logged your ip leaf.
God i hate canada.
You seem pretty clever, OP, but can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Yeah, didn't think so. Check and mate, faggot.
Some places are an echo chamber...and sometimes no one feels like telling you you're not liked to your face.
1 week and you are out or are one of us, there is not such a thing like new Sup Forums, this is Sup Forums and will always be Sup Forums
Agreed. New Sup Forums is so fucking beautiful, the fact that unpopular opinion threads (usually super liberal) dont get saged because of the love for debate is great.
Barrier breakers (ctr reincarnation)
/retardpol/ (/leftypol/)
Jidf or any other idf
Alphabet soup agency
That pic of that ad on reddit about monitoring social media
Am i forgetting anyone?
More CTR faggotry.
By your faggoty lisp and use of the words "echo Chamber" I would say /r/eddit
>don't bother trying to find out where we are all coming from
Apparently, cucknada.
The day of the rake draws ever closer!
The only people who voted for Hillary are urban cucks.
Rural and suburban patriots all voted for Trump.
We know exactly where you're coming from, inbred leaf.
This desu.
Was pretty cucked until I found out Sup Forums and it's "inappropriate humor". Years went by and my political views slowly became more conservative as I digested the red pills.
There's no return, fellas.
Not very worried.
quit shaming our country you piece of garbage
>don't bother trying to find out where we are all coming from
IP range ban when?
"Beware that, when fighting nazis, you yourself do not become a nazi" - Friedrich Nazi