>40% approval in inauguration, lowest in history
>lost the popular vote by almost 3 million
>only 19% of Americans voted for him
>over half of electorate did not vote
>funded by soros
>still refuses to show his tax returns despite already winning the elections
>"drained the swamp" by appointing literal idiots, lobbyists, soros supporters, washington insiders and billionaires
>multiple sexual assault cases
>supported by the KKK and racists
>is set to doom the Republican party in 2020 culminating in the inevitable landslide victory of Sanders or Biden

Other urls found in this thread:


We use the electoral college
OK. The rest should have turned out if they cared.
Who's not
I like his picks
Alleged, most already recanted statements
Denounced, Clinton supported by more
Opinion discarded

Rasmussen had him at 52% today.

He started at 80% and leaves at 50%

Trump starts at 40% and leaves at...?


People from other countries will come just to praise him

media polls were fake the entire election, I'm sure this one is real

>implying sanders will be alive in 2020
Either way, the GOP is doomed.

>Uses fake polls as an approval rating
wew lad

I'm sure the fact that practically all US MSM was against Trump, manipulations in social media (mods at r/politics, ctr) has nothing to do with this blind hatred.

Reagan had the lowest starting approval rating of any president in history. That quickly skyrocketed.


>All negative news about Trump is lies from the msm!!!!!

Fucking hell. These next 4 years are going to suck. Why is Sup Forums cheering on a president who can't be criticzed?

wtf? That pic isn't even scaled properly.




>Trump wont get the nomination. and here are to polls to prove it
>Trump will never win the election. and here are the polls to prove it
>Trumps approval rating is low. and here are the polls to prove it

So what happens if Trump actually ends up being an amazing president?

How do the media and psycho lefties spin it?

>Why is Sup Forums cheering on a president who can't be criticzed?

Because that's all you guys have done since he said he was running for president.

Just shut the fuck up for a while.

All polls are currently biased because people are too polite to alienate their friends with their political viewpoints.

Obama never had a 79% among voters. 1000+ seats were lost under his reign.


>trusting polls

I get that you're a primitive from the third world but get with the times.

I don't see why that matters. I'm just supposed to shut up when he's clearly doing things that are worthy of criticism? Just curious, what would Trump have to do for Sup Forums to turn on him, apart from converting to Islam or demonizing (((white males))).

>polls were all wrong all the way to election night

>All negative news about Obama is lies from racists.


>Last 3 released favorability polls
>Rasmussen: 52%
>Reuters: 50%
>Yougov: 40%

What the fuck is "yougov" anyway?

Inauguration approval rate? Are you fucking joking? What other bullshit poll stats will liberals pull out of their ass next?

Just let it go user, you're dealing with emotional thinkers. Anything that hurts their fee-fees is automatically wrong. It's simply the political inverse of the "If that's correct, how do you explain my feelings?" mindset.

Popularity is literally irrelevant.

Something liberals and hollywood have yet to figure out.

Because all the criticism thus far has been based on MSM lies or things taken out of context. Everything else has been because people think he's a meanie head.

Wait until he's fucking in office and see what he does. Those of us who are conservative sucked it up and let Obama have a shot when he beat us, he didn't impress us a bit.

Trump can be criticized but there is a fine line between insulting and attacking the man's character instead of what he actually ends up doing.

I don't know about you but thus far I agree with his policies. Look at Obama's approval ratings thus far. Right now it's only in the 50s and his average approval rating over the course of his presidency is in the 40s according to Gallup.

(((aproval ratingS)))

approval ratings is a product of mainstream media,
which is unbalancedly shifted to the left,
the only mainstream media outlet that didn't cheer for democrats in 24/7 mode - the Fox News didn't provided any sort of support to Trump, being quiet cold (maybe because it's owner - another dopey saudi prince ordered so)

if media covered Obama in the same manner they doing with Trump right now,
his approval rating would be 50% at best (only because he's polite comparing to Trump),
after all Obama has a bunch of sins behind him (any politician has, Trump included),
but because of media coverage, folks think he is nearly a saint

> from the people who bought you 90% chance hilldog wins election
> (((polls)))

This. But I'm unsure if he could be another's Reagan.

You don't rule the world by cucking out over minor issues before the first day.

Fucking pathetic.


