This is The Most Unqualified Embarrassing Leader in American History

This is The Most Unqualified Embarrassing Leader in American History.

Defend him and his cabinet picks Sup Forums

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He doesn't bow down to cuck leftists when they bitch and moan. This makes him better than almost all politicians in the U.S. right now.

Highest IQ cabinet ever.

>most unqualified
He's 35+ years old
Natural born citizen of the United States of America
Has been a resident for the last 17 years
Won 270+ electoral votes

He's EXACTLY qualified to be president. He literally meets every qualification.

>posting ETS screenshots


lol, they've made a subreddit now to counter t_d shitposting now?

Also what is going on here?

It's actually kind of embarrassing how only rural and suburban retards voted for him.

Literally less than 10% of city people voted for him.

I knew those reptilian looking mofos were up to no good.

You're a nigger. Case closed.

>Canadian opinions
14 year olds get raped by migrants in your cities

Better than Hillary.

Defended. Get a better opposition.

How is that embarrassing? People who live in cities aren't smarter or better

Rich people like money. Poor people are stupid.


This is our leader for the next 4 years. You can either be a faggot or you can wait until next election and vote for a failed democrat politician again.

It's unfortunate for you that your party got destroyed so badly this election.

There isn't just one, there are dozens, r/enough_trump_spam

Yeah because Barack Obama sure had a mountain of experience right?

niggur, he is fucking funny, also he is not corrupt but he is autistic and shills on twitter like a twitter god

clearly you're not energized enough

He WILL get 8


Your country elected a drama teacher.

How can you defend his 28 picks when he has to appoint over 600 still

At the start of his first term, precisely what made Obama more qualified than trump?

I want to cum inside his daughters.


Its weird how the people that think this also support a president who funded Al Qaeda in Syria.

I always wondered that. A junior senator of no account, and no millions, suddenly gets bankrolled into the presidency. Soros we know now, funded him.

He ran with the same strategy as w.

It was brilliant.

Trump is at least a negotiator and an outsider. Trump simply by winning has proven that the American system is great. The belief that anyone can still win the top office of this country by being an outsider or a private citizen is a great thing, you don't have to be a Washington insider. Trump i believe could do great things as i said he is a natural negotiator and a fairly successful businessman. His cabinet picks all have a business background as well. At least give him a shot if he fucks up hard then the house and senate flip in two years and he is out in 4. Let him at least try before you pass judgment.

THIS. Sadly lefties think their feelings have to be taken into account for people to be qualified. He's overqualified imo.







The team he assembled are all OUTSIDER CHAMPIONS who will only be loyal to him. They are a powerhouse of tools he will use to slice and dice the globalist roots, the owner's strings on all the other politician wolves on the hill. The GOP and Dems are both owned by the globalists, they are both against Trump.

Trump is in the foxhole with the GOP but they tread lightly around him. They go to work every day with a 1000lb lion that may eat them at any moment. They fear for their lives, something the DEMS COULD NEVER DO TO THEM!

What are you cunts going to do when he delivers more for the American people than the dems/GOP could for decades?

After eight amazing years of Donald Trump as president. Ivanka will be the first woman president, and the left will actually turn into ISIS by that time, openly bombing the WH from all the winning, saftey and jobs America will have under a real leader.

Working with Russia instead of Saudis will instantly allow for wide expansion of humanitarian work in Syria. Green zones will be formed by Russia and a UN force. Saudis will be blown out, they can no longer have their pipeline through Syria. ISIS was formed to topple Assad for the Saudi prince's personal war with Putin who refused a new pipeline.

You sound like you need a nigger's dick to suck, OP. Why don't you go and make that happen and We'll Make America Great Again.

Romney had 11 homes, one with a car elevator: $250M net worth

Trump has $10B, that is billion. he can piss Romneys.

I meet half of those criteria, do I get to be half a president?
Then fuck off.

Think they had a while, just no one pays attention to them. Today though we legitimately spammed the shit out of reddit.

>People who live in cities aren't smarter or better


not pictured: the massive amounts of people that didn't vote

Well, duh, you gotta actually DO IT.

Hillary was in bed with the Saudis and put them over American interests.


you keep using that word

She has owners, they own her, not her voters

Trump; has no owners because he is self funded. He is pushing for term limits and lifetime ban on foreign lobbying

But that's how it is every election. Turnout was actually up compared to 2012.

You lost

Highest IQ cabinet ever.

"It's her turn"

>Faults other countries for rape

You are the rape capital of the world

How did you act when Obama was president? I'm betting it's like a faggot.



Did you know Obama was emailed the list of cabinet appointments by the CEO of CIticorp?


