What are your last words for him Sup Forums?
What are your last words for him Sup Forums?
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Thank you for your service
Deus Vult
>Invert mode
>passcode: the beast
Dont let the door hit you on the way out your piece of shit fucking nigger.
Not my president
Thanks for the eight year prelude to the next civil war, shithead
"You're fired"
Only a fucking leaf would say some absolutely stupid bullshit like this. SOMEONE GET MY RAKE!!!
Cya. Stay out of trouble.
How many times a year does your husband let you top?
you dindu nuffin good your whole presidency, cya
Good job dealing with the shit Bush gave you, except Obamacare sucks.
The same as I said back in 2008.
>A muslim, black and a mongolian
kek, sounds like the start of a joke, or as a Americans call it, the Birth of a Nation.
third post best post
Get fucked cunt.
We will miss you.
>What are your last words for him Sup Forums?
go be communist somewhere else
I will never forget that. Truly a top 10 from 2016
thank you for creating a divided political landscape in the West that will allow a conservative to come and walk into our Parliament with absolute ease. you fucking nigger.
Move to burgerland where you belong you racist.
I hope you die in a car crash nigger.
Thanks Obama
Am I to guess that Russians don't like Obama? What a surprise!
>Obsessing about a black man across the world
>Let's a tiny man make all the decisions for them.
>calling someone nigger is racist
maybe if i said something like "kill all niggers" or "the black male is like a vermin that needs to be exterminated"
go hug a fucking muslim and get blown up you obvious toronto cuck
Despite your murdering of American citizens with drones without charge or trial;
Despite your giving in to silly social fads like mean tweets, mic drops, etc.;
Despite your helping the corporate bankers and financial elites in the midst of a financial crisis that mostly affected the middle class;
You were humble.
You were thoughtful.
You were articulate.
You were human.
Can't give you shit for that. So good job, Mr. Obama.
This is fucking autism
those 2 are queers
Thank you for being the reason Trump got elected.
The USA will remember your legacy!
no take backs for blacks
Thank you fellow Americans
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
i would like to remind you all i dindu nuffin
>t. cuck
Don't steal shit from the White House.
Hasta la vista, nigger.
U Wuz Are Only Hope N U Failed Us. Now We Finna Get Shipped Off To Africa And Shit
Does michelle go ass to mouth
Hell Naw LMFAO Dat Shits Nasty
White Faggot
You went full aspie, dumb negro.
Fuck off, Nignog Soetoro
....."Keep the change"......
Neck yourself, Obongo
thanks bro
the last few months, in addition to the disaster that was the ACA, and most disappointing of all, the god awful decline in racial relations have made sure that i absolutely will not miss you.
i still have a net positive opinion of you, but as far as i am concerned, you're currently a top 22 president of all time who should have been a top 10 president.
what a shame. i look forward to president trump showing you what a top 5 president is all about, however.
>You were humble.
Broke record for most self-congratulatory farewell speeches
>You were thoughtful.
If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if
>You were articulate.
Okie doke.
>You were human.
Thanks obama.
Thanks for crushing the Democrats nigger.
(no) thank you for:
our loss of privacy
the NDAA
expanding on/preserving GWB's shitty policies
our loss of whistleblower protection
the rise of SLWs, BLM, and Buzzfeed
fucking up the middle east even more
not actually doing shit about wall street, college fees/loans, the poor, the middle class, making corporations pay their fair share, being truly bipartisan, and the whole "hope and change" thing in general
being the picture in the dictionary when you look up the term "pussy democrat"
You're fired
You were a major life disappointment and lesson. I really hope Trump doesn't let me down like you did.
Thanks obeezy
Chew soap
you're fired
yeah but for fucking really the fact this isn't the first post
>you're fired
>after having already fulfilled the contractual obligations and time limit of your job
Another decisive victory for the trump fags!
Michelle is a man, homo.
took me a second