DEAR PIG SKINS. You are NOT a REAL RACE. And here is why:

DEAR PIG SKINS. You are NOT a REAL RACE. And here is why:

Even WHITE scientists say that whites are just mutations of albino africans. These mutants ended up mating with neanderthals. That is why whites have neanderthal dna. These neanderthals inbred for THOUSANDS of years.

This behavior is deeply embedded which is why whites are known for inbreeding and have very low genetic diversity with a high amount of bizarre physical birth defects.

Whites were never meant to exist! They are nothing but prehistoric animals, muts, errors, and are inbred


k keep me posted

That's an orange nigger.

this pepe always makes me laff

How can black bois even compete?

>also saged


Why are we better then you in literally every category except for running then?(The biggest dick is white, before you say muh dick)

Mutations have been known to cause some very beneficial effects, looks like you are just living up to your skin colour and being stunned stupid.

Kill yourself nigger.

>tfw made in his image.
>tfw made pure and perfect.

Whites are such a pathetic race. All they they do is complain about every race and religious group, in between committing all of the mass murders, suicides, serial killings, terror attacks (that they call a "mental illness"), pedophilia, and dog molestings. Go back to the caucasus mountains.. back to your caves, you inbred neanderthals

>They are nothing but prehistoric animals, muts, errors, and are inbred

imagine being dominated for thousands of years by inbred animals

The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

enjoy your warning

seriously I got one for announcing a sage today, fucking pussy mods. really, a fucking WARNING on Sup Forums? from a guy who drink piss and cums to trap porn. yeah I'm real fuckin WARNED now buddy.

just needed to get that off my chest

>Whites were never meant to exist! They are nothing but prehistoric animals, muts, errors, and are inbred

Could literally be said about not just all of mankind but life itself.

Thankfully, they're a dying race (8% of the world and still dropping)


Fitting that your image is a sour Pepe while your post is nothing but sour grapes.

Your suicide rates are sour

>Dear shitskins, you are not people

The only people committing suicide these days are butt hurt liberals.

wew lads, the brainwashing is strong in this one.


Don't be jel.

>whites were never meant to exist
>there would only be a few million blacks (if that) due to disease and predators alive today if it wasn't for whitey

Pig skins cause problems everywhere they go:
1. diseased the natives
2. kicked the spics off their land
3. nuked the gooks
4 started a war with religion over oil
5. constantly terrorizing movie theaters
6. always shooting up schools
7. Incest
8. started 2 world wars
9. start genocides everywhere they go
10. are obsessed with pedophilia
This is one race that EVERYONE would be better off without.

Shill factory pushes race war when.
In Russia, troll find you!

Whites starting a war? What's new

>This is one race that EVERYONE would be better off without.

Those are Jews mate, which coincidentally are responsible for everything on that list except for 1 & 2 which never happened.

I get that you're mad that you lost the election, and need to vent. But there are better websites to do that. Maybe take a walk outside. Call up your friends and go see a movie or something.

>uses "whitey"
> prokksi detekt

> this user has CEMb posts

Mostly blacks and Arabs
also blacks and arabs
thanks for making HIV, ebola, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fever, Malaria etc.
exactly what pooskins are trying to do now

so you niggers got BTFO by some supposedly inferior mutants that were never supposed to exist?

Doesn't look good for you, buddy...

It's truly sad how pussy pig skin honkys are without their keyboards.

If they took even half the time that they dedicate to shit posting on this website about their "superiority" and brony collections,and walk outside

they'd probably won't be afraid of other races in real life... but what do you expect from a race who made Bruce Jenner a superstar? They're all homosexuals who want our attention

peckerwoods gonna peckerwood

Bump for justice

- pink skin
- poorly aging
- skin cancer from the sun
- small pink dicks
- small tits
- flat asses
- slow as hell
- no agility
- no lips
- no rhythm
- have the craziest birth defects (conjoined twins, no nose, allergic to sun, allergic to food, allergic to water, etc)
Pig skins are OBJECTIVELY physically inferior

Pig skins are a shitty ass race and their recent history is mass-murder:
- native americans
- africans
- middle east
- hiroshima
- Vietnam
these bird shit colored peckerwoods go ends up in a fucking bloodbath.
Thankfully, they're going extinct.

Is the flower inferior to the thorn? You hate us because you hate beauty.

Go back to eating ebola bats in your mud hut.

Pig skin peckerwoods are a pathetic race and here is why:
- 75% of mass murderers are pig skin male honkys (according to the fbi)
- 73% of serial killers are pig skin male honkys (according to fbi)
- 36% of white on white homicide victims are cave bitches (according to the fbi)
- 80% of convicted pedos are pig skin male honkys (according to the fbi)
Non hispanic white males are are only 31% of the population according to the census

You must just be a white troll because you and I both know niggers cant spell or use proper grammar for shit.

Isn't that how evolution works.

water makes pink people smell like dogs
the sun makes pink people age 5 years per hour

If it wasn't for those inferior "pig skins" and had they never existed, the human race would largely still be chucking spears, living in fear of predatory animals, and being killed off simply by having a rough case of the flu at the wrong time. Not only would your dumbass not exist, but there's no internet either.

Every single race on this planet has a background of war-mongering. The whites were just far superior at. We'd be behind ~1000 years, hell, probably even longer since without whites who knows how long it would've taken everyone else to master something as basic as sea travel.

i wonder what it feels like to be a neanderthal... to be attracted to children, to be sexually aroused by horses, to constantly think about shooting up movie theaters, to not even have a culture, to age like shit, to burn in the sun, to have a small pink dick. it scares me.

Pig skins should be forced to undergo an annual mental evaluation and random internet history check like those NFL surprise drug tests.

Your continent is nothing but genocides, idiot.

Canada and America share the same continent

>neanderthals were dumb
Still perpetuating that lie, Tyrone?
African negros were the only ones who didn't end up with neanderthal DNA mixed in. Now, compare the rest of different races and ethnicity's achievements.
If anything, there is more evidence to suggest that you NEGROIDS are closer to being animals than full fledged human beings.
Disagree? Doesn't matter Tyrone. History, tradition, culture; virtually everything disagrees with you. It really is too bad that Lincoln didn't get around to sending you all back to Africa when he had the chance. According to you and your people's whining you'd be better off. We already know that we'd be better off.

These neanderthals are pathetic. Their entire history is traveling the world starting wars and harassing people

- invented electricity
- split the atom
- pay your welfare


> leaf education

>honey is a slur for austro hungarians. It comes from blacks calling austro hungarian coal miners "hunky", because jigaboos can't pronounce "hungry" I guess.

>neanderthals were stronger and had bigger brains and invented things like fireplaces and clothes before homo sapiens
>every race has neanderthal DNA other than africans
>africans are by far the stupidest and least creative race on earth

really made me ooga booga

albino africans.... so they were white...

Being alive makes blacks smell like chicken grease and coco butter.

>to have no culture
Are you high?

"Honkey" not "honey" sorry

Take that white devils!

Neanderthals never invented the needle. Thier clothing was just draping animal skins on the body
T. Potatonigger w/ 3% Neanderthal admixture


Negro. Your own people were enslaving other Africans since forever and selling them to the Arabs. Your people's idea of justice is often to set the accused on fire, which your people delight in doing so, and publicly lynching them too as a mob. Your people leap at the opportunity to kill, rob, rape, and steal, and have no empathy towards the victims it is done to.
Mark my words, Tyrone. Before you pass on from this world, these words will become self-evident to you. The lies pushed by the cultural marxists that use you and your people like chess pieces will be torn to bits like a ship upon jagged rocks in a raging storm.

Nothing is "meant" to exist and mutations happen all the time. You don't know shit.

Lol good god I love the extremes between American posters this is why you guys should rule the world forever so long as we can increase the White German immigration to levels it was in the 19th century

is all that the secret to conquering the world?

tfw black people think I'm in the xmen

>just mutations
Our "mutation" has done more than color our skin......

Explain how our mutation gives white privilege, the ability to create cloth, the ability to invent technology that allowed us to sail the earth and spread our mutant seed everywhere.....

Why the fuck in all that time on the mothercontinent did you fuckers not once sail a boat anywhere. You never built anything that was not made of mud and sticks....Hell, a beaver builds better homes than most rural afrikans.

Our simple mutation is so dramatic that our skeletons can be dug out of the ground in 200 years, and a scientists can say for sure that my skull belonged to a white male.....How is it that we are so different that a basic scientists KNOWS from our bones what our race was?

How is race an imaginary social construct again if it can be proven scientifically?

Almost all of biodiversity is through mutations.

Also Arabs have the highest rate of incest and consanguinity.

Are you really this stupid? Or do you just believe everything you read?

my retort


I would've believed you m8 but you said an ebil racist slur.

>i can spew shit from my mouth without a source and expect people to take me seriously


and literary the only reason you niggers aren't rolling around in your own shit starving to death

Best part is if we go, everyone regresses to stone age after a couple centuries

Wow, faggot OP has posted like 20 times on the white mans computer box invention. Really makes me nig

Blacks suffer from vitamin D deficiency in northern Europe.

Black Bois are literally unable to live here without dying.

How does it feel to be of an inferior race, black bois?

Not Japan

They've been around a thousand years longer than any white group and they will past until after whites are gone

Blacks cant even harvest veggies.

Its almost like their retarded iq's make it only possible to gather what they find or to beg whitey. Oh wait that is fact

Mutation is how Evolution works yes and then we destroyed/mated with neanderthals

Neanderthals had more brain capacity

>Visit Zimcongobongo site
>Error 503

My sides have left orbit.

Tell me something I don't know son

>very low genetic diversity
Like having more than one haircolor?
>with a high amount of bizarre physical birth defects.
Like a bigger brain?

>self hating nigger detected.

>what are neanderthals
>what are homo sapiens

Nigs don't have neanderthal DNA, we do. Now fuck off.

No culture? Other than Greece (foundation of democracy), the roman empire, the renaissance, the enlightenment, and creating some of the greatest pieces of art/music/architecture throughout history. Yes, no culture...

He's just self hating white chocolate leafson just let him talk to himself,oh and op no whites are sorry for conquering and raping your people for generations keep that in mind