Stop spreading conspiracy theories about jews
Stop spreading conspiracy theories about jews
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If the nose fits, kiddo..
It's not a conspiracy. It's just the unspoken truth that's out in the open yet concealed through harsh means for the people who speak up. No one is going to give a fuck about the holocrap in 20 years when kikes push their shit too far.
We need to figure out the Jew tier list. We already know that Ashekenazis are at the very top of the totem.
90% of this shit is either retarded, never happened or just plain wrong.
>The Bilzerian Report
Nigga please. I'm worried how many retarded shit you morons eat up just because it aligns with your views. I'm sure if you research any of this you'll find it at least contriversial if not outright lies.
>he actually said something sensible but this is a jewish conspiracy anyway!
I can confirm for Portugal:
We hated Jews so much we massacred them (new christians) one day in Lisbon. Prior to that, our king forced them to convert to christianism at the threat of expulsion.
It was actually 3 days*
Also, guess where all the anti-family and anti-community propaganda on TV comes from.
I only spread jew truths like alex jones used to
Damn. I thought this whole "goyim" thing was just a meme...
when i see conan on here I always cri evertime
Orthodox Jews also hate Israel and all the other jews.
fuckin awesome movie
that homeless guy is a marketting genius now right?
You know it is not true.
Most jews never ever read the Torah. I'd say 90% of them never been to a Synagogue more than once or twice.
Also Ashkenazi high IQ is a clear result of jewish culture + white intermixing
So Israel is doing what white countries should do, except they do not?
Why is this a problem?
It's their Do as I say. Not as I do approach
What's plain wrong about the AIPAC timeline, Chaim?
yeah ok joo ;)
Give back the 1.5bn you stole from the British Taxpayer on black wednesday you neoliberal cunt
You mean jews in other countries do other things? What does that to do with Israel?
happy purim
Jewish ritual murder of children for their blood was real. There are a few undeniable cases like Simon of Trent and Little Saint Hugh where liberals have to intentionally lie and leave out facts in any discussion. Moreover, there are just so many cases, over such a wide geographic range, through hundreds of years that it is undeniably true. This isn't a pattern of antisemitism. There are patterns to the physical evidence.
You have babies drained of blood in multiple countries over a long period of time. You have adolescent boys stabbed dozens of times, many of whom were circumcised when they were killed. These aren't patterns of random deaths being blamed on jews. Moreover, most people were illiterate, even books let alone news were very rare, so the idea that people isolated from each other by time, language, and space would all report that jews were killing children in very specific ways (including finding bodies) is undeniable evidence that this was an occult ritual of certain jewish sects. That or time traveling serial killers. Antisemitism certainly doesn't fit the overall pattern.
Liberal academics and jews will cherry pick a couple of these cases and "debunk" them. That is not how rational people think. It isn't if one or two are incorrect. It is if ten are correct.
Take the case of Little Saint Hugh. Liberals and jews lie by omission about the facts of the case. Poor Hugh was seen with the Jew Koppin going to his home. When he went missing, they searched Koppin's home and found Hugh in the well. He had ritual torture marks that recreated what Jesus went through. There was a crown of thorn with the body. This is enough circumstantial and physical evidence to convict someone today. What do liberals and jews do? They delete the facts. They only speculate, without any evidence, about torture and false confessions. They are scum who cover up the torture and murder of children!
Children like Hugh were punctured dozens of times to bleed them to death, slowly, while completing the occult ritual. There are several cases like Hugh. What do liberal academics and jews say about this? They absurdly demand skeletal damage, which would not be expected given the recorded ritual. These weren't violent stab wounds that would leave the victim dead quickly and injure bone. These were sadistic cuts and punctures that allowed the blood ritual to be fully completed before the victim died. We know this because Hugh was just one of many children who suffered the same fate.
stop making it difficult for me to not believe in them
There are different types of jews. Sephardic and ashkenazi both existed in Europe when these child mutilations occurred. They almost only occurred around ashkenazi, even when looking a single country or area. How bizarre is that?
Antisemitism can't explain this. We would expect that if these child murders were really coinciedences that were blamed on jews because of antisemitism there would be no pattern. Sephardic, or even Ashkenazis originating from areas besides Germany, would be equally as likely to be falsely accused of these crimes.
No one claims that antisemitism didn't exist. No one claims that every single accusation of ritual murder was real. What is clearly real is jewish ritual child murder. That occurred. Many times.
No culeros.
I got a Global Ban for posting this one . You can't expose jewish crimes on /his. You can't say truths that might promote antisemitic feelings. Feeling are more important than facts nowadays. Everywhere. Even on Sup Forums.
Jewish affirmative action exists somehow. Jews have much higher rates of admission to certain elite colleges after controlling for grades and test scores.
You're not my father.
Stop telling me what to do.
Predicably, since jews get affirmative action the jews at these elite institutions are now significantly dumber than their white and asian counterparts.
Divide and Conquer. I don't blame all Jews. Only the ones who want to control other peoples customs, traditions, economy's,natural resources and their country's future. Israel is the head of a snake.
Jews arent one big group. Trust me on this one. Jews also love to argue.
Conspiracy Theory was the original "fake news". Funnily enough, the CIA invented the term.
yes mom
It explains why Jews are afraid of whites because they are very hard to control, so Jews' clear intention is slowly depopulating whites and replacing them with sub-humans. They would then be able to simply take control of the planet without the need for costly invasion, conquest, and pacification.
Hey Sup Forums,
George Soros here,
I'm suffering from a rare form of prostate cancer and I'm slowly dying. It's extremely painful, however it's against my religious beliefs to kill myself. If one of you anons could kill me, I'd gladly donate $1B to your PayPal, Post your PayPal here, promise to kill me tomorrow and I'll donate to you as long as you're serious.
Sincerly, Georgie.
Its a fair trade if you guys off Soros and Son.
I'll kill you for free you Jew cunt.
Christianity is older than Judaism.
An added bonus is how much dumber blacks and hispanics are than their peers at Harvard. Holy crap. The racial stratification is incredible.
Don't forget the 2 caught giving the (((USSR))) nuclear secrets were both Jews as well
Jewish behavior is in the blood it's not a religion. The religion reflects their blood. Israel is now a country but it used to only mean the Jewish people.
Soros pls go
You would know. They always get together if there's a threat to them collectively but as soon as it's gone they start preying on each other again
Whites, as a rule, are rebellious by nature while non-whites are servile
Thank you. The biggest group fighting the Bolshevik Jews are the Kritarch Jews. These are the two main messianistic strains of Jewish thought: the Bolshevik strain which desires the destruction of all other intelligent races leaving only the Goyim (sheeple) to be lorded over, and the Kritarch strain which desires the creation of more Jews and a return to the ancient Jewish form of Kritarchy.
The Bolshevik strain tries to increase the populations of the Goyim (sheeple) so that the Bolsheviks, as the ruling elite, can use the Goyim like cattle to do their bidding. The Bolshevik strain sees the Goyim as disgusting creatures of that need to have masters. Just look at the what the Soviets did and you will know what the Bolsheviks want and what they will do to get it.
The Kritarch strain sees the Goyim as things to be turned into Jews which is common in all religions. The Kritarch also desires to a return to kritarchy, or rule by judges, which was the ancient Jewish method of governance described in the Old Testament's Book of Judges. The Kritarch Jews do not wish to a return to the laws of the Book of Judges, but they desire a return to the ruling system of the time, kritarchy, which is completely opposed to any earthly authority over man. Since I know you won't read the Book of Judges, the judges were all righteous and physically fit men, the last being Samson. When I say righteous, I mean righteous for 1300 B.C because they talk about bedding whores and much worse. Just remember, at this time most of Africa and much of the Middle East practiced the rituals of Molek, or killing their newborns. They practiced the rituals of Molek so they could have sex without raising children and this was seen as perfectly normal. So when the Kritarch Jews bedded whores they were considered righteous because they had forbidden the practices of Molek, thievery, murder, etc.