>tfw you realize Sup Forums is the echo chamber to end all echo chambers
Why are there commie threads then?
Because OP is not only a fag but a fucking leaf as well
It is now, but it wasn't always like that. the_donald memeboys came and didn't realize this is a place of orderly criticism and political discussion, along with a few memes ever now and then. Now it's an eco chamber and if you criticize God Emperor in anyway you get 8 replies saying "lulz u r shill for openion xD"
I voted for hillary
Fuck Trump and fuck white people
Mongolian goat herders are the true master race and the earth is cube shaped
If I am banned and my post is deleted, you may be on to something, but until then you're just a faggot, OP
Except that lefty posts get the most (You)s, and therefore the most attention
Also, in political compass threads a good 1/3 of the people who post are lefties
In conclusion, the only thing we really all agree on is that leaves deserve to die. Please do us all a favor and leave this board permanently.
>accuses board of not allowing opinions opposing the norm of the board.
>Posts opposing opinions.
Nigga you played yourself.
>tfw you realize echo chamber was sustained by people who were paid as part of a psyops program
does someone have the "hurtbox" one
one of us, one of us, one of us
> Sup Forums agrees on everything on the time
I'll give you a quick rundown then kid
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
>I don't know what an echo chamber is
Neck yourself Canada
No cunt, it's not the leaves alone, its the hordes of redditors who act like politically correct privileged white males in the Sup Forums equivalent to stormfront. Many redditors are leaves and US posters so there could be correlation with that as well. All in all, gas the normalniggers, abnormal war now.
>tfw the echo chamber sustains is actually a group mind that slowly gain strength and is fed to it's followers, by it's followers
You're all MY echo chamber
stop this meme
True anonymous boards always devolve into the truth, because the social pressures and taboos disappear and people are free to construct whatever argument they want. What your seeing is not an echo chamber, but the nature of reality, as the best arguments are re-circulated and the non-arguments lost to the dregs of the board. Is there a bias here because you really can't talk about extreme right wing ideas anywhere else without social pressures? Probably, but if they were truly a bad idea they would not be re-circulated and the people posting those ideas would be BTFO on a constant basis and left wing thinking would become the norm. An example is the Commie/Leftie General threads, there is no danger of them spreading their ideology here even if they keep spamming threads because the ideas in them most people find logical contradictions with. The truth comes most frequently when people are not afraid to speak their minds.
That's why I hate pol
Kys r9k
>anonymous message board with almost no rules
>echo chamber
Pick one.
got his book. it's great
>Sup Forums is the echo chamber that echo'd so loud it broke the other chambers
I hope you die of brain cancer you newfag. get redpilled or get out.
Not true, lefties are welcome to post any evidence for why their way is best, and they are free to defend it's legitimacy.
Unlike most places online where right wing info gets deleted by mods for being insensitive or whatever bullshit excuse they come up with.
There are 50 >DRUMPF and other such threads a day. Just because most people here aren't slobbering all over Obama's knob doesn't make this an echo chamber.
Outsiders baiting get tens of replies exactly because it's an echo chamber. Commies are the only people Sup Forums is able to beat in debate because they are just as or more insane.
> An echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system. Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views are censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented.
I didn't claim Sup Forums is similar to tumblr or reddit.
Sup Forums has a clear slant towards the right with many people taking extreme ideologies
This assumes that people are equally represented across all ideologies arguing their case and even more stupider of an assumption that people willingly change their ideology.
>less than 50
>bad thing
this is a global site, allowed to be used in almost any country, you know that right? not everyone cares about trump. there should be 3 trump general posts in a day, no more. one in the morning, one in noon, one in night. It pains me to think trump generals might go on for another 8 fucking years.
People change their ideology all the time lol. If they didn't we would have the same ruling party for decades.
>tfw you realize Sup Forums is the echo chamber to end all echo chambers
>Sup Forums is the echo chamber to end all echo chambers
>echo chamber to end all echo chambers
>end all echo chambers
>echo chambers
>50 >
>less than
There's literally nothing stopping you from posting your dumb leftycuck opinions except for your hurt feelings when you get called a dumb faggot leaf for it. It happens all of the time.
The only point in using "echo chamber" in a derogatory sense is to imply that someone hasn't been properly exposed to conflicting ideas. That's not the case here. We see your dumb bullshit all around us on a constant basis and lefties come here to argue, too. We just firmly reject it your ideology. Now go sit in the corner, you dumb fucking leaf.
Op doesnt ever speak to people in real life.
I wasn't saying less than fifty. I was using meme arrows. It just doesn't greentext unless it's at the start of a line.
Totally bullshit. People chose politics like they choose everything based on emotion.
