One shot at life

>one shot at life
>born a faggot

>Born gay

Good luck friendo

become bisexual

>tfw no bf

Sodomisers are a social construct

Damn! Whatever that is has a nice body.

>tfw virgin ass

>one shot at life

You're not born gay, you faggot. You developed a mental illness along the way. Everything about your existence is inside your head, you have the power to change every facet of your being... yet you choose to let other guys stick their dicks up your bumhole....

I love the smell of men, is that just in my head?

I love the smell of gasoline, doesn't mean I want to fuck it m8

homosexuality is a choice.

Obviously, you faggoty aboriginal.... I love the smell of brown butter sage sauce,, but i dont have queer relations with it...

I'm a 28 old manlet who never touched a woman in his life. I fucking wish I was gay

Homosexuality is a fetish, it's not a biological condition.

Go stick your dick in some pussy.

You live in a country where its legal to pay a bitch to fuck her... Come on Ahmed, man the fuck up.


so you get to have sex whenever you want, get sympathy from everyone, are respected and seen as heroic by everyone.
whats the problem. If I could chose to be gay right now I would.

At least you weren't born gay OP.

Don't worry. Pence will soon fix that very soon you'll be shocked

delet this

This woman doesn't turn you on at all?

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, user.

Don't worry, Mike Pence will end funding for Planned Parenthood and send the funds to faggot shock therapy.

would this work?

yeah it's going to be quite a jolt
>tfw slightly bi for traps
hope pence doesn't gas me

Disease and early death, most gays die at 50something

Literally every gay man has had sex with a woman. People have been gay for thousands of years.
Why dont you just do what they did and just marry a woman and have kids?

that's because they are promiscuous. if you're gay but don't bonk anything that moves, you won't have any abnormal problems.

You're a cuck gor giving a shit what a bunch of NEET fags on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum thinks

You realize that 'slightly bi for traps' is just code for 'faggot who loves to suck cocks' right?

go rape a refugee

as a straight guy I would happily die at 50 if I could get laid by hot girls whenever I want.
easy choice honestly.

>One shot at life
>Everything turns you on
>Inanimate objects
>Bathroom tile

Just kill me

>tfw no pol bf

Top kek 98 e10 is the best

>Thinks people are born sodomites.

yeah super rich people wish they were poor.
absolutely not true!
this is why feminism is dying, women are realizing how great it is to be women and the more they want to be like men the more unhappy they become.
Kind of stupid to have all of something and wish you didn't. read madame bovary or watch californication if your not in to reading. Women don't have to try to be happy, men have to work their whole lives just to not be miserable.

This. :/

i love the smell of napalm.

does this mean i was born to burn gooks??

She's smiling like Ms swan

Literally the most generic boring white girl I've ever laid eyes on.
