This is an American board. Leave now.
This is an American board. Leave now.
USA #1!
Burger, beer, guns, and tits!
KYS nigger
Пoшёл нaхyй, пидop
I genuinely believe non-Americans should be subject to harsher rules and penalties for bad posts on this site.
>American board
>Posting burger king
BK is shit. The only FF burger place worse is McDonalds (Which is beyond shit).
Clearly a weeb board.
I could agree
>burger king
Thanks, bud. I won't forget it.
Burger king is actually pretty good here. Not far from Aberdeen so every burgers some good Angus. Their fries suck though make them thin again.
How can they even compete?
The Jews did 9/11
>USA board
>owned by Shigeru Miyatomo
>tfw you filter the leaf flag and Sup Forums gets infinitely more bearable.
>Uses an English Burger King image
American education everyone
cyкa блять иди нaхyй
Kek nice spot.
>ywn live in the land of the freest men on earth and enjoy 500 different fast food brands, and that's just if you limit yourself to your own city
what's the point of this meaningless existence
no,that clearly a brazilian board
Funny, he doesn't look American..
What other fast food burger places are there? I find it hard to believe you like burger king unless its only competition is Mcdonalds (which is awful)
>The burger king I frequent has a delicious Trap working there
>He constantly flaunts his juicy hindquarters every time I visit
He'll have it my way.
We don't have that many american burger joints to be honest. US chains it pretty much is BK or McDonald's but there's plenty of smaller shops to get burgers from.
agreed I can't STAND Guatemala
>American board
>owned by a chink
>run by the jews
That sounds exactly like America.
This is now a swede thread. Swedes, get in here and organize yourselfs!!
looks Finnish imo
Trips of truth.
This is a Finnish board. LEAVE NOW.
Posting the best. Poor Bongs/Euros will you ever know the joy?
Inshallah, brother, let's share our favorite suras from the holy quran.
Cpt Sweden is my favouritest hero.
you dun goofed up m80
A deep fried piece of chicken between a plain bun with two pickle slices?
I really don't see what the fuzz is about.
Also, waffle fries are shit.
There he is. Jabba the fucking hut in human form, sitting on his industrial-grade chair. You must have thought you were so clever. I can imagine your eight chins rippling and wobbling like a bowl of jello as you giggled to yourself. You sicken me, you michelin man knock-off. For every ton on your flabby sack you call a body, I loathe you. For every drop of saliva that drools from your ketchup and mustard stained mouth, I hate you. For every wet shart that escapes the horrors of your loose sphincter, I despise you. You better be afraid, Burger King, because whaling is still legal in Canada. Man the harpoons, we have hamplanets to hunt. Choke on Ronald McDonald's aids-infested chode, Beefgoblin.
>tfw bought a gun and immediately after ate 2 cheeseburgers at McDonald's
europoors have no idea what they're missing
>My face waking up everyday realising i'm Swede
Fun fact: It's like, the only fast food constantly full of white people. At least in Texas anyway.
>europoors have no idea what they're missing
An unsafe neighborhood and cardiovascular issues?
Are they giving out free taste masks yet?
Correction -- Waffle Fries are THE shit.
>Look at this fucking masterpiece
Don't judge it by the cover Nordbro it's really good. It doesn't taste like just plain fried chicken, they know what they're doing. They also maintain top tier hospitality standards and proficiency
not the best time of day for that bud
Always clean and top quality. Much respect for chik
has no one noticed the piece of paper on the tray says instead of .com? This isn't an american burger.
Did they seriously try to turn waffle fries into fine dining?
Even if you put sprinkles on a turd, that doesn't turn it into a cupcake
Sweden is gone. You are no longer a Swede.
All fucking weebs must fucking hang.
>unsafe neighborhood
I live in a 99% white state tho.
>cardiovascular issues
Worth it. Have you ever had a Grand Mac?
you do know what website you're on right?
They succeeded in turning it into fine dining you fuck.
It's more of an entree though.
>define cupcake
You mean this face?
Love you too.
>They succeeded
No. They succeeded in turning fine dining into trash.
The 'fine dining' part didn't bring the value of the waffle fry up, but rather the waffle fry brought the value of 'fine dining' down.