> An echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system
Are you denying that this is a hard right echo chamber?
People here espouse faulty economics
pseudo-science of all kinds
mass conspiracy theories
Got you
>inside a defined system
You don't get it.
Sup Forums literally cannot be an echo chamber because there are no rules, no way to enforce a narrative.
>posting things I don't like means it's an echo chamber
Do you realize how stupid you sound?
>Are you denying that this is a hard right echo chamber?
No, I'm questioning your motivations for pointing it out. It's an anonymous imageboard and anyone can post their opinions as long as it's within a pretty lax set of rules. Are we supposed to change our opinions just because you want us to? It just seems like butthurt.
>People here espouse faulty economics
Macro-economics is barely a hard science.
>pseudo-science of all kinds
Sure. It's within the rules to express opinions that are wrong or scientificaly untrue. I would hazard to guess that what you consider pseudo-science isn't verifiably so in many cases, though.
>mass conspiracy theories
All kinds of people believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories, both on the right and the left. Call them idiots. Post contrary information that goes against their narrative. Nobody will stop you.
>being deleted or ignored for having an opinion that differs from the group
This is bad, and doesn't promote rational discourse.
>being ganged up on by several ferverent posters with varying levels of intelligence for having an opinion that differs from the group
This is somehow better?
Both are fucked, and aren't a good way to talk to each other.
except gas chambers
Yet narratives exist here. Racial hate is one of many examples.
It's a free forum but the posters are heavily skewed to a particular demographic.
>implying that's a bad thing
Anyone can post here, there is no membership, no requirements.
Posters are not skewed toward any demographic.
>not using your red pills to your knowledge and personally benefiting it
true that you have to suppress your power level but you can slowly redpill your friends and family over time until they agree with you. All you gotta do is learn some persuasion from based dilbertman. Instead of dropping red pills out of the blue start with "I totally believe this but don't you think this might have a bit of a valid point for this reason?" Then slowly it just becomes "fuck jews"
By replying to a leaf post
>what is shitposting?
>People here espouse faulty economics
>pseudo-science of all kinds
>mass conspiracy theories
Why don't you just call people out and re-education them then? You are quite free to do this
>Racial hate is one of many examples.
I see plenty of racial threads where posters carefully separate black people from Niggers.
Deep stormfront is not well tolerated here imho.
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
>complaining about a narrative on a forum with no way to enforce a narrative
No, it's a container mentioned board and people from other viewpoints come in here all the time. Like you.
Fuck autocorrect. *CONTAINMENT BOARD*
How? it's anonymous and we have all kinds of drive by attacks on our ideas.
Anyway, not every here is right. I fall more onto the leftie side of politics but I fucking hate current lefties and their progressive hard on they have. I just want the gubbinment to fuck off out of my life but instead you get them shoving trans and other fags down your throat. So thats why I support the more right wing people in politics
There are no hard moderate rules but you can not deny that there is a board culture that therefore attracts certain people which will enforce the echo chamber.
Not an argument.
>Are we supposed to change our opinions just because you want us to? It just seems like butthurt.
I think this board functions as some kind of organic propaganda forum circulating tons of garbage.
>>People here espouse faulty economics
Macro-economics is barely a hard science.
I didn't claim it a hard science. That does't change the fact that people here push things that are entirely discredited by real economists. Who's more likely to be right profesionals actually held accountable for being correct or arm-chair hobby economists?
>I would hazard to guess that what you consider pseudo-science isn't verifiably so in many cases, though
anti-climate change and "scientific" racism are both propagated here using misleading info-graphs that cherry pick and misrepresent things from legitimate science while heavily focusing on stuff from discredited pseudo-scientists.
Do you seriously beleive that this forum is not overwhelmingly male, "white", and right leaning?
I am going to try to.
>people don't form a cohesive culture
People that don't fit in don't stick around.
I'm starting to think their general sentiment with social issues might be right but they are trying to push it way too fast. You can't brute force the cultural shift like that without having a major reaction.
>Do you seriously beleive that this forum is not overwhelmingly male, "white", and right leaning?
america is 56% white and make up most of the posters on this board, so no
>tfw Obummer leaf has finally snapped
Reddit is your home, and its calling.
What are you going on about Sup Forums has always supported Trump
It's really not because the censorship mechanisms are comparatively weak compared to other sites.
It's still an echo chamber yes, and Sup Forums encourages more aggressive, low effort, and provocative posts. It also encourages memes and copypasta in that they're the only thoughts that can really survive the bump limit on this website.
Still every other website of comparable size is more aggressively censored, either by moderators or other users.
Fuck off no one gives a fuck if you "try" and change some of these idiots opinions or thoughts.
