What are your favorite games Sup Forums?
Sup Forums approved games
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Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Condemned was way better imo, never beat the second one but I collected everything and played through a few times. Would kill to play through again. Second just seemed way different
HOI3 (BlackICE)
Vic2 (HPM)
EU4 (Ironman only)
Mount&Blade Warband ViKANG Conquest
Darks souls 3
Starwars Battlefront 1-2
Arma 3
Alien Isolation
I've been dying down drastically how much I play video games ever since last semester of uni cause just don't have time for it, also since games just bore me now.
Getting /fit/ and not playing vidya all the time is really a good way to go but those are my fav games none the less
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Which DOOM? Do you mean the first, reboot, or just series as a whole? Either way great choice, I still replay the first two every month or so.
Great list.
Ty, /gsg/ will never die
Vic 2 New World Order mod. You can be a globalist scum bag and commit white genocide or you can be a nationalist and make a new white ethnostate. Check it out
yeah but the regions are cucked beyond belief and so is the creator, also the map is stretched way too much
M&B:Warband (Native/NW)
Arma 3
Red Orchestra 2
Angry Goy
Masters of Orion 2
Crusader Kings 2
Metal Gear Solid
Alpha Protocol
/Christanon detected.
8ch board of peace.
>HOI3 (BlackICE)
BlackICE is pointless retardation and HOI3 is just tedium for the sake of tedium. The operational art of war is less tedious to play even in the most expansive scenarios.
>EU4 (Ironman only)
Leader mana is retarded and iron man mode is for autists who can't help but save scum. I would rather finish a game by switching countries when I get bored than playing for 100 years before quitting when I reach the point where it is no longer challenging.
Napoleon wars is the best.
Based redpilled community
Metal Gear Solid 3
Dragon's Dogma
Brave Fencer Musashi
Hitman: Contracts
this game has been taken off steam
Too bad there aren't many US servers, at least they aren't populated when I'm on. trying to melee at 150+ ping is just too frustrating at times.
Stellaris is redpilled though the devs act like cucks some times. But it's like that with every paradox game...
Age of Empires 2
The regions have been reverted in the latest version.
>ctrl+f "xenogears"
>0 of 0
The main villains are literally jews that's manipulating the planet and causing the land dwellers (goyim) to engage in endless wars with each other. While the kikes are secretly trying to resurrect their false god.
I have spent countless hours on Doom 3 PC, and recently finished collecting most trophies for Doom 4 on PS4.
The best game is Doom 3.
I doubt anyone has played it. But this game was and is still is my favorite game.
(Pic related)
Other favorites:
Eu4 (ironman mode)
medieval 2 total war
escape from monkey island series
Siege gets populated around the weekends, sometimes 150+.
Too bad the ping sucks around that time.
You spelled Rust wrong
Age of empires 2
Long live /gsg/
i literally got banned from the seige server for having the name "hitlerdidnothingwrong", they are cucks
While Im in a OT thread, about to get my first actual gaming PC-- opinions on Alienware vs. Origin? I've heard Origin is better but so many shekels going to be paying it off until the Jew comes to take my organs to pay whatever is left.
On the other hand, Origin seems so large and complicated have no idea how long before I'd figure it out. Inb4 ..../tech/, they have a mod(s) with a real hard-on for me who looks for a fucking typo as an excuse to ban me.
Another option just waiting for "Scorpion" and playing on electronic synagogue. Yes, one of those faggots wh refused to ever play a game on PC until making it through uni and grad school for fear I'd never leave it. So Origin or Alienware or are both rip-offs?
why does everyone say viking conquest is shit, i enjoy it more than native. especially since there's no fucking non-whites.
Total war medieval 2
All prebuilt pc's are a ripoff, do some research and build your own.
you boys played killer7?
fucking masterpiece
Game was fun as fuck
you have to be a bit more subtle. I use kebab_impaler and I've been fine.
Distant Worlds
>simulation of a galaxy
>two economic spheres- public and private, with separate budgets
>thousands of private ships go about their business transporting freight, passengers
>lots of resources to explore
>many immigration policies from open immigration, slavery, and extermination
>independent systems become criminal havens harboring all sorts of violence and crime both on the surface and in space
>fighting without declaring war
>proxy wars
>complex alliance webs
>cause rebellions to fracture other countries
>then pour military support to those breakaway factions
>nuke planets to extinction
>planetary annihilators
>mod that add dozens of new races (Extended Universe i think)
my friends keep telling me this, "just build your own." No idea where to even begin research and the dickheads on /tech/ act like they are somehow above you. I'm pretty good at most tech stuff, but at 11 or 12 I got so sick of windows bullshit I threw a remote control at it, got a mac (before they were hipster faggot central) and never looked back.
Does anyone know of a book on amazon or a site that gives details on building your own? Origin pretty much lets you pick all your own shit from graphics card to drives to sound card, but even the sort of middle shit came to over 5k shekels, plus fucking monitor whih would be another 1.2k.