More like, you're fucking annoying

It's because you have done it literally non stop for over 18 months

People are tired of listening to you bitch and moan

I know you're right but it just pisses me off so much. If you really loves Trump and America, you should do everything possible to keep him on track. Constructive criticism makes leaders stronger and ensures he keeps his promises.
Flip flopping along side him ruins his credibility and makes his supporters seem more insane with each passing day.

You're the same kind of faggot who won't admit to Obama's numerous scandals, including Pigford, going after whistleblowers, Fast and Furious, going after journalists, selling arms to nations that use child soldiers, biggest arms sale in US history to Saudi Arabia (an autocracy that executes gays and apostates), using US special forces to train jihadists in Syria, using CIA to funnel weapons from Libya to Syria, ignoring Flint water crisis, and the list goes on and on.

So, please, give the man a chance. I'm a lifelong Independent and when Obama won I was OK with it. I did not vote for the man because I knew he had no fucking governing or management experience at all, but I gave the man a chance.

And he fucked up royally.

So, BTFO, and give Trump a chance and let's see what he does.

No way were educated Americans going for four more years of this shit. By that measure alone we all knew Trump was going to win. This nation is heading in the wrong direction. That's why Trump won.

As far as Obama's "approval rating," like others have said. I think people feel bad for the guy, a little bit. He's so in over his head.

>40% approval in inauguration, lowest in history

Those same polls said Hillary had a 79.7% chance of winning election day morning.

There is a difference between keeping your president on track, and whining about every little fucking move he makes.I was mad when Obama won but I got over it after a few days.I didn't go out into the streets and protest like a fucking baby.

Trump is the only president in recent memory with the balls to actually audit the (((Federal Reserve))). Do you honestly believe that someone who is supposedly a manchurian candidate for the establishment would seriously go poking around the hornets nest of corruption that is the Fed?

And shut the fuck up about "constructive criticism". The MSM literally ran with a fanfiction that Trump was having golden showers with Russian hookers and ran with that shit on air. They used every SJW doublethink term in the fucking dictionary against him, and they'll keep going.

Its 52% actually. Here's a non fake news source.

>He started at 80% and leaves at 50%
>Trump starts at 40% and leaves at...?
1% retards, 1% libtards, and 1% Sup Forumstards

Polls are totally reliable, even though Clinton isn't president, right?


No, this poll has the exact same oversampling problem that the polls from the election.

Stay Butthurt fag.

Did obama during his campaign do anything comparable to what Trump has been criticzed for?

>media polls were fake the entire election, I'm sure this one is real
"fake" in the sense of over- and under-sampling to get their desired results, yes. I've never seen anything like it. Bill Mitchell was constantly tweeting about this so I finally checked one for myself. It was the NBC/WSJ poll two weeks out from election with Hillary up b 8 or 9 points.

I checked the pdf file posted by NBC/WSJ and sure enough they had over/undersampled across the board Dems, Rs, and Is to get the results they wanted. Then, that night, I watched even FOX News report the poll.

I thought, Holy shit, this is all a bunch of made up crap! Trump's going to win!


Keep crying

>Either way, the GOP is doomed.
No. Listening to Rush today, he made an excellent case for GOP going on a run for another 10+ years and lock SCOTUS for a generation.

How the fuck does 1,000 people represent over 320 million?

% approval in inauguration, lowest in history
>lowest in history

But that's factually incorrect you stupid fligger. Truman had the lowest approval rating of 22%. George W. Bush had an approval rating of 28%.

40% is still nowhere near "the lowest", but I wouldn't expect an illiterate pineapple to know anything about American history.

Democrats are fucked.
Not only does the map look like this, but they are all geezers, and sanders rolled over like a bitch this time.
I hope against hope he and Biden primary against one another. It will give trump a second term if he even runs.

hey isn't that more of those POLLS?

the'y're so accurate lmao

>poll conducted by the same people who said Hillary would win

Well, you see, my college professor told me it works, so just take his word for it.

GOP can survive, but the RHINOs have to go. People are starting to realize that those cucks are playing both sides of the aisle, especially because of their "Never Trump" bullshit. Sage for a shitty OP.

Welcome to nu/pol/. They have an insatiable appetite for Trump semen .


The great thing about this election is that Trump is basically liberated from having to follow public polling of any kind. He can point to how wildly off the polls were during the election as proof that these polls are not accurate and then proceed to do whatever the fuck he needs to.

Will you faggots ever stop crying?

He is going to be president for the next 4 years at the very least.

The election is over and there is nothing you can do about it, your whining is pointless.