Most of the fucks on here like faggots, Traps and "Based" niggers will you change that shit as well, we can only hope.
so it's an echo chamber because you disagree with it. Pic related leaf.
You can't expect all opinions and ideologies to be equally popular in a place like this. Differing opinions get ganged up on mostly because they are presented poorly and using arguments that have been proved wrong time after time.
We consist mostly of people who experience the world through rational thought instead of feeling. Were our demographic more balanced, the pool of opinions perceived as reasonable would be more diverse too.
>People that don't fit in don't stick around.
People that lack the intelligence and/or intellectual toughness to fight for their ideals leave.
And of what use is that sort of person?
You'd be surprised at how diverse and multicultural Sup Forums actually is.
No, right leaning whites, despite being across the world with several different ethnicities is not diverse enough. We are talking to Trudeau after all, board has to be BLACKED.
>I think this board functions as some kind of organic propaganda forum circulating tons of garbage.
Do you consider this to be some sort of revelation? The difference I've found between Sup Forums and places like r/politics is that at least some people here admit that they're just biased and self-interested whereas on the left people generally seem to believe that their ideolodical leanings make them a paragon of moral virtue. My belief is that the basis of morality is self-interest, and that people who pretend to be truly selfless are nothing more than delusional fools, or worse, charlatans.
>I didn't claim it a hard science. That does't change the fact that people here push things that are entirely discredited by real economists. Who's more likely to be right profesionals actually held accountable for being correct or arm-chair hobby economists?
Professional economists are only held accountable to the degree that their peers are willing to rebuke them. People like Paul Krugman have made so many predictions that never came to fruition, yet still manage to find plenty of work. I'm not claiming to know more than someone who's worked in the field their entire lives, but I am saying that deferring to "experts" instead of considering alternatives hardly makes you any better than people who believe in fringe ideas. A great many economists have ideological inclinations that drive their research instead of letting data be what it may.
>anti-climate change and "scientific" racism are both propagated here using misleading info-graphs that cherry pick and misrepresent things from legitimate science while heavily focusing on stuff from discredited pseudo-scientists.
This is true but there are legitimate criticisms about mainstream ideas on these subjects to be had. I'll elaborate further if you'd like.
No. 90%+ of the time you are correct. But somewhere between 1% and 10% the time between the porn and shit posts a gem is found here. These few and far between posts and threads, that happen when it is not summer, or between raids are amazing.
You have to hang around & tolerate the BS to see these things. Then you never leave.
>No. 90%+ of the time you are correct. But somewhere between 1% and 10% the time between the porn and shit posts a gem is found here.
That shit is getting rare around here if spotted it is usually a well crafted shitpost when it use to be just a well crafted post.
Oh hun, darling listen, the holocaust never happened, but I wish it did sweetie
Oh honey pie, can't you see that I want to become the next big meme?? C'mon now, sugar.
oh sweetie I'm not masking my blasted ass behind this veneer of snide dismissal, honey, I'm just really mature and level-headed darling that's why I reply to every single one of your tweets, sugar I'm really not all that upset over your rise to the presidency
You're right, it is. We should learn to accept a multitude of different opinions here - monarchist, libertarian, authoritarian, nat soc, whatever you are.
And if you're a leftist, we'll tell you why you're wrong.
We should believe in the strength of our ideas and be capable of defending them with rational argument.
If we do not do this then we are no better than insane leftists.
Quality seems to move in cycles. Beyond just the cycles of summer. It is just a matter of getting the right number of bored and smart eyeballs posting to the same thread at the same time.
If you get too many the threads hit their bump limit. Its a balance. Moot has got to be the guy with the most understanding of this sort of thing as he probably watched the statistics in realtime. Guess that is why google hired him.
There also seems to be something about the seeding of an idea. Something has to have been discussed or banded around before so people are primed with ideas (call them proto-memes) before the really spectacular threads happen.
But it seems to be a totally organic process.
Have you sorted yourself out, user?
>If we do not do this then we are no better than insane leftists.
This is retarded shit to be honest,user.
And it has been posted here more times than digits have been gotten.
The biggest difference would be it's not liek you have a lot of options to go be the ring wing faggot you are online or irl for that matter but being a leftest faggot is not only acceptable every where else it's the fucking norm and they would gladly run you the fuck off from those places leaving you no where to go.
But feel free to argue with them never let them feel like they have a place here.
The biggest problem is most of those really smart people who like to get into deep discussion on topics have left because of the influx of the retarded and "Muh Shitposts and (you)s" crowd.
I believe most of the people here have no desire to think hard about any subject and most are actively trying to ruin this place and make it just pure shit.
