Any of you autists going to the inauguration?

Any of you autists come to support Emperor Trump as he takes office?

Pic related. Where I'm standing.

couldn't you at least leave the thighs on the qt

That crack

My gf, faggot

ok, i just said she's a qt and thought it was a random girl. it just seemed strange that you doodled over half the pic and I was being sarcastic about the thighs. I'm sorry if it was disrespectful.

Lets see her nudes

lets see some titties,faggot

>i'm sorry if it was disrespectful.
ayy lmao

Top tier autist.

Those are for me to see only, I'm no cuck.

girlfriend dresses like shit

was gonna, have class though. Would have been fun

that doodling over her entire body was autistic.

>Defending a coalburner
Shut the fuck up ape.

Don't want autists jerking to her. Like you know they will

BLACKED by no man

post her fat ass please, my raging erection is insatiable

>implying that's your gf
You know Mike electricutes fags, right?

Already finished. Meh.

Implying that I'm an autist or a faggot.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Can I get a knee cap?

that's what my first post intended to convey that either pol would try to dox or post her on /s or /b 5 mins later.
she looks tall, congratulations user
hope you two have a happy and successful life together

All you


Thanks and yeah, she's a normie, but redpilling her as we go along.

she that's a nice color combination (tan/mint) she's got great taste
she looks in shape too

show us her pussy or gtfo

tits and timestamp or fake

it's always better to have someone that moderates and relaxes you when 1488 gets more 88 than 14
loving and respecting her will be the fastest way to red pilling.