>1) Denial & Isolation
>2) Anger
>3) Bargaining
>4) Depression
>5) Acceptance

You are at stage 3 now (Bargaining)

Just shut the fuck up, get depressed and accept it.

Welcome to Sup Forums where shitskins are still as butthurt as ever.

It's almost like people's trust of the government has eroded since Obama was president

Fuck hillshills and Fuck commie scum

The rinos are going to turn democrat or become extinct. The Republican Party is going to be the party of angry populism going forward, at least in constituency.

And your president.

“Hitler massacred three million Jews. Now there are three million drug addicts … I’d be happy to slaughter them.”

“When the body was taken out, it was already wrapped. I looked at her face. I said, ‘F**k, she looks like an – like an American actress, a beautiful one … I said: ‘F**k, what a waste’. What went through my head was that they raped her. That everyone had lined up to rape her. I got angry. That she was raped? Yes, that too. But it was that she was so beautiful – the mayor should have been first. What a waste.”

“Pope, you son of a bitch, go home. Don’t visit here any more.”

“She can’t be raped – she carries a gun.”

“Even the EU is scolding me … When I was mayor, that was OK, but it is different now because I am the president. Why would you insult me? It is as if I am your subordinate … F**k you.”

“Son of a whore, I’ll curse you at that forum. Don’t do anything like that to me.”

“Forget the laws on human rights. If I make it to the presidential palace, I will do just what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better go out. Because I’d kill you. I’ll dump all of you into Manila Bay, and fatten all the fish there.”

“We were talking to [US Secretary of State John] Kerry. He’s okay but I had an argument with their ambassador, that homosexual. Son of bitch, he really annoys me.”

“I will ride a jet ski [to the Spratlys] while bringing the Philippine flag. I will plant the flag on the runway and tell the Chinese authorities, ‘Kill me.’”

What is it called when you hate someone based on nothing but pre-existing prejudice and not what that person has actually done?

Oh... that's right. It's called bigotry.

We're not listening to you bigots any more. :^)

Trump's not a racist, but I wish he was. Why do people always talk about racism against blacks and other subhumans like it's a bad thing?

>40% approval in inauguration, lowest in history
Nixon was lower.

It's 52% actually.

Not that what your president said bothers me. He sound like a cool guy (except for Rape shit thats just wrong)

But clean up your own house before you bitch about ours. Shouldn't you be in bed. You have to show up at the call center soon.

Bullshit. More made up pols. Nixon won by landslides both times.

>Approval ratings from the same people who did poll predictions...

>Waa. Trump isn't popular. Doesn't hab muh approval ratings or popular vote

>like me or anybody on Sup Forums gives a shit what brainwashed plebs approve of

I understand that it makes sense when you're doing something like a coin flip.

But human beings have so many more variables, not to mention America has diverse cultural regions.

Maybe it's because Obama wasn't painted as a monster by the media like Trump was.They always do it to Republicans.(Sorry I was smoking)

Never liked Trump but at least there's still a chance for good.

We dodged a bullet. Just imagine Emperor Hillary!

Clinton Archipelago would make a fun Pokemon game.

It's unfortunate, but wolf has been cried 1,000 times already and that it makes it difficult to discern when it's real now.

>people who say this is rigged
Even Rasmussen had Obama at a net approval of +30 at his inauguration compared to Trump at +4.
You just can't stump the Trump....

pls no sorry, good colin post

is this the same polls that predicted a Clinton win?

>implying a flipbro would be against Trump

I just really hope democrats don't treat him like republicans treated Obama

I can't handle 4 more years of no progress


Lol Flip, you afraid he's gonna take back call center jobs? Find a better job.

>Reagan had the lowest starting approval rating of any president in history.

Nope. According to RCP, the guy had a net approval of 40+ at the beginning of his inauguration. Trump, however, is at somewhere around -10.

He started with a veto proof supermajority.
He is a failure of his own making.

Have you consider maybe that Republicans, especially Trump, just tend to do more awful things?

according to that pic, only white trash voted drumpf

Found the illegal flip.

fake news

Have you ever considered that maybe Democrats, especially Obama, just tend to do awful things?

According to that map, as long as this is a republic democrats are in deep shit.

>more people approve of Obama at the end of his presidency than Trump at his honeymoon period.

Looks like they are polling the same people that had Hillary +12 to win the presidency

George w bush once had an approval rating over 90%.


according to this pic, your should start learning russian runes