Trump will be assassinated

Trump will be assassinated

No he won't

when he turns 90 years old

Kek is truely not with you

Nah the SS are that good. this thing is gonna be more heavily guarded then anything i expect a few protesters to get curb stomped by DC police though.

God and KEK forbid.

If George Bush and Barack Obama weren't, then I have doubts about Trump.

If he's taken out, it won't be by some libtard, it'll be by (((you know who))).

No. Fuck off.

Kek disagrees

you will


Trump will assassinate the assassin

jews secretly like him, he should be worried about some butthurt mexican drug cartel killing him or some aloha snackbar muslim

>mfw obama is the anti-christ and reigns the US with an iron-fist

What would be the end-game for a Trump assassination plot?

Pence will just replace him and make things even more worse for the left and it will only prove how barbaric the left are.

There would be no endgame it would simply be a reactionary thing with no thought behind it. Basically a butt-blasted Liberal end result would be fucking Pence who no one fucking wants.

Civil war the second he's shot, universities, mosques, synagogues, and ghettos would all be burnt the fuck down. doesn't sound like a bad idea actually

Putin prevented assassination of him 5 times at least and so will Trump.

Sadly I could see this. Imagine the protests get to outta hand and a fed Sniper takes a shot on some protester. Or the liberals go on a rampage and burn half of DC.

All Civil Wars came from organized efforts. Nobody on the right is capable of organizing. The so called "alt-right" is a bunch of kids. The Republicans love the establishment too much to start a civil war. So who else?

Yeah, he would probably be a better martyr than a "do nothing" president. He kinda conned us and him dying for the cause would probably be a little better than him doing nothing for 8 fucking years.

Assassinations fail all the time.

You could be the queen of the gays.

Then it is war.

Calm down Alex jones

citizens in the street, average workers like you and me would go apeshit. Don't tell me that half of Sup Forums wouldn't get pitch forks and torches and start killing niggers dylan roof style. It wouldn't even be organized, just civil rebellions against (((them)))

I still don't see it though if he gets killed every Democrat and republican would condemn it. Govt would survive.

He's god's chosen man, he will not die

Democrats would be smug and laugh about it while republicans go actual 1488 mode. Most republicans are actually hardcore racists they just only talk about killing niggers around their families. Democrats would be scared as shit ad the south rises again to purge spics and niggers and go on a fucking crusade. Maybe thats an exaggeration but a war could very well happen if someone slips up.

Trump will inspire European elections and will change the west for good, going down as the best president the US has ever seen
Kek wills it.

Good. That's what one gets for betraying Kek, praising Israel instead and getting his dauguter KIKED.

OP is already dead

He conned us, wall will be a fence, only spics who have commited a felon will be sent back, and he will of course, just benefit wall street and (((them))).

I hope that both sides still have respect for the Constitution and everything that it stands for. If not then this country is far more gone than i thought it was.


wrong pic, ment to post

Trump is immortal

my doubles beg to differ faggot

chek'd for Donny

i like your confidence kid. youre going places.

chekt and rekt

Oh my. Thank you for this pepe


You better PRAY he doesn't.

but then Pence will be prez