It's not really. Sup Forums exposed themselves to leftist websites, media, memes, Twitter celebrities, etc much more than the leftists do. Not a day went by during the election without some user discussing some Huffpost, Occupy Democrats, or Salon postings. You also have people from every country in the world posting here and having discourse.
actually it's the opposite you leaf fuck
Sup Forums is incredibly easy to post on and inject a minority opinion that disrupts any current echo chamberness
what people fail to realize is that actual leftists are total fucking normies irl that want nothing to do with anonymous imageboards in north vietnam. that post traps constantly. The board never gets significantly diversified by leftist normalfags and so stagnates with fashy goy ideology and esoteric memes
Maybe that was Sup Forums's destiny all along. The fact that Sup Forums is an echo chamber to a certain degree doesn't mean that our views are dogmatic. We tell newfags to lurk moar because if every time someone is significantly behind most of us in the redpilling process we have to explain them everything, it would starve out all new discussion. We are where we are politically because of the things we've learned while keeping eyes opened. Not to say that Sup Forums is right in literally everything. It is good to constantly subject your own world view to scrutiny.
I could see if being an echo chamber if it was the same shitty stormfag articles over and over but it's more diverse. Leftists forums never spend as much time trying to understand the other side like/pol/ does
Everybody seeks out their own echo chambers because everyone wants their beliefs confirmed.
Everyone is dogmatic.
No. Maybe I should but Jordan had many jobs before he became a psychologist - he mentions on his website all the weird and wacky things he's done.
Therefore I am following what he does, rather than what he says. I'm allowing myself a bit of freedom in life to experiment like he did. I'll only commit to something and do the things he says (write down your life plan) when I'm good and ready.
He's a fucking genius though. I keep watching his appearances on TVO shows where he just schools all these beta cucks. It's amazing.
>The biggest difference would be it's not liek you have a lot of options to go be the ring wing faggot you are online or irl for that matter but being a leftest faggot is not only acceptable every where else it's the fucking norm and they would gladly run you the fuck off from those places leaving you no where to go.
>But feel free to argue with them never let them feel like they have a place here.
Yeah I see your point. It's good that we have a space here that's unaffected by leftist drivel.
Okay, in which case we should accept the different positions on the right that we all have. As I mentioned, there are monarchists, libertarians, nat socs, authoritarian conservatives, etc.
We should be able to discuss these positions rationally without somebody going "LOL KEK FAGGOT IF YOU'RE NOT A NATSOC YOU'RE A KEK". If natsoc really is the best then it should be able to stand on the strength of its ideas.
>Leftists forums never spend as much time trying to understand the other side like/pol/ does
Very good point. They spend ZERO time. Because they are fucking morons.
The left used to have smart people but they all left when this trendy authoritarian SJWism started.
I just think this is part of the cycle. People are leaving and coming back continuously. It is just random when a thread pops up that strikes the interest of a critical mass.
Then that good thread encourages a positive feedback loop that leads to say a massive year long pro-trump meme orgy.
Not to mention maybe even the smart / deep discussion people are shit posters as well on most days, or their off days.
This is just a Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum, after all. I don't think people walk around their day to day thinking about their next epic shit-post, unless they are 'special'.
Can a good meme be forced? I don't think so.
This echo chamber has a sense of humor because I can't hold my sides in place.
I don't know how many times I visited Huffpost or some other libshit FB page to step into their minds. Maybe I'm a masochist. Maybe we all are
That does not make it an echo chamber. Just because racial hate has become accepted there are still faggots who argue against it every single fucking day. It never ends. The only reason most of us are racist is because they racists convinced the non racists through argument and constant btfo. I too was once btfo like you leaf. At first you will reject it until you learn the truth.
Hitler did nothing wrong you nigger
Not really, like half of the posts on here are openly antagonistic to the "hivemind". Then we individually attack these ideas, with data, personal experience etc. It leaves our ideology stronger, as we are constantly vetting it against our experiences, and hard data. A wrong idea here is eviscerated.
That is not an echo chamber. Not even really a hivemind
I'd agree with that If every post was serious but between 40% and 70% of the posts are satiric or baits
>no censorship
Bullshit I get banned every other week
Not an argument
Good post. We are constantly eviscerating ideology to get a more perfect grasp on reality
Quit posting cuck porn then.
>Can a good meme be forced? I don't think so.
No it can't but guess what the most forced shit ever gets posted a billion time a day now because some (you) hungry bastard thinks it "le epic".
Yeah I can see your point but you're asking a lot from high schoolers and the mentally retarded,user.
How? I can't go three post without seeing someone either playing devils advocate on some retarded ideology or someone actually advocating for that retardation.
Sup Forums is a place of ideological war. We never rest, never sleep, never eat. We just keep fuck going until we are shut down for a few months.