>m-m-m-muslims are all bad! Sup Forums told me so!
M-m-m-muslims are all bad! Sup Forums told me so!
You're gonna need more maps
Let's be honest, Muslim culture is preventing Aids from getting to Europe where it will spread like wildfire due to their culture.
>womens physical security
Who the fuck cares!??!?!
Fake map, West Africa has more AIDS than a Portugese toilet seat.
Anyone who might have a daughter one day
You know those muslims nations deny studies
Take down those edgelords based britbong
When women are able to wear miniskirts they tend not to explode
>all niggers have aids so that means muslims are good! a shill told me so!
That's because the poorest black people live near central and southern africa.
That doesn't mean that population in north africa is any good. Some nations live in worse conditions than cubans.
I don't get the meme on hating women. Just because your lonely doesn't mean all women are coal burners/gold diggers/whores. If you have a daughter one day and raise her right then you'd understand more.
Now I know you are full of shit because those fucking mudshit countries are full of fucking AIDS!
Alot of people on Sup Forums treat Islam as a race. But they use Islam is not a race strategy once they get called out on racism. It is a win win strategy to them.
those who find cure for AIDS wouldnt be muslims
Yes that is correct.
>Not worthless
what is "hurr the us needs oil"
>not knowing the basics of geopolitics
>believing terrorism is about Islam
>being this bluepilled in current year
Not an argument.
You realize why the **KNOWN** prevalence of HIV/AIDS is so high in RSA, BOT, ZIM, NAMIB etc?
1. Highest testing rates on the continent.
>This is the most important
The testing levels in most other African states is so low that it is bordering on statistically irrelevant. Also, since AIDS/HIV doesnt itself kill you (normally T.B or the flue or something like that) most fatalities just get recorded as those.
Just look at the map, the more stable, developed a nation is, the higher the **KNOWN** infection rate while the bigger the shithole, the lower the rate
>Anecdote: Im a white male who grew up in Kenya, i spent 5 years in South Africa, dating the same girl for 4 of them, and got tested for AIDS 3 times. Twice during "testing drives" at the companies I worked for, once for Insurance.
2. Life expectancy.
If you have HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, you will be dead in ~5-10 years. No treatment, shitty nutrition etc etc etc. In most Southern African nations Anti-Retrovirals are either state subsidized or issued free of charge, treatment for T.B (the real killer for people with HIV/AIDS) is also very advanced and accessible. So if you get AIDS in those nations, you are more than likely to live out the rest of your life with a degree of normalcy, so higher numbers of people who are infected live longer, thus adding to the total infected.
>Anecdote: I have been to Timbuktu (long before the war). I have never seen so many people who have that "AIDS look" before... you can see them a mile off. Definitely higher infection rates than say; Kenya or South Africa.
What can I say? I like Mexico, but the wall's still gotta go up.
In summation:
1. I highly doubt that Southern Africa has the highest continental infection rates
2. Development is a double edged sword when it comes to the pandemic.
>Egypt and Libya
>less developed than the fucking Congo
Nice try kafir
So they're better than niggers, big wjoop
Also, if you want another YUGE Soros red-pill.
>Soros funds the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa
>T.A.C forces government (legally) to issue Anti-Retrovirals to infected people for free
>Guess (((((who))))) has major shares in the Pharma companies who make the A.R.V's
And thats only the tip of the spear of Soros meddling in South Africa, I am happy Kenya is irrelevant, that way we get left alone by ((((them))))
Egypt is one of the oldest civilisations in the world of course it's more developed. As is Libya despite us bombing the shit out of it.
Where are your parents from and why did you grow up in Kenya? Do you have an African accent?
Argentina confirmed White.
What are you doing living in a African shithole? Come home white man.
I agree, Muslims are a worse disease than AIDS
>literacy map uses red as a good color and green as bad
>Muslims are good because niggers are bad
'murrican logic
Are you illiterate?
>explicitly stated I am white
Libya is a failed state, Egypt still has massive stigma around HIV/AIDs and doesnt have the wide scale testing that Southern African nations do.
Anyway, latest studies from UNICEF show a ten-fold increase in the HIV/AID prevalence in Cairo in the last decade.
>test more
>find more
ups, was meant to op.
cant get aids from a goat
You don't fool me, kafir.
Ten-fold increase on zero is still zero.
Its not so bad here.
>Rather live like a King in Africa
>than a pauper in Europe.
Yes, downside is that every now and then kings get their heads chopped off.
>cant even spell KAFFIR properly
You are using the Muslim term for non-believer, not the Afrikaner term for black.
>No aids in somalia
>OP Somehow managed to get the one guy in Kenya on Sup Forums to reply.
Pretty informative though.
Grand-Parents are from Cornwall originally, parents grew up in Kenya.
They grow tea. I work on the game-reserves.
No, I have a mixture between an English-English accent and a South-African-English Accent
When I was in the UK most people thought I was posh, except actual posh people who thought I had a speech impediment.
Im here allot, just normally lurk.
I dont comment on things that dont concern me.
>saharan vs sub saharan Africa
this is like saying you got better grades than a retarded kid
> west africa not having aids
shitty map is shitty
>Preventing AIDS from keeping niggers from overpopulating
>Not bad
That's because Dune coons are mostly circumcised.