Is being attracted to traps gay, yes or no?

Well Sup Forums is it gay or not? And back up your reasoning.

i'd love to see that naked... i bet that ass is to die for

It's gay.

Yes because you're a faggot

who gives a fuck dude

life is meaningless, fuck what you want

Only rural and suburban retards fap to traps.

>is liking PENIS gay?
>P E N I S
>the male genitalia, PENIS
yeah, I'd say that's pretty gay

wew lad

but why am i faggot

>nihilistic thought

If your attraction lies in any way with them having a penis then yes, it's gay.


If you know the person you are attracted to is a trap then you're at least a little gay.

Traps can look hot but sex will never work so why waste your time. As soon as you see her dick you'll lose wood every time unless you're a fag.


You fuck a trap, you get the zap

no compromise, you're a faggot if you get turned on by other men

As a gay man, I can confirm it's not. Traps are just for straight men who can't find a real girl, substitute for the real deal.

Faggots such as myself prefer manly men and pretty boys.


Yes, it's's a man...

It's gay once you find out that "she" has a dick and you still wants to fuck

Yes, men who are attracted to traps are gay for the same reason that women who are attracted to bulldykes are lesbians.

i just wanna suk on the head of her girlycock and watching her squirm while i grab her a cup tiddies

i want to suk the precummies from her limp girlycock

women like her should be worshipped in museums

i'm straight btw

repeat after me:


If, while you are looking at >>> "IT"


The element of the penis makes it homosexual, the element of feminine aesthetics makes it heterosexual

Traps and the "straight" attraction to them is another reason sexual orientation is an absolute meme that normalizes things like the LGBTFSGSSAGF "movement"


>I'm straight

Stop posting these lies

i'm 110% sure she botox

If you think it's a girl then the trap has you fooled good. It's not gay to be attracted what you think is a woman. Like thinking your girlfriend is pure instead of a slut, it's stupid, but not gay.

Now if you knowingly are attracted to transwomen which you know are trans, that's pretty fucking gay. You should be repulsed by the dick.

someone post the pre-""she"" pics of blair

>i bet that ass is to die for
Especially if it has AIDS.


Yes because you are easily tricked into being attracted to a man

Physical attraction is a shortcut to beat natural selection that abuses the limitations of human perception

The real redpilled answer is no

If you are attracted to traps for being traps that's kinda gay my dude
Rewind 9 years ago and traps would trap you on Sup Forums it's only gay if you kept looking.
But if you said cuck all that once you saw the dick then you are ok

100% gay. They have dicks; they are men; you want to fuck them. Wanting to fuck men is basically the only requirement for being gay.

That's because they never had Tamika running arround in a short skirt with her dick flopping arround trying hit on them daily like you Tyrell

Of course it's a pink id

it IS gay, you subhuman faggot.
If a chimp was made to look like a human, would it not be zoophelic to be attracted to it?

I don't think a man being attracted to people who look like girls is gay.

Going on the internet and choosing to look at girls with a penis, when you have the option of girls without a penis, is very gay.

Depends how feminine it is

Here's a little checklist I made for this.
>Does it have a penis?
(Yes / No)
If yes, it's gay

>Has it gone through surgery to get a boi pussy?
(Yes / No)
If yes, it's gay

>Is it in between?
(Yes / No)
If yes, then...

>Is it mostly female? (Has boobs, vagina too, but also a dick)
(Yes / No)
If no, it's gay
If yes, it's only a little gay

It's sinful

>Now if you knowingly are attracted to transwomen which you know are trans, that's pretty fucking gay

ugh, no? penis does not automatically just make you a man just like having a vagina doesn't automatically make you a woman. in what world is having sex with a woman fucking gay? transwomen are just that WOMEN. the idea that just because someone has something between their legs means they're male or female is fucking ludicrous. in my opinion if you see a beautiful transWOMAN and you turn her down for having something between her legs she cannot control then you sir are an asshole and contributing to transphobia and sexism. i'm straight myself and i've had sex with over 5 transWOMEN does that make me gay? of fucking course not because they're women and just because they have a penis or as i like to call it a girlycock that does not mean you're gay. it's the idea of having sex with a man that makes you gay not the genetalia. you people need to get a grip and stop spewing your hatred. kbye

>is it gay to be attracted to something that tries its hardest, takes hormones, genetic issues from a young age, absolutely any means necessary to look feminine and succeeds

the problem lies with them, not you. the person in your photo is pretty well attractive as a female regardless of whether it actually is. is it gay to want to fuck it **because** it's a trap? yes.

