Rate obama

On a 1-10 how good of a president was he to "white" people
>Spaghetti niggers
>syrup niggers
>potato niggers
>ice niggers
>fish niggers
>curry niggers
>vodka niggers
>whale niggers
>snow niggers
>sand niggers
>taco niggers
Opinions are NOT WANTED! Thank you


fuck off you nigger

Why are you attention whoring?
Tits or gtfo.

>calls every flavor of white folk nigger
>Argentinian and Brazilian is insult enough

Makes sense.

are you actually jewish
id give obama an 8/10 domestically and a 2/10 for foreign relations


Your nigger time stamp schtick is getting old, has been for weeks. Saged


Why do you keep shitposting, you stupid nigger.

I've come to appreciate you nig nog
As a Mongrel of white and nigger descent

I'd say Obama was a solid 0/10

>muh thread


Why do you take the white women? What are the jews giving you?

Dont worry about that goy!

He was the exact same as W. deal with it.


You're alright


I would steal that but I ain't black.

Your arent black...but your damn sure not white!

why do you have a menora lol

-10 > 0


How much does your Jewish master want for you? I want to buy you and use you for a comedy podcast I have an idea for.

Why did you reply to me twice? Brain dead faggot

i think he stoked resentment between white and black people, i think racially people got along better before him

also hes obsessed with muslims which i think american blacks and whites dont really like


I'm gonna say 3/10 for whites and 1/10 for everyone else, because of him white people are starting to get sick of darkies again.

That's not bad for us. Really bad for you.

Why are you subhumans still replying

whats 60%


Jerome, I asked you in the other thread before it got baleeted, but do you rap?

Lets make an album together to redpill more black people. I was a hiphop producer for over 10 years and had a popular record label with publishing that I sold to the (((kikes))) for good money

Post a throwaway email and I'll contact you

Hello, Mr. Nigra. He was a solid 2/10. Very bad, I'd say as bad as JFK.

what are whale niggers tho lol

Eskimos I'm guessing, they eat whale all the time

Outsiders perspective of a white Canadian, Obama was a terrible president to ALL Americans

P.s. Your a child (young) stop posting pictures and calling attention to yourself before somebody doxes you


Obama was Bush 2: Dindu Boogaloo

I'd say 3

Good stuff


I didn't mind him at all.

Breathe of fresh air after the fumbling clown that was W. .. Even if he did ramp up the death-by-robot-assassin programs


he should never have supported gun control, he is indefensible.

How much is the pay?

you're back... Starting to like this dindu spear chuncker. He delivered on nothing but pulling troops out of Iraq which was an epic fail

Have you seen the rest of the board lately? its nothing but shitposts

Take off that FUCKING durag you piece of shit

>birthday candles


Thats why i didnt want your opinion

America is only 60% white these days.

One drop of blood taints the whole pool

who are fish niggers?

It's a wave cap you racist.

8/10 would have given him an 8.5 but the dirty move against Cubans and Israelis at the end reminded me how fucking underhanded he was. Plus the war on drugs didn't change, he deported people with no discretion and by being a divisive race baiter he energized a really grimey sect of the Conservative party.

Dumbass. Your joke wasnt funny

Excuse me? I believe they identify as mapleniggers, check your privilege

Sorry master

I have so many questions

So make your own thread

He was fifth best.

Reagan in first.
18 president's tied for second.
Twenty Two Others tied for third.
Jimmy Carter and FDR tied for fourth.
Obama tied for fifth.

This is why 60%