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>you're welcome, faggot.

there's not even a name for how bad this logic is. henceforth the 1ZIP fallacy

>1 post by this id
>Sup Forums newfags rused and baited to perfection
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>you're welcome, faggot.
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>Sup Forums newfags rused and baited to perfection
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>you're welcome, faggot.
>1 post by this id
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>you're welcome, faggot.
>1 post by this id
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>you're welcome, faggot.
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>wasting time replying to shills in 2017
>you're welcome, faggot.

Nobody gets to be a half president. I'm not allowed to be half a doctor just because i'm halfway done with school

>1 post by this id
>Sup Forums newfags rused and baited to perfection
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Do you really think Rick Perry is smarter than a Nobel Laureate in physics? Fucking idiot.

>1 post by this id
>Sup Forums newfags rused and baited to perfection
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>1 post by this id
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>wasting time replying to shills in 2017
>you're welcome, faggot.

Whatfucking city do you live in? Nigger-dot? Junkie-couver? punjalgary? cities are bursting with the human garbage


YOu cunts want to cry "no fascist USA" when you were asleep during Obama years:

The revelation came from a hack of the email account of John Podesta, a chair of Obama’s 2008 Transition Team. They show that Obama gave executives of Citigroup an “outsized role in shaping and staffing his first term.”

“Attached is the latest version of the Agency Review teams. It is a closely held document, so please treat it with the same sensitivity as ours. If you all could take a quick look at the lists for the agencies in your area, that would be helpful. I think the hope is that, while there are no guarantees, some of the people on these lists might make their way into the agencies ultimately. Our role, therefore, is to check whether there is much overlap between the names here and the names were seeing/generating for sub-cabinet positions in each agency. There doesn’t need to be total overlap, but if there is a total disconnect, it would probably be better to rectify that now vs. later.

“I hate to ask, since I just send you another long spreadsheet to check, but if you could do this tomorrow and get back to Lisa (copied here) and myself, that would be great. Thanks.”

He really is though. There's no way to defend him without believing in conspiracy theories and trying to intellectualize fascism like an edgy 8th grader.

No, because you have to have all of the criteria and there are only whole offices, none split.

fucking kek

Hey everyone, OP hates freedom and money. What a faggot.

The point is that the picture is nonsense because the majority of people that didn't vote were dems. Hilary got like 50% of the votes Obama got, people hated her.

>on all other boards, its trolls
how fucking stupid are you


I can't decide if Trump supporters are either retarded or too proud to admit that they're part of Russia's meta. Gonna go back to my moms trailer and troll Reddit because they're better off than me.

If they're bursting with human garbage why do you drive there every fucking morning you bitch ass nigger?

OH I'm fucking kekking

We wouldn't want any outside influence on the election!

You can see 8 years into the future OP?

Obama is a Nobel Peace Laureate, and the world is so peaceful now right?

Is that really the best you got?

oh shit nigger now you're at 2

More peaceful than it's ever been actually.

His picks are to keep the republic together. Not to fulfill any democratic purposes. If you dumb fuck liberals would take your head out of your ass you could understand we are in a cold civil war.

Actually he is representing the electorate -

This all should be more about voters and less about the current mouthpiece

What is that even supposed to mean you goddamn faggot

So tell me, what freedom did you lose prior to his inauguration?

You didn't lose freedom, you lost your brain from believing in fearmongering speculations formed by toliet paper degree journalists who have no extensive background in economics nor politics as Trump did.

At least they're strong on the issue of "shitting in bathrooms". I couldn't say the same about you, Pajet.

If they were registered and didn't vote, not voting WAS their vote.

Fuck Hillary and fuck vagina people.


If you think this is bad wait until 2018

Top kek

> What are averages
> What are sum totals

No wonder nobody on Sup Forums was hired to Trump's cabinet.

Is Saudi Arabia that much better for you or something?

Yup. The Libyan Intervention and Syrian Airstrikes were acts of peace. Blowing their countries up and assisting Syrian rebels totally wasn't responsible for the refugee crisis.

I do not understand why people like you hate Russia so much. For real, just let the cold war die.

Why can't we be allies with big powerful nations like China and Russia without getting screwed on trade? I'm sick of teaming up with pussies and ready to bomb isis to shit already. So sick of dumb propaganda bullshit.

lol cold civil war, the only people that believe that shit are fringe conservatives. While you savages fight each other in the country the civilized people will start looking around asking what the fuck is going on.

>Obama is a Nobel Peace Laureate, and the world is so peaceful now right?
it's pretty peaceful

Says the curry shit skin himself.

lol did ctr come back? this board erupted into cheers when trump was president. and like a whole week. now it's always fuck trump threads

sure is reddit in here
or maybe is it because he has a love for jews which edgy Sup Forums users are upset about...

>not Hillary

Nah you're just poor as fuck. I hope you enjoy living in the streets.



I can run half as fast as usain bolt, do I get half as many gold medals?

They aren't Hillary and Progressives

No, Obama was easily more unqualified.