just suck dick OP there's no shame in that. but if you try to suck my dick i will slit your fucking throat you fucking faggot

Is being attracted to corpses and ashen remains of Jewish men from the Holocaust gay, yes or no?
And back up your reasoning.

go away ivan


>i've had sex with over 5 transWOMEN
>claims to be straight

This has to be bait

feminine cock tastes amazing

> homosexual: sexually attracted to people of one's own sex
> sex: either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions

Gender may be a social construct but biological sex is not. A transgender woman will always be biologically male. It's understandable to be tricked in some cases only if you are disgusted upon finding out the truth (there's the old Bugs Bunny gag that plays off of this). If you're attracted to traps with the knowledge that they are traps, that is by definition gay.

I can't believe this once had a dick

Leaf is right for once
Fapping to a dick. It actually doesn't get gayer than that.

post more Blaire


>>Trusting a nigger muslim

How can you not?
It's usually pretty easy if you pay attention. "She" has a clearly square jaw and very broad shoulders. Are you a closet limey?

I'm not worried.

Pence will zap'em.

He will take care of the faggotry problems.

pretty sure that tranny has a dick, so yeah it's gay

I'd hazard a guess it's just temporary mental illness from being inside 24/7 365 and browsing the internet and porn too much.

nice b8 m8, I really was hoping you were an actual fag who fucked 5 transwomen that would have been hilarious

biological woman can have square jaws 2 bro most bitches ppl fap to from hollywood have them not a indicator.

Yes it's gay.

Traps are men.

Being attracted to men makes you a gay faggot.

Go back to your board AIDSfaggots.

>Well Sup Forums is it gay or not? And back up your reasoning.

Pour la 10k fois, non Bubba, c'est parfaitement straight...

kys faggot

Its because of the clothes lol see them naked and you wont be attracted. Theyre called traps for a reason faggot

Not if it's Blaire White.

No but I only learned about him today.
I thought user was bullshitting until I looked him up.

Very passable. I'd be fooled if we hooked up

bonjour is le girl transgendiere?

>Its because of the clothes

Homosexual is by definition same sex attraction. Gender expression doesn't matter.

feminine penis is not gay at all

You're a fag and it's entirely your own choice, as with all other fags, to act like one.

Excellent francais, Big Bubba...

*le tips le fedora*

Je marie Andreja n'importe quand et l'oblige a a s'occuper de nos enfants...

gracias, senor

Prend en une autre pour la route...

foder traps não é gay psh psh psh

It's gay & its also Social Engineering.

Yes. It is still biologically male.


Totally gay, wanting to fuck men makes you a faggot.

As a guy who has fucked a trap and identifies as hetero, yeah, it's gay and I am a fag.

It's a whole new fetish on its own
If you are attracted to men who died of typhus and where cremated does it make you gay + a bug chaser

XY-XX = hetero/different
XX-XX or XY-XY = Homo/the same

Definitely looks like a dude

nobody cares you enjoy being buggerd.

Go back to /b.

Nigel, arrete d'etre une grosse pute anglo...

I wouldn't say that, I've had regular encounters with two good looking, fit guys. I don't really know why they liked me in particular, they pretty much only topped.

Homosexuality is a trait which evolved through group selection. In harsh environments, men would be highly competitive with one another for resources and reproductive rights. It would have been beneficial for the group as a whole if certain men accepted a submissive role, so that there would be less competition within the group. Homosexual behavior could have also served as a form of male bonding, which would have increased trust and group cohesion. Groups which did not develop this trait would have been more stressful and competitive, compelling men to hurt and kill one another, thus harming the survival rate of the group.

Being a man and being attracted to a man is gay

Fake tits are an accessory, accessories are clothes

The first time I saw it on the youtube I did not know it was an it. I though it was a girl the first until the second time I watch it's video and it said it is a tranny.

I was not gay in finding it cute because I genuinely thought it was a girl.

now that I know it has a penis I no longer find it cute.

who ever finds it attractive knowing it has a penis is gay by definition.

Not an argument

yes because you're still jerking off to a guy dressing up as a girl.

It's gay.
- male brain
- male patterns of thought (and degeneracy)
- many have a penis, others have a disfigured thing pretending to be a vagina
- they don't look like women
- they can't have kids
- they're degenerates at heart and you can't trust them
- they're gay

If you are attracted to a trap before you kow he is a dude, no.
If you like a trap knowing he has or had a penis, yes.