Wow...just wow...GLUMPF is LITERALLY going to let a fake news into the White House Press
Wow...just wow...GLUMPF is LITERALLY going to let a fake news into the White House Press
fuck off and go prep the bull moose that fucks your beaver-wife's son, retard.
I never understood why you leaves enjoy this kind of shit posting. I mean, sure, you have retards to take the bait, but what fulfillment do you get out of it? I fail to see how this could be considered entertaining in the least.
I've just about had it with Trump pandering to faggots.
FOOLnald DUMP is not my president
Fuck DRUMPF and fuck white people
Better the degenerates start listening to Trump than the Jews on the left.
Yeah, we know, your Canadian. You don't even have Presidents. Your Gaylord Supreme is Viceroy Trudeau II.
> 1 post by the faggot leaf
Day of the Rake when?
The evolution of a meme
wtf is this piece of crap shitposting. move over for the real men
This. Australians I can understand, since banter is the cornerstone of their culture. But's like they just have nothing better to do.
>gay conservative
What did they mean by this?
Just kick out CNN and call it even.
Leaf shitposting began in early 2016, shortly after Trudeau took office. Trudeau hired a team of shitposters for the purpose of making every conservative and right-wing forum unreadable.
Before 2016, leafs were some of the better posters on Sup Forums.
It makes retarded liberals and conservatives squirm, everyone is butt must understand we come from a frozen wasteland with no vitamin D or sunlight, being like americans but eternally salty and shitposting is who we are and all we have
It means being ok with white fags and shit because they don't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. We are all eurpeans, even them, and we wont achieve anything but self destruction without their support in the public eye
>Faggotry is ok as long as you're white
Now just what did he mean by this
Fuck off leaf. Faggots have no use as europeans. They will not reproduce. To society they are nothing but useless maggots crying for attention.
Like i said, they mean nothing in the grand scheme of things
Why can't leafs stop making moronic posts? Are they addicted to idiocy?
Why is their support so important then
Because the more support that this shithole of a 'movement' gets the better
Because acceptin that they are a natural mutation can garner the support of even retarded liberals. imagine what one could achive with them and the usual conservatives behind them. Ultimate power and not one successful democuck campaign
As someone who's been here since the first bitcoin spike, you're full of it. A leaf is and has always been A FUCKING LEAF
To effortpost, you have to understand the issues and the people to make a post other people consider good.
To shitpost, you have to understand what people here hate about other people, and distill that essence into a satire that causes absolute fury. The true challenge is getting maximal (you)s from one low-effort post, because the less effort you put into your bait, and the more effort people put into replying to your bait, the more insane and neurotic you reveal Sup Forums to be.
There is this urge to poke at things and see what makes them tick. Effortposting only shows you the rational side of Sup Forums. A good shitpost reveals how insane Sup Forums is.