I won't ask dickbags on leddit bc I refuse to sign up for anything. Have to figure this out..
Europa Universalis 4 is pretty good.
you're probably a fucking retard if you can't figure out windows and buy mac, pc building is so simple a fucking monkey could do it
Doom (DOOM is okay too)
Probably Ultima Online.
Condemned was definitely better, but the combat (aside from the shooting, which made it too easy) was better in 2. Both are good tho.
These grand strategy games are so goddamn boring looking.
Where do you live? Maybe I can host a Sup Forums server with some various games
west coast
Deus Ex.
That looks like a UI clusterfuck.
I ain't in US but if you're hosting a Sup Forums MB:NW server I'm in.
>I would rather finish a game by switching countries
fuck off, quitter
Planet side 2, but only if you play TR
douche, it's not that I "could not figure it out." this was fucking 2005 or something, I guess it was windows...I forget which one but all the fucker did was crash. And crash. I made my way through law school in top 10 on ZOG and working for a french bank, can't be that fucking stupid. Maybe I can but then how stupid must be the other 95% who scored below me on exam?
thanks, will look at it.
I've never played NW, but I'll look into it.
Any other Sup Forums approved MP games? Hard to find decent games with dedicated servers.
>not NC
I haven't played in a year anyways...
that's really surprising, are you an old cunt or something? You seriously have to be retarded or old not to figure it out
Dying Light, the undelying theme in the game might be blue pilled accirding to pol's standards but is still an entertaining game.
Space Station 13.
>Eu4 (Ironman Only)
But the mods
if only it had better diplomacy
Anyone wanna play Total War skirmishes?
I have 'em all but the Shogun ones.
Check youtube. Newegg has a "building a pc" series that's now a few years old (unless they updated it), but still relevant. The only thing different is the parts and that takes research.
What this guy said.
I'm a europa addict
Dont do it, you'll save money and get better performance if you build your own.
Buy a tower, research on parts then put all together or ask someone to install the parts.
Any RTS where you can't purchase units off the open market is a communism simulator
Rome: total war (1)
Payday 2, because they added a Trump mask named the god emperor
it's very manageable- if you've played victoria 2 it's just as accessible. The worst part is the music which you can easily add/change anyway.
My favorite game is my job
>I put 40 hours into into the per week, I've been playing this one for 1000s of hours
>the mods like me and I'm going to get promoted
>saving money to buy a house DCL
You neets should try it
>siege server
I'm gonna assume you mean Minisiege, and in that case you shouldn't even be playing their shit serb. Minisiege is notorious for having SJW admins.
ideal mount and blade mod to host a Sup Forums server for desu
yeah, but they're pretty damn fun if you get past that and have an interest in history. crusader kings 2 is my favorite and is one of the easier ones to get into. it's not the easiest by difficulty, but you play as a person rather than a country which makes it easier for most people
You're not going to trick me this time you jew raccoon. I've played Animal Crossing.
yes goyim, arbeit macht frei. keep working for us until your death
How does it compare to Stellaris?
The Illuminati card game by Steve Jackson games
Some people aren't good with computers. I'm pretty good when it comes to cars, washers, dryers ect but it took me 8 years before I felt I had enough knowledge to build my own pc.
Based game. been playin this shit since release 1997
the game can play itself, it does until you turn off sections of automation like upgrading ships
you can also have a yes/no prompt
not a hard game to get into
Despite being too easy and dropping a lot of the choice from previous games in the series.
Any mods for Warband worth running? I didn't realize NW was a paid expansion.
I truly have found my people on Sup Forums
Your digits can't undo my truth. You should be working and making yourself valuable instead of playing video games and becoming a pussy
bro you are getting strung along and will stay at the same paygrade or +.15 cents for the next decade
start your own business you subhuman
camus was a manlet and you are a mental manlet
Kick The Jew
Up until a week ago I was manufacturing UAVs. Just got laid off.
Best Elder Scrolls game, every time I replay it I realize more and more how redpilled it is.
Underage b&
Oh wait, I'm just getting old.
Seriously, doom 1 and 2 ftw. Endless mods, so many possibilities. Try it.
You should check out the /vr/ thread. Always shit coming out of there.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Online
Nothing comes even close when it comes to trolling other players. I love griefing and insulting others in voice chat. I'm always saying the most offensive and racist things so people would get angry at me and try to kill me. I've had so many funny discussions which just cant happen in real life. Knowing country related insults from /pol is useful. People get so mad when you kill and insult them.
Pic related, it's my awesome 8,24 KD-ratio.
>No mention of dominions
Jrpgs,horror and shooters
atm im most excited about titanic honour and glory,ff7 remake and shemnue 3 and sonic mania
you could have at least mention some sport or hobby that makes you a more valuable person
instead you stated that you are